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Personal recounts Factual Recounts
1. Orientation 1. Orientation
(who were involved in the (who were involved in the
story, when and where) story, when and where)
2. Events 2. Events
(tell what happened in a (tell what happened in a
chronological order) chronological order)
3. Evaluation
(comments of the
writer/speaker about the
4. Re-orientation (optional)
(the conclusion of the

To tell the readers what

happened in the past
through a sequence of
• The use of nouns and pronouns (e.g: David,
we, his)
• The use of action verbs (e.g: went, spent,
• The use of past tenses (e.g: we went for a trip
to the zoo)
• The use of time conjunctions ( e.g: and, but,
after, finally
• The use of adverbs and adverb of phrases
(e.g: in my house, two days ago, slowly,
• The use of adjectives (e.g: beautiful, sunny)
Pablo Picasso
Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the
1900’s. He is best known for his paintings. Almost every style in
modern art is represented in Picasso’s works. (orientation)

Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain as the son of an art

teacher. He studied painting with his father and also Madrid. (events)

From about 1895 to 1901 he painted realistic works in a traditional

style. Then he entered what was called the blue period. During this time
he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show poverty he saw in
Barcelona. (events)

After 1907, he entered into the style of cubbism. Among his well-known
cubbist paintings are “The Three Musicians” and “The Man with a
Guitar” which depict the destruction of Spanish town. (events)

Picasso died in France 1973. (events)

I am a modern short stories. My name is paperback. Let me tell you my
life story.

It was just 2 years ago before I was born. First a few workers put me
through in a press an I emerged with words and illustrations on my
body. I was cut into pieces, stapled and bound together. Then I was
given a handsome face.

My friends and I were packed into a huge box and we were delivered to
a bookstore called “The Guardian’s”. A sales girl put a tag of Rp
25.000,- on my back.
I was displayed in the shop’s window. It was a very comfortable room
with an air conditioner.

One day, a gentleman came to the shop. He immediately spotted me.

He flipped through a few pages and finally decided to by me for his
son’s birthday present.
Then, Sam treated me well. Everyday he would read me. At first he
would keep me carefully in his cupboard.
However, a few months later he became bored and forgot about me.
He left me to collect dust. Oh I was bored to death.

A year later Sam decided to give me to his classmate, Joe. Joe was not
a careful boy as Sam was,. He put me everywhere he wanted.
Sometimes I got oil on my body.

Soon, I began to grow old. Wrinkles appeared on my face. My body

was also worn and torn in several places. I looked unpleasant and
smelt stained

Seeing me so dirty with torn pages, Joe threw me into a dustbin, I was
very heartbroken and cr!ed softly to myself* Now I am liing in a dustbin
awaiting my death. Soon, I will be burnt In an incinerator
I. From the words underlined
above, group them into;
• 1. noun=
• 2. action verbs=
• 3. noun phrase=
• 4. adverbs=
• 5. conjunctions=
• 1. noun=
• 2. action verbs=
• 3. noun phrase=
• 4. adverbs=
• 5. conjunctions=

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