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sports álbum

Name:Maximiliano contreras
teacher's name: Fernando nuñez rojo


skiing is a sport in the mountains and a board is used to slide in the snow. We use
equipment such as: outerwear, protections, gloves and glasses

Diving is a sport in the water to see what is in the sea. Its equipment is: visor, oxygen, suit for
diving and fins

the skateboard is a vehicle only that the one that uses it is you and what it has is wheels
and a boards

 football. is that the opposing team has to beat the team and the first to put the ball in the
goal counts as a point and you have 90 minutes of play and the one that gets the most
points wins

basketball consists of the opposing team having to beat the team and they have to put
the ball in a hoop and that counts as a point and the one with the most points wins

Tennis, also called field tennis, is a racquet sport practiced on a rectangular track,
delimited by lines and divided by a net, played between two players or between two


 Golf is a precision sport, whose objective is to introduce a ball in the holes that are
distributed in the field with the least number of strokes, using for each type of stroke one of
the ball

Yoga refers to a traditional physical and mental discipline that originated in India. The
word is associated with meditation practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
According to its practitioners, yoga gives as a resul

Swimming is a sport that involves the movement of a person in the water, without it
touching the ground.It is regulated by the International Swimming Federation.

 Rugby is a team contact sport born in England, where it took that name from the rules of
football developed in the school of the city of Rugby in the nineteenth century

 Boxing, also sometimes called English boxing or Irish boxing, and colloquially known as
boxing, is a combat sport in which two opponents fight using only their fists.

volleyball, is a sport that is played with a ball in which two teams, composed of six players
each, face each other on a separate play area by a central network

 American football was born more than one hundred years ago in the USA. UU derived
from English rugby. It is one of the most competitive contact sports in the US. UU and that is
currently practiced in more than 60 countries

 Sport practiced in a square field of 30 m on each side between two teams of nine players
each; it is about hitting with a bat a small ball thrown by the hand by an opponent and
traversing the perimeter of an inner square of the field passing through the four corners or
bases before the opponent regains control of the game; the team wins the most times
throughout the nine parts or entries that comprise the game

 Surfing or boarding is a water sport that consists of sliding and turning in a wave, standing
on a board.

my favorite sports
are: surf skateboard tennis
I like these sports because I find them good and creative because riding a
skateboard or surfing or playing tennis is what I would like

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