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Anaerobic Solid State

Chen, 2013
Biology and Physics Basis of Anaerobic Solid-
State Fermentation

The outstanding problems of the fermentation industry are still how to

comprehensively utilize resources; solve the problems of grain saving, energy
saving, water saving, and environmental pollution; and realize clean production.

Anaerobic solid-state fermentation has the unique advantages in that it is water

saving and energy saving and protects the environment
Similarities and Differences of Anaerobic and
Aerobic Solid-State Fermentation

Factor Aerobic Anaerobic

Microorganism Most aerobic bacteria Anaerob obligate or
facultative microorganism
Fermentation time Short Long
Rate growth of Fast Slow
Ventilation of oxygen Need No need
Application Enzymes, antibiotic, etc Liquor, biogas, fuel
Biological Basis of Anaerobic Solid-State

 Facultative Anaerob
Able to grow and reproduce in an aerobic or anaerobic environment.
Ex : Yeast , E.coli

 Obligate Anaerob
Obligate anaerobes can only survive in the environment without the presence of free

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