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Survey of Race Condition

Analysis Techniques

Team Extremely Awesome

Nels Beckman

Project Presentation
17-654: Analysis of Software Artifacts

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 1

Spring 2006
A Goal-Based Literature Search
• This semester we explored many
fundamental style of software analysis.
• How might each one be applied to the
same goal?
• (Finding race conditions)
• Purpose:
• Analyze strengths of different analysis
styles normalized to one defect type.
• See how you might decide amongst
different techniques on a real project.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 2

Spring 2006
What is a Race Condition?
• One Definition:
• “A race occurs when two threads can
access (read or write) a data variable
simultaneously and at least one of the two
accesses is a write.” (Henzinger 04)
• Note:
• Locks not specifically mentioned.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 3

Spring 2006
Why Race Conditions?
• Race conditions are insidious bugs:
• Can corrupt memory.
• Often not detected until later in execution.
• Appearance is non-deterministic.
• Difficult to reason about the interaction of
multiple threads.
• My intuition?
• It should be relatively easy to ensure that I
am at least locking properly.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 4

Spring 2006
But First: Locking Discipline
• Mutual Exclusion Locking Discipline
• A programing discipline that will ensure an
absence of race conditions.
• Requires a lock be held on every access to
a shared variable.
• Not the only way to achieve freedom
from races!
• See example, next slide.
• Some tools check MLD, not race safety.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 5

Spring 2006
Example: (Yu '05)

t u v

t:Lock(a) u:Lock(a)
t:Write(x) u:Write(x)
t:Unlock(a) u:Unlock(a)
t:Lock(a) v:Lock(a)
t:Write(x) v:Write(x)
t:Unlock(a) v:Unlock(a)

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 6

Spring 2006
Four Broad Analysis Types
• Type-Based Race Prevention
• Languages that cannot express “racy”
• Dynamic Race Detectors
• Using instrumented code to detect races.
• Model-Checkers
• Searching for reachable race states.
• Flow-Based Race Detectors
• Of the style seen in this course.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 7

Spring 2006
Dimensions of Comparison
• Ease of Use
• Annotations
• What is the associated burden with annotating the code?
• Expression
• Does tools restrict my ability to say what I want?
• Scalability
• Could this tool legitamately claim to work on a large code
• Soundness
• What level of assurance is provided?
• Precision
• Can I have confidence in the results?

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 8

Spring 2006
Type-Based Race Prevention
• Goal:
• To prevent race conditions using the
language itself.
• Method:
• Encode locking discipline into language.
• Relate shared state and the locks that
protect them.
• Use typing annotations.
• Recall ownership types; this will seem

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 9

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• To give a better feel, let's look at
• Other type-based systems are very similar.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 10

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This lock protects this variable.”

int*l p1 = new 42;

int*loc p2 = new 43;

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 11

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This lock protects this variable.”

int*l p1 = new 42;

int*loc p2 = new 43;

Declares a variable of type “an integer

protected by the lock named l.”

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 12

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This lock protects this variable.”

int*l p1 = new 42;

int*loc p2 = new 43;

(loc is a special lock name. It means this

variable is never shared.)

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 13

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This is a new lock.”

let lk<l> = newlock();

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 14

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This is a new lock.”

let lk<l> = newlock();

Variable name

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 15

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This is a new lock.”

let lk<l> = newlock();

Lock type name

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 16

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This function should only be called when in
posession of this lock.”

void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{l}) {

// blah blah

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 17

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This function should only be called when in
posession of this lock.”

void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{l}) {

// blah blah
This can be ignored for now...

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 18

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This function should only be called when in
posession of this lock.”

void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{l}) {

// blah blah
When passed an int whose protection lock
is l...

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 19

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
• Things we want to express:
• “This function should only be called when in
posession of this lock.”

void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{l}) {

// blah blah
The caller must already possess lock l...

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 20

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{l}) {
*p = *p + 1;
void inc2<l:LU>(lock_t<l> plk, int*l p;{}) {
sync(plk) { inc(p); }
void f(;{}) {
let lk<l> = newlock();
int*l p1 = new 42;
int*loc p2 = new 43;
inc2(lk, p1);
inc2(nonlock, p2);

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 21

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{l}) {
*p = *p + 1;
void inc2<l:LU>(lock_t<l> plk, int*l p;{}) {
sync(plk) { inc(p); }
void f(;{}) { It would be a type error
let lk<l> = newlock();
to call inc without
possessing the lock for
int*l p1 = new 42; the first argument.
int*loc p2 = new 43;
inc2(lk, p1);
inc2(nonlock, p2);

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 22

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{}) {
*p = *p + 1;
void inc2<l:LU>(lock_t<l> plk, int*l p;{}) {
sync(plk) { inc(p); }
void f(;{}) { Imagine if the effects
let lk<l> = newlock();
clause were empty...
int*l p1 = new 42;
int*loc p2 = new 43;
inc2(lk, p1);
inc2(nonlock, p2);

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 23

Spring 2006
Example: Race-Free Cyclone
void inc<l:LU>(int*l p;{}) {
*p = *p + 1;
void inc2<l:LU>(lock_t<l> plk, int*l p;{}) {
sync(plk) { inc(p); }
void f(;{}) { A dereference would also
let lk<l> = newlock();
signal a compiler error,
since it is unprotected.
int*l p1 = new 42;
int*loc p2 = new 43;
inc2(lk, p1);
inc2(nonlock, p2);

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 24

Spring 2006
Type-Based Race Prevention
• Positives:
• Soundness
• Programs are race-free by construction.
• Familiarity
• Languages are usually based on well-known languages.
• Locking discipline is a very common paradigm.
• Relatively Expressive
• These type systems have been integrated with
polymorphism, object migration.
• Classes can be parameterized by different locks
• Types Can Often be Inferred
• Intra-procedural (thanks to effects clauses)

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Spring 2006
Type-Based Race Prevention
• Negatives:
• Restrictive:
• Not all race-free programs are legal.
• e.g. Object initialization, other forms of
syncrhonization (fork/join, etc.).
• Annotation Burden:
• Lots of annotations to write, even for non-
shared data.
• Especially to make more complicate features,
like polymorphism, work.
• Another Language

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 26

Spring 2006
Type-Based Race Prevention
• Open Research Questions:
• Reduce Restrictions as Much as Possible
• Initialization phase
• Subclassing without run-time checks in OO
• Encoding of thread starts and stops
• Remove annotations for non-threaded code

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 27

Spring 2006
Type-Based Race Prevention
• Open Research Questions:
• Personally, sceptical that inference can
improve a whole lot.
• Programmer intent still must be specified
somehow in locking discipline.
• But escape analysis could infer thread-locals.

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Spring 2006
Dynamic Race Detectors
• Find race conditions by:
• Instrumenting the source code.
• Running lockset and happens-before
• Lockset has no false-negatives.
• Happens-before has no false positives.
• Instrumented source code will be
represented by us.
• We see all (inside the program)!

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Spring 2006
Lockset Analysis
• Imagine we’re watching the program

marbury = 5;
madison = 5;

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Spring 2006
Lockset Analysis
• Whenever a lock is acquired, add that to
the set of “held locks.”

... Held
roe = 5; Locks:
wade = 5; my_objec
synchronize(my_object) { t
... (0x34EFF

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 31

Spring 2006
Lockset Analysis
• Likewise, remove locks when they are

brown = 43;
board = “yes”; Held
} // end synch Locks:

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 32

Spring 2006
Lockset Analysis
• The first time a variable is accessed, set its
“candidate set” to be the set of held locks.

Set: Held
rob_fros Locks:
t lock1
rob_frost = false; (0xFFFF0
(0xFFFF0 1)
1) lock2
(0xFFFF0 (0xFFFF08)

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 33

Spring 2006
Lockset Analysis
• The next time that variable is accessed, take
the intersection of the candidate set and the
set of currently held locks…
rob_fros Held
t Locks:
∩ lock1
if(!rob_frost) {
(0xFFFF0 (0xABFF4
1) 4)

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 34

Spring 2006
Lockset Analysis
• If the intersection is empty, flag a
potential race condition!
rob_fros Held
t Locks:
∩ lock1
if(!rob_frost) {
(0xFFFF0 (0xABFF4
1) 4)

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 35

Spring 2006
Happens-Before Analysis
• More complicated.
• Intuition:
• Certain operations define an ordering
between operations of threads.
• Establish thread counters to create a partial
• When a variable access occurs that can’t
establish itself as being ‘after’ the previous
one, we have detected an actual race.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 36

Spring 2006
Happens-Before on our Example
t u
1 t:Fork(u)

t:Lock(a) u:Lock(a)
t:Write(x) 1
2 t:Unlock(a) u:Unlock(a)


Analysis of Software Artifacts - 37

Spring 2006
Happens-Before on our Example
t u
1 t:Fork(u)

t:Lock(a) u:Lock(a)
t:Write(x) 1
2 t:Unlock(a) u:Unlock(a)


Clock value.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 38

Spring 2006
Happens-Before on our Example
t u
1 t:Fork(u)

t:Lock(a) u:Lock(a)
t:Write(x) 1
2 t:Unlock(a) u:Unlock(a)

t:Write(x) x:
t:Fork(v) u-1
Each variable stores the thread clock value for the
most recent access of each thread.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 39

Spring 2006
Happens-Before on our Example
t u
1 t:Fork(u)

t:Lock(a) u:Lock(a)
t:Write(x) 1
2 t:Unlock(a) u:Unlock(a)

t:Write(x) t: x:
t:Fork(v) self-2 u-1
u-1 t-2
Also, threads learn about and store the clock values
of other threads through synchronization activities.

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Spring 2006
Happens-Before on our Example
t u
1 t:Fork(u)

t:Lock(a) 1
t:Write(x) …
2 t:Unlock(a) 32

t:Write(x) t: x:
t:Fork(v) self-2 u-32
u-32 t-2
If u were to go off, incrementing its count and
accessing variables, t would find out after the join.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 41

Spring 2006
Happens-Before on our Example
t When an access does occur, it is a requirement that:
for each previous thread access of x:
t’s knowledge of that thread’s time

x’s knowledge of that thread’s time

t:Write(x) t: x:
t:Fork(v) self-2 u-32
u-32 t-2

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 42

Spring 2006
So, combining the two…
• Modern dynamic race detectors use both
• Lockset analysis will detect any violation of
locking discipline.
• This means we will get plenty of false positives
when strict locking discipline is not followed.
• Simple requires less memory and fewer cycles.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 43

Spring 2006
So, combining the two…
• Modern dynamic race detectors use both
• Happens-Before will report actual race
conditions that were detected.
• Extremely path sensitive.
• No false positives!
• False negatives can be a problem.
• High memory and CPU overhead.
• As we have seen, happens-before does not
merely enforce locking discipline.
• Works when threads are ‘ordered.’

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 44

Spring 2006
So, combining the two…
• Performance-wise:
• Use lockset, then switch to happens-before
for variables where a race is detected.
• Of course this is dynamic! No guarantee or
• Similarly, modify detection granularity at

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 45

Spring 2006
Future Research
• Use static tools to limit search space
• We can soundly approximate every location
where race might occur.
• Performance improvements
• Could be used for in-field monitoring.
• Improve chances of HB hitting?

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 46

Spring 2006
Model-Checking for Race Conditons
• The Art of Model Checking
• Develop a model of your software system
that can be completely explored to find
reachable error states

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 47

Spring 2006
Model-Checking for Race Conditons
• Normally, scope of model determines
whether or not model checking is
• Detailed model – Model checking takes
• Simple model – Must be detailed enough to
capture principles of interest.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 48

Spring 2006
Model-Checking for Race Conditons
• Model-checking concurrent programs is
quite a challenge
• Take a large state space
• Add all possible thread interleavings
• Result – Very large state space
• Details of specific models would be too
muc to go into

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 49

Spring 2006
Model-Checking for Race Conditons
• Strategies:
• Persistent Sets
• Eliminate pointless thread interleavings
• Sometimes known as partial order reduction
• Contexts
• Represent every other thread with one abstract
state machine.
• Like CEGAR, only refine as much as needed.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 50

Spring 2006
Model-Checking for Race Conditons
• Ease of use?
• Annotations
• None
• Expression
• Some tools use model-checking to implement
lockset which does not allow much expression.
• Others allow us to find actual race conditions!
• Scalability
• A Question Mark: Is the state space small
• Previous tools using partial order reduction
have been used on large software, not for races
Analysis of Software Artifacts - 51
Spring 2006
Model-Checking for Race Conditons
• Soundness?
• Yes, model-checking in this manner is
sound, as long as it terminates.
• Precision?
• Depends on how your model is used.
• In one model lockset analysis is used. Tends to
be imprecise.
• Another model directly searches for “racy”
states, which makes it very precise, but it
doesn't yet work in the presence of aliasing.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 52

Spring 2006
Good 'ole Flow-Based Analysis
• Has been approached in a few ways
• Engineering Approach
• Sacrifice Soundness
• Increase Precision as Much as Possible
• Rank Results
• Use Heuristics and Good Judgement
• Think of PREfix or Coverity
• Rely on Alias Analysis
• Rely on Programmer Annotations

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 53

Spring 2006
Good 'ole Flow-Based Analysis
• Engineering Approach:
• Start with interprocedural lockset analysis
• Make simple improvements:
• “use statistical analysis to computer the
probability that s ... similar to known locks.”
• “realize that the first, last or only shared data in
a critical section are special.”
• “if the number of distinct entry locksets in a
function exceeds a fixed limit we skip the
• (Engler ’03)

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 54

Spring 2006
Many Benefits
• Ease of Use?
• Annotations
• None or a constant number that give immidiate
precision improvements.
• Expression
• Non-lock based idioms are 'hard-coded' by
• Scalability
• More than any other.
• Linux, FreeBSD, Commercial OS
• 1.8MLOC in 2-14 minutes

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 55

Spring 2006
Many Benefits
• Soundness?
• Not sound in a few specific ways.
• Ability to detect some false negative.
• Precision?
• Fewer false positives than traditional
lockset tools.
• ~6 when run on Linux 2.5.
• 10s, 100s, 1000s in other static tools on
smaller applications.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 56

Spring 2006
Other Flow-Based Tools
• Some Rely on Alias Analysis
• Limited by Current State-of-the-Art
• Still Many False Positives
• May not Scale
• Some Rely on Programmer Annotations
to distinguish all the hard cases
• May impose programmer burden

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Spring 2006
So, Let’s Do a Final Comparison…

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Spring 2006
• Type-Based Systems
• Annotations are a major limiting factor.
They can be inferred, but they must be
understood by the programmer.
• Dynamic Tools
• Unnecessary
• Model-Checking
• Unnecessary
• Flow-Based Analysis
• Necessary in some form or another

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 59

Spring 2006
• Type-Based Systems
• Limited to strict locking discipline.
• Dynamic Tools
• Thanks to combination of lockset and happens-
before, relative freedom.
• Model-Checking
• Can allow great expression (Depends on
• Flow-Based Analysis
• Expression can be traded for soundness or

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 60

Spring 2006
• Type-Based Systems
• Scalability Limited by Annotations
• Dynamic Tools
• Getting better, but performance still a major
issue (1-3x mem. Usage, 1.5x CPU usage)
• Model-Checking
• Not extremely scalable. Depends highly on
number of processes.
• Flow-Based Analysis
• Has shown the best scalability.

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 61

Spring 2006
• Type-Based Systems
• Sound
• Dynamic Tools
• Fundamentally unsound; but lockset will
catch most possible races in execution.
• Model-Checking
• Also sound. May not terminate.
• Flow-Based Analysis
• Different techniques trade soundness for

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 62

Spring 2006
• Type-Based Systems
• Low precision. Strict MLD.
• Dynamic Tools
• Better precision.
• Model-Checking
• Can be very high. Not complete
(undecidability of reachability).
• Flow-Based Analysis
• High precision using an engineering

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 63

Spring 2006

Analysis of Software Artifacts - 64

Spring 2006

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