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Social stratification refers to the
hierarchical arrangement of groups
of people in , terms of criteria like
economic wealth, property, political
power, prestige and social honour.

 When human beings moved from the hunting and

gathering societies to the sedentary agricultural
societies, a variety of occupations developed that were
essential to the functioning of the society.
 It is felt that social stratification is necessary to
maintain social order.

 It refers to a process of placing a people in different

“strata” or “ layers”.
 The essence of social stratification is social inequality.
(with respect to status , income, privileges and
A stratified society represents a
ladder of hierarchy in which its
population is distributed.

 Fluid system of stratification(Open society)

In which there is a greater scope for movement up and down
the hierarchy.
Eg: Western society with its class stratification
 Rigid system of stratification(closed society)
In which the movement of strata is very rigid ,difficult and
Eg Indian caste system
Theories of Social Stratification

 Natural Superiority Theory

 Functionalist Theory

 Marxian Class Conflict Theory, and

 Weberian Multiple Hierarchies Theory

Social Mobility
It refers to the movement of
individual or group from one social
status to another

 The element of time is implicit in the phenomenon of

social mobility which is a movement, either upward or
downward, between higher and lower classes or, more
precisely, movement between one relatively lower
position to the subsequent higher one
Forms of Social Mobility

 There are mainly three forms of social mobility, namely

A. Vertical mobility,

B. Horizontal mobility and

C. Spatial mobility.
This type of mobility takes place
from lower stratum to higher
the transition of an individual or
social object from one social
group to another situated at the
same level.
Spatial Mobility
 Eg:
Spatial mobility refers to inter-
generational mobility which is an  Rural to urban
outcome of migration or shifting
of places
Education and Social stratification,
Social Mobility

 The education is the primary generator of social mobility

in any modern industrial society.
 The education is the main component in achieving a
status in the social class system, on the one hand, and
stratification system is the deciding factor in the
differential access to education, on the other hand.
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