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Blended Learning

Transforming the Teaching and Learning

Today’s Objectives
 Discuss issues associated with the current state
of Blended Learning.
 You will be able to
– Define Blended learning.
– Recognise the context for Blended Learning.
– Reflect on your current blend of online and F2F
learning and consider some solutions.
How do
Based on the research…
Wiman, R. V. & Meierhenry, W. C. (Eds.). (1969). Educational media: Theory into practice. Columbus, OH: Merrill.

Almost 90% comes from

real applications of the
gained information
From another perspective…
That includes the different types of learners
What do you think
about growth of
online learning?
Online learning is gaining adoption
Substitution calculation indicates online learning is growing disruptively

50% of all high school

courses online by 2019
Growth of Online Learning in
PK-12 US Students
Millions of Students

15 10.07

10 4.58
2.53 1.7
5 2.91 2.94 2015
0.29 0.22 2010
Homeschooled Virtual Schools Online Charter Blended Learning
Source: Ambient Insight “The US Market for Self Paced
Learning Environment Products and Services: 2010-2015 Forecast and Analysis.”
The rise of K-12 blended learning
Definition of blended learning ????

A formal education program in which a student learns at least in part

through online learning, with some element of student control over
time, place, path and/or pace

“ a combination of face-to-face and online media, with "seat time"

significantly reduced.”
Richard Voos
(2004 -

1000100 The modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or
010101 subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience.
What is Blended Learning?

Blended Learning is not…
Blended Learning
Video 1
Blended Learning
Content access – flexible extension of time and access with the
Teacher contact – both face-to-face and online provide more
Teacher focus – provides opportunity for teachers to use online
curriculum for basic information and for extensions/review and
class time for higher order thinking activities
Teacher effectiveness – Teachers trained in online delivery are
more successful (based on the research)
Many Ways to Blend
Which way fits the best for our school?
Cavenaugh, C. (2009). Getting students more learning time online: distance Education in Support of Expanded Learning Time.
Emerging blended-learning models
Station Rotation Model
Blended Learning
Station Rotation Model
Aspire ERES Academy
Video 2
Lab Rotation Model
Flipped Classroom Model
Individual Rotation Model
Blended Learning
Video 3
Potential Benefits
Blended Learning
• Personalized instruction with adaptive software
• Rich data for teachers to support students
• Growth paths for faster students
• Freeing of teachers for deeper and more
meaningful learning
Blended Learning
• Limited research yet
• Many competing products
• Implementations often mean a mixture
of products
• Not all students can access from home
Challenges (cont.)
Blended Learning
• Full-on implementation requires
rethinking of the structure of
• Lots of hype around blended
learning that needs to be filtered
The talk…

Where are

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