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Group 18: Nursing

Home Resident
Amber Roberts, Rajah Flood, Anyi Mejia,
Amber Buddington, Cameron Hassard
The use of resident transportation services, can be very effective for
nursing home facilities.

Transportation services can greatly improve transport time with residents

coming in and out of the facility. This service can also improve the
percentage rate of being on time for resident appointments, and can be
cost effective for our facility.
Standards Being Reviewed
❖ Implementing the use of scannable bracelets on patients to keep them
accounted for before and after transporting from the facility.
- The bracelets should be scanned before leaving the facility and when returning to the facility
to ensure that the patient returns safely.
❖ Sending out reminders for appointment times to the family members of the
patient to allow them to no what time the patient will be out of the facility.
- This would ensure that there are no questions about where their family member was at the
time and that they have knowledge about any appointments the patient may have.
❖ Using new strategies to reduce the number of falls occurring during
- There is a big occurrence of falls during transportation which can be a result of improper
handling of the patient, lack of supervision in transporting process, etc.
Operational Terms
Transportation Time Appointment time Cost of ride Number of falls

● How many
residents fall
● Are some of while
● Are the
● How far away the residents transporting
are the going to the from nursing
hired cost
appointments? same facility home to bus,
● Are there at different bus to
● Is it within the
enough vans to times? nursing home
take each ● How many ● How do we
resident to residents will avoid the
their be going in residents
destination and out of our falling
Measurement Strategies.

The PDSA model is very effective when dealing with the use of online scannable
bracelets. This easily keeps residents accountable for instead of using printed
paper work, which can easily be lost or misplaced when leaving the facility.

Create a online database that

reads resident armbands when How to keep up with residents who
residents use transportation are going in and out the facility using
services. A P the transportation services.

Residents who both leave and stay

at the facility are now accounted for.
Allowing all staff to know their
S D Find ideas on how to create, and
easily implement ways to account or
whereabouts throughout the day. keep records of transported residents.
Measurement Strategies

We are measuring the frequency of late

appointments within a three-month period for
nursing home residents using the nursing home’s
transportation service.
Measurement Strategies.

Cause and Effect Diagram

P Chart
Measurement Strategies.

Cost Break Down For Transportation Services Out of 250 Residents.

Equation For Graph.

Cost of $100 Per Resident

(monthly), Times 250
Residents. Divided by 12
months. Equals the annual
cost of $2,083.33
Recommendations - Apply the PDSA Cycle
Cause and effect diagram

- Applied in P phase of PDSA Cycle

- Helpful to structure sources of problem after brainstorming

Pareto Diagram

- Applied in P phase of PDSA Cycle

- Used to illustrate frequency of problems

Implement the Improvement (D phase of PDSA Cycle)


- Applied in S phase of PDSA Cycle

- Represents frequency distribution of data
- Can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation
Histograms Pareto Diagram

Can be used dealing with Dashboard Example Illustrates data

transportation due making
about the frequency
changes to make it better
for elders at the nursing of problems in the
home and how it may get Nursing transportation
better after simple Home

Histogram Example: Pareto Diagram Example:

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