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Website Architecture


The Oriental Residency
 URL preference and Canonicalization
 Robots.txt
 Navigation Structure
 Directory Structure
 Content
 Framesets or Frame
 URL Structure
 Coding
 Broken links
 Meta Tags
 Error Handling
 Sitemap
 Image Optimizations
 Java script and CSS

Website Architecture Report For 2

 Between 85% to 90% of all web site traffic comes from the search engines. Just because your
site is listed in the search engines won’t mean that your customers can find it. But only
“search engine optimization and positioning” strategies that are designed to give the
engines what they want and need in order to find your site among your competitors and other
sites related to your category.
 Search engine optimization and positioning is challenging process which is not a simple
matter of adding a few tags that contain your important keywords. It is an art-and a science of
applying creative techniques to an in-depth study of the search engines.
 A SEO Company is committed to meeting the search engine optimization & positioning
needs of your web site and proposes a campaign plan. Our goal will be to meet your seo
outsourcing needs thoroughly and professionally.
 Included within this proposal is a detailed Scope of Work outlining specific proposed activities
and fees for your review. The Scope of Work will include site optimization and allied web
promotion & development activities, SE-friendly content writing, and submission and tracking
to over all major and support Search Engines and Directories.
 On project completion your web site will be more accessible on the Internet in terms of Top
rankings for specific keywords across the major search engines.

Website Architecture Report For 3

Website Recommendations and Analysis
 Some basic analysis of your site and some recommendations which can be
implemented on the website
 The recommendation will help the site to gain visibility of the website in various
search engine positioning

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URL preference and Canonicalization
 Observations
• Home Page when accessed through different URLs are considered as different pages according to the
Search Engine spiders and the content is referred as duplicate.
• So even the following URL seems to be same to people they are different for Search Engine Spiders.

 Recommendations
• It is recommended to use single version of the site like
• 301 permanent redirects should be implemented to redirect all the other version of the page to a single
preferred URL.
• e.g.: should be redirected to
• Also all the online links should point to the same preferred URL (e.g.: )

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 Observations
It was observed that ROBOTS.Txt file was not present in the website at

 Recommendations
ROBOTS.Txt file are important to denote search engines which pages are to be crawled
and which pages are to be ignored. Minor changes in the ROBOTS.txt file will help us in
getting our images indexed by search engines.

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Navigation Structure
 Observations
• It was observed that the Site Navigation is search Engine Friendly.
• Most of the links are accessible as they have simple text navigation.
• Although some Text links were found at the bottom of the page.

 Recommendations
• Proper site navigation involves links to all the important or first level pages on home
page and subsequently link to all the internal pages from that first level pages.
• Text links with Anchor text are preferred for site navigation.

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Directory Structure
 Observations
• It was observed that the Directory structure of the site is search engine friendly as the
pages of the website are few and simple.

 Recommendations
• It is recommended to have all the important pages in the root folder so that the pages are
accessed by the Search Engine Crawlers easily.

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 Observations
• It was observed that the content on the Home Page is fine but not well optimized with
• The content on the page can be increased so as to achieve a proper balance between
the Flash image and the content.

 Recommendations
• As Far as possible the content should be placed at the top of the Page.
• Content is considered very important from the SEO point of view
• Also the content should be unique and should not be duplicate from any external site.

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Framesets or Frame
 Observations
• Frames are referred as an important search engine incompatible feature in a website.
• does not use frames or iframes, which is good from SEO
point of view as Search Engines do not indexed framed sites.

 Recommendations
• If frame set is to be used than <noframes> </noframes> tag is suggested to be used.

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URL Structure
 Observation
• It was observed that the Structure of URL is not search engine friendly as it is not
keyword rich

 Recommendation
• It is always recommended to have URL which is static and using keywords in it helps in
identifying proper categories and pages from the URL

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 Observations
• The code to text ratio is referred to as the ratio of the code to the text on a given page.
Search Engines and spiders use this ratio to calculate the relevance of the page.
• The Code to text ratio is low. For e.g.: ratio for is
-Web Page Size = 9544 Bytes (9 KB)
-Code Size = 7203 Bytes (7 KB)
-Text Size = 2341 Bytes (2 KB)
Code to Text ratio = 24.53%

 Recommendations
• The ratio of the code and the content should be proportionate. So reduce the code bloat
and use of scripts on each page wherever possible.
• Call the scripts and .css files externally rather than writing them in HTML code.
• Also if possible the more content should be added on the page which will help us in
improving the ratio.
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Broken links
 Observations
• Broken links disrupts the flow of the crawler so broken links should be avoided.
• There were no Broken link found on the home page.
• It was found that we have custom 404-error page but the page does not show any navigation.

 Recommendations
• The 404-error page should navigate to other pages on the site. This helps the spider stay and follow
other pages on site .
• Broken links should be avoided in future.
• For removing the or moving the old pages itt is recommended to use server side redirect i.e 301for
permanent redirect and 302 for temporary redirect.

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Meta Tags
 Observations
• It is observed that out of 10 Important pages.
• It was observed that the Title Meta Tags of all the pages are duplicate.

• It is recommended that all the pages have unique title and description in the Meta Tags.
• The length of Characters in Title should not exceed 65 characters.

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Error Handling
 Observations
• does not have any proper formed 404 error page.

 Recommendations
• The Error page should be customized strategically for the users and the spiders.
• The top selling products should be used on the page.
• One of the Examples how the 404 Error page
can be used:

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 Observations
• There was no sitemap found on the website

 Recommendations
• It is important to submit the XML sitemap to the Google according to the SEO point of
• Also the HTML sitemap is well formed with considering only the important first click

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Image Optimizations
 Observations
• It is observed that some images on the home page of does not
include a proper anchor text in them.
• The crawlers from the Search Engines do not crawl through the images.

 Recommendations
• The use of <Alt>tag along with proper anchor text should be used to describe the images.
• The use of these tags provide information about the image to the spiders.

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Page Speed
 Observations
• It was observed that the page load time is more than normal speed of website as the size
of the page is 9.32 KB(approx).

• Flash Objects,Javascripts, CSS and Images may be referred to as an important cause

which effects page speed

 Recommendations
• It is recommended to call all the Java Script and CSS files externally and enable various
compression methods for the images.

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Page Rank Sculpting
 Observation
• It was observed that all the links were given equal importance even though certain pages
of the site are less important and does not require search engines to crawl such pages.

 Recommendation
• It is recommended to add nofollow attribute to such links on the home page and other
important pages as it helps in saving the Page Rank and Link Juice from the important

Website Architecture Report For 19

Off Page Optimization
 Off page activities which can be performed to improve external popularity for can be as follows:
• Link Building
• Directory Submissions
• Classified Site Submissions
• Social Bookmarking
• Social Networking Activities
• Blogs Posting
• Forum Posting etc.

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General Statistics
 Pages Indexed
=> Google = 12
=> Yahoo = 8
=> Msn = 11

 Back links Indexed

=> Google = na
=> Yahoo = 2
=> Msn = 1

 Last Cached Data


Website Architecture Report For 21

Competitors Analysis
Website Pages Index Backlinks
Google Yahoo MSN Google Yahoo Msn
Theorientalresidency 12 8 11 Na 2 1

Tajhotels 2400 6314 4000 500 34142 2580

OrchidHotels 264 1036 1 20 987 2

Website Architecture Report For 22

Target Keywords
Keyw ords Search Volume
Hotels in Mumbai 90500
Hotel Mumbai 201000
Mumbai Hotels 90500
Hotel in Mumbai 201000
Cheap hotels 2740000
Hotel deals 823000
Luxury hotels 100000
Discount hotels 450000
Cheap hotel rates 40500
Best hotel deals 33100
hotels in Mumbai India 6600
cheap hotels in Mumbai 5400
mumbai airport hotels 14800
star hotels in Mumbai 12100
hotel Bombay 12100
hotels mumbai india 12100
hotels in mumbai india 6600
five star hotels in mumbai 6600
cheapest hotels in Mumbai 6600
bombay hotels 6600
cheap hotels in Mumbai 5400
budget hotels in Mumbai 4400
hotels near mumbai airport 4400
residency hotel mumbai 3600
new hotels in mumbai 1900
luxury hotels in Mumbai 1600
hotel rates in Mumbai 1600
discount hotels mumbai 1600
 Benchmark current traffic and search engine positioning
Analyze current traffic trends through various traffic analyzing tools. If feasible, the web site
will have to install any industry standard server log analyzing software.
 Create Baseline Search engine visibility index.
Analyze search engine positioning before submission. Objective here is to carry out a thorough
study on current search engine positions and current effective keywords/ key phrases where
the web site has achieved consistent, respectable rankings across submitted-to search
 Collection of new Keywords & Analysis
Analyze popular keywords in category across major search engines. Study top 20 position
holders in major search engines.
 Create versions of Meta tags and keywords for different search engines
Create site-wide Meta tags according to requirement and specifications of different search
engines and directories.
 Optimize the pages for search engines (Site Re-engineering)
Site re engineering to optimize the entire site with site content/navigation with appropriate
keyword weight age.

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 Implement new content and meta tags
New keyword rich content and Tags have to be implemented.

 Submission Cycle
Methodical hand submission to google adhering to their submission cycles.

 Reports
Monthly reports in excel sheets.

 Link popularity building campaign

To achieve high PageRank [] (link popularity)

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Additional Tasks Include
 Will also include the following tasks:
 Utilizing the best methods of “Net Copywriting” so that your site
description persuades web users to visit your site and, more
importantly, appeals to the computer logic employed by the engines
which influences the sort order of the site’s placement in a query list.
 Modifying, editing, eliminating, and augmenting your suggested
keywords, taking advantage of the best use of keywords to direct
searches to your website.
 Writing different site descriptions, complete with character and word
counts, to allow us to submit the maximum entry that an engine
 Writing descriptive site titles of varying length, one of the most
important elements of effective promotion, to maximize the space
allotted in these fields.
 Modification of the site pages HTML to include Meta Tags, revised Site
Title and Alt Statements with site images where applicable.

Website Architecture Report For 26

Some Important Optimization Techniques
 Methods to Improve Rankings
· Changing Meta tags - 61%
· Changing page titles - 44%
· Reciprocal linking - 32%
· Purchasing multiple domains - 28%
· Multiple home pages - 21%
· Hiding keywords in background - 18%
· Pay-per-click - 13%
 Listing Methods Used
· Manual submission - 71%
· Automated submission - 52%
· Paid for faster submission - 20%
· Paid for directory listing - 20%
· None of the above - 16%

Website Architecture Report For 27

Some Important Optimization Techniques
 We use the following techniques to achieving top ten rankings – tweaking meta
tags, page titles, page content, manual submission, select paid submissions and
paid directory listings and reciprocal linking.
 We have a content focus approach to search engine optimization and positioning,
which involves SE friendly content writing to match with Meta tags and page
titles to maximize web site rankings.
 Because Google [] bases site popularity on the number of in-bound
links, reciprocal linking is gaining in significance. Not as strongly as Google but
other spider-based search engines use link popularity as an important aspect to
in their algorithm to rank websites. To ensure that the site achieve top ten
ranking we recommend a link Promotion campaign.
 Major directory like Yahoo [], LookSmart [] and ODP
[] uses title, description and category to which the site belongs to rank
web sites, We focuses on title, description and researches web site category to
achieve top rankings.

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Important Disclaimer
 It is not possible for any individual/organization to guarantee
you a particular ranking on any search engine. Google and
most other search engines clearly state this on their website.
 See -

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