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Network security is protection of the access

to files and directories in a computer

network against hacking, misuse and
unauthorized changes to the system. An
example of network security is an anti virus
Network security combines multiple layers of
defenses at the edge and in the network.
Each network security layer implements
policies and controls. Authorized users gain
access to network resources, but malicious
actors are blocked from carrying out exploits
and threats.
Digitization has transformed our world. How we
live, work, play, and learn have all changed. Every
organization that wants to deliver the services that
customers and employees demand must protect its
network. Network security also helps you protect
proprietary information from attack. Ultimately it
protects your reputation.
 The world today is a dangerous place for
 The Internet has given firms access to billions
of customers and other business partners
 But the Internet has also given criminals
access to hundreds of millions of
corporations and far more individuals

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 Wireless transmission has brought new
mobility but has also allowed attackers to
enter corporations stealthily…
◦ Bypassing firewalls designed to keep intruders from
coming in through the Internet

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 If companies are to be able to defend
themselves, they need an understanding of
the “threat environment”
 “Understanding the threat environment” is a
fancy way of saying “know your enemy.”
 Unless you understand the threats you face,
you cannot prepare for defense

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 Intentional Threats: Computer crimes are the
best examples of intentional threats, or when
someone purposely damages property or
information. Computer crimes include
espionage, identity theft, child pornography,
and credit card crime.
 Unintentional Threats: These threats basically
include the unauthorized or accidental
modification of software. i.e accidentally
deleted an important file, or tripped over a
power cord.
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The Threat Environment
The threat environment consists of
the types of attackers and attacks
that companies face

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 Security Goals
◦ Corporations and subgroups in corporations have
security goals – conditions that the security staff
wishes to achieve
◦ Three common core goals are referred to as CIA:
 Confidentiality
 Integrity
 Availability

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 Security Goals
◦ Confidentiality
 Confidentiality means that people cannot read
sensitive information, either while it is on a
computer or while it is traveling across a network.

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 Security Goals
◦ Integrity
 Integrity means that attackers cannot change or
destroy information, either while it is on a
computer or while it is traveling across a network.
 Or, at least, if information is changed or
destroyed, then the receiver can detect the
change or restore destroyed data.

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 Security Goals
◦ Availability
 Availability means that people who are authorized
to use information are not prevented from doing

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 Compromises
◦ Successful attacks
◦ Also called incidents
◦ Also called breaches (not breeches)

When a threat succeeds in causing harm to a

business, this is called an incident, breach, or

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Basic Security Terminology

In terms of a business process model, threats

push the business process away from meeting
one or more of its goals

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 Companies try to deter incidents (of course),
but they usually have to face several breaches
every year

Response to incidents is a critical skill

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 Countermeasures
◦ Tools used to thwart attacks
◦ Also called safeguards, protections, and controls
◦ Countermeasures can be technical, human, or a
mixture of the two

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 Three Types Of Countermeasures
◦ Preventative: keep attacks from succeeding. Most
controls are preventative
◦ Detective: identify when a threat is attacking, and
especially when it is succeeding. Fast detection can
minimize damage
◦ Corrective: get the business process back on track
after a compromise.

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The faster the business process can
get back on track, the more likely the
business process will be to meet its
 Cryptography: process of making and using
codes to secure transmission of information
• Encryption: converting original message into a
form unreadable by unauthorized individuals
• Cryptanalysis: process of obtaining original
message from encrypted message without
knowing algorithms
• Cryptology: science of encryption; combines
cryptography and cryptanalysis
• With emergence of technology, need for
encryption in information technology
environment greatly increased
• All popular Web browsers use built-in
encryption features for secure e-commerce
plaintext – information that can be directly read by
humans or a machine (this article is an example of
plaintext). It is associated with many formats
including music, movies and computer programs
ciphertext –information that is in Unreadable
format (encrypted data)
Cipher – the mathematics (or algorithm) responsible for
turning plaintext into ciphertext and reverting ciphertext to
plaintext (you might also see the word ‘code’ used – there is
a technical difference between the two but it need not
concern us now)
Encryption – the process of converting plaintext to
ciphertext (occasionally you may see it called ‘encipherment’)
Decryption – the process of reverting ciphertext to
plaintext (occasionally ‘decipherment’).
Plaintext can be encrypted through bit stream or
block cipher method
Bit stream: each plaintext bit transformed into
cipher bit one bit at a time
Block cipher: message divided into blocks (e.g.,
sets of 8- or 16-bit blocks) and each is
transformed into encrypted block of cipher bits
using algorithm and key

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