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Naval Traditions, Customs,

Honors and Courtesy

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The Salute

 History of the salute

– Days of chivalry -- knights raised visors to friends
for identification.

– Borgias Family -- assassination by dagger was

common. It was customary to approach other
men with raised hand.

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The Salute
– U.S. Navy carried tradition over from
British Royal Navy--juniors uncovered
to address seniors--was shortened to
the salute as it is known today.

– Significance of salute today

• Time-honored tradition of courtesy
among military personnel.
• Expression of mutual pride and respect.

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Types of Salutes

 Hand salute

 Hand salute under arms

 Present arms

 Sword salute

 “Eyes right" when passing in review

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Aboard Ships

 Reporting aboard

 Disembarking vessel

 Salute officers at the first meeting of the day.

 Salute the CO and all officers senior to

him/her on every meeting.

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Aboard Small Boats

 Personnel in charge of boat not

underway salute officers that come
alongside or pass nearby. Rendering

 Boat coxswain salutes all officers

entering or leaving the boat.

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Aboard Small Boats

 During morning or evening colors: the boat

will lie to, and the coxswain and/or boat
officer will come to attention and salute. All
others will remain seated.

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During the National Anthem

 Not in formation and covered -- stand at

attention, face the national ensign or the
direction from which the music is coming,
salute upon hearing the first note and hold
until the last note is played.

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During the National Anthem

 In formation and covered -- formation is

brought to attention/order arms. Formation
commander faces national ensign or music
and renders the salute for the formation.

 Uncovered--face national ensign or music

and stand at attention.

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During the National Anthem

 If in civilian clothes--remove hat, stand at

attention, place right hand over heart.

 These rules apply to foreign national

anthems as well.

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National Ensign

 When passed by or passing the national

ensign as it is being carried, or is uncased, or
is in a military formation, all naval personnel
shall salute. General Orders

 Salute when boarding or disembarking


 This also applies to foreign national ensigns.

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First Salutes Ensign

Second Salute the OOD

Requesting permission to come aboard

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Military Funerals

 Naval personnel remain covered while in the

open, but uncovered during the committal
service at the grave.

 During burial service at sea, all personnel

remain covered throughout the committal.

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Military Funerals

 As a general rule, remain covered for military

ceremonies, but uncovered for religious

 Personnel render salutes whenever honors

are rendered.

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In Buildings

 Do not salute unless in the official capacity

(on watch).

 Salute in buildings only when failure to do so

might cause embarrassment or a
misunderstanding (i.e., Army or USAF).

 When reporting to an office, do not render a


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 If seated, a junior should rise and face the

senior and render a salute and appropriate

 When reporting on deck or outside ashore

naval personnel will be covered and will
render a salute.

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In vehicle

 Juniors salute all seniors who are riding in


 Those officers in the vehicle will return

salutes as required.

 The driver of the vehicle is obliged to salute if

stopped, but has the option when moving for
safety reasons.

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 When a junior passes a senior, pass to the

left, salute when abreast and say "By your
leave, sir or ma'am." The senior will return
the salute and say, "Very well" or "Carry

 If seniority is unknown: always salute if in


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Saluting situations - Walking
with a Senior
 Always walk to the left of the senior.

 If the senior is saluted by personnel who are

senior to the officer, do not salute until the
senior officer does.

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Meeting Seniors

 Render salute at six paces or the nearest

point of approach.

 Hold salute until returned.

 Accompany salutes with a greeting - "Good

morning/afternoon/evening, sir or ma'am"

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Meeting Seniors

 Salutes are rendered to all officers of the

Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast
Guard, foreign military officers, and civilian
officials who rate gun salutes.

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Relieving the watch

 "I am ready to relieve you, sir" (salute)

 "I am ready to be relieved" (salute)

 "I relieve you, sir" (salute)

 "I stand relieved”

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When not to salute

 When uncovered.

 In formation, except on command.

 In a work detail (person in charge salutes).

 When engaged in athletics.

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When not to salute

 If both hands are full.

 In public places when inappropriate (i.e.,


 In public conveyances.

 At mess.

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Junior does not Salute

 Sternly request an immediate conference

with that individual.

 Remind the individual of the necessity for

respect and deference to seniors.

 Obtain a proper salute from the individual.

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Shipboard Courtesy -
 Honored, ceremonial part of a ship.

 Use proper boarding, disembarking


 Keep immaculate and ceremonial.

 No smoking allowed in this area.

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Shipboard Courtesy-
 Keep hands out of pockets.

 Do not engage in horseplay.

 Don’t appear out of uniform.

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Shipboard Courtesy-
 Officer of the Deck is in charge and
represents the CO.

– Responsible for the safety and security of

the ship.
– All officers are subordinate except XO and
– Same rules apply if OOD is enlisted.

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Boat and Vehicle Etiquette

 Seniors board last and leave first.

 Seniors sit towards the aft, juniors sit


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In or Near Enlisted Spaces

 Treat with respect.

 Always uncover if on the mess deck.

 These spaces are the enlisted person's


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Officers in Sick Bay

 Uncover prior to entering (deference to sick

or injured).

 No smoking allowed.

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Officer and CPO Country

 What they are.

– Blue tile areas
– Wardroom
– Stateroom areas, “Officer Country”
– Chiefs Quarters
– CPO Mess

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Responses to Senior Officers

 "Yes, sir"

 "No, sir"

 "Aye, aye sir" -- I understand and will carry

out your order, sir.

 "I do not know, but I will find out, sir"

 "No excuse, sir" -- accept responsibility, don't

blame others.
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Relationships Between Officers
and Enlisted

 Demonstrate mutual respect.

 Never become "buddy buddy”.

 Personal dignity is critical to successful


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Relationships Between Officers
and Enlisted
 Be friendly and approachable.

 Be fair, consistent, and firm.

 Maintain calm, cool and collected disposition

-- Never "sweat the load" in front of troops.

 Praise in public, but reprimand in private.

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 Maintain civilian courtesies (i.e., open doors,

ladies first, etc.).

 End responses “ma'am”.


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Courtesy Calls

 Call on CO aboard ship or station within 48

hours of reporting.

 Call at the home of the CO, XO, and

Department Head within two weeks of
reporting. If married, wife should accompany
the officer.
– This courtesy is normally covered by a "Hail and
Farewell" party.

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 When addressing members down your chain

of command, or personnel of lesser rank than
the you, sign "Respectfully", or "R"

 When addressing members up the your

chain of command, or officers higher in rank,
sign "Very respectfully", or "V/R"

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Relations Between Junior and
Senior Officers
 Always treat with respect and deference.

 Don't "bad-mouth" seniors.

 Uncover when entering a room in which a

senior is present or is expected.

 Come to attention when a senior enters.

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Relations Between Junior and
Senior Officers
 Be punctual. Report back promptly when
tasked for action.

 Treat a request from a senior as an order.

 Never extend a handshake to a senior first.

 Never jump the chain of command.

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Wardroom Etiquette

 All officers belong to the wardroom mess.

 The officer will be asked to contribute to the

wardroom mess fund.

 The mess treasurer handles the money and

is an elected member.

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Wardroom Etiquette

 President of the Mess

– CO on small ships
– XO on large ships

 Seating

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Wardroom Rules of Etiquette

 Remove cover prior to entering mess.

 Always be in uniform (clean uniform).

 If necessary to leave the mess early, the

officer will excuse him or herself to the senior
officer present.

 Introduce any guests to others.

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Rules of Etiquette - Wardroom

 Never show up late for the mess.

 If unavoidable, apologize and request

permission to join.

 Don't loiter about the mess during working


 Don't be noisy or boisterous.

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Rules of Etiquette - Wardroom

 Don't talk shop, religion, or politics (yeah,


 Pay mess bill promptly.

 Wait for the senior member to sit before the

you do.

 No enlisted personnel allowed.

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Honors and Ceremonies

 Morning and Evening colors.

 Gun Salutes:
– Occasions for salutes are prescribed in Article
1013 of U.S. Navy Regulations.
– Procedures in NO pages 8-3 to 8-6.

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Honors Between Ships

 Given when ships or boats pass "close

aboard”. (600 yds for ships, 400 for

 Procedure between ships. (pg. 67)

 Dispensing with Honors.

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Dispensing with Honors

 Honors not rendered before 0800 or after

sunset unless international courtesy requires

 Not exchanged between U.S. Naval vessels

engaged in tactical evolutions outside of port.

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Dispensing with honors

 The senior officer may dispense with honors.

 Honors are not rendered or required by

vessels with small bridge areas such as

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Half-Masting the Ensign

 For deceased official or officer, as directed.

 When Directed by higher authority.

 Procedures

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Honors at Official Inspections

 Honor’s are rendered based on Inspecting

Officers Rank.

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Personal Flags and

 Flag officers are entitled to personal
– Navy -- blue flag with white stars
– Marines -- red flag with gold stars

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Personal Flags and Pennants

 When a flag officer eligible for command at

sea is embarked on a ship, his/her flag is

 The flag is also displayed on small boats and

vehicles when the flag officer is aboard.

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Personal Flags and Pennants

 Non-Flag Officers
– Broad Command Pennant
• Division of CV’s or CG’s
• Force, Flotilla, or squadron
• Aircraft Wing
– Burgee Command Pennant
• Division of ships
• Major subdivision of CVW

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Bow Insignia for Boats

 A boat assigned to an officer for regular

personal use carries Insignia on each bow as
• For a flag officer, stars as arranged on his/her flag

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Bow Insignia for Boats

 A boat assigned to an officer for regular

personal use carries Insignia on each bow as
– For a unit commander, a replica of the command
– For a CO or Chief of Staff who is not a flag
officer, an arrow

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Dressing / Full Dress Ship

 Dress ship:
– All national holidays except the 4th of July.
– When directed by a higher authority.
– "Holiday" Ensign.

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Dressing / Full Dress Ship

 Full Dress Ship:

– 4th of July, Washington's birthday.
– When directed by a higher authority
– Same flags as in dress ship, with:
• Rainbow of Signal Flags.
• When dressing ship for a foreign holiday, that nation's
flag is hoisted at the main mast in place of the U.S.

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 Formal dinners given by members of a naval

unit, in order to demonstrate esprit de corps.

 Dining-In -- only military officers from that


 Dining-Out -- military officers and their civilian

spouses or friends.

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 Typical Dining-In / Out:

– The dinner
– Toasts
– Fines
– Decorum

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Naval Customs and Traditions

 First duty of every member of the naval

service is to learn and conform to customs
and traditions. It is the responsibility of
everyone to know Navy heritage.

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Naval Customs and Traditions

 Etiquette and discipline are founded upon

customs and traditions.

 Process of socialization and learning a form

of "corporate culture”.

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 Acts which are uniformly followed over a long

period of time. A time-honored set of
practices that have the force of law.

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 The passing down of elements of a culture

from generation to generation. Developed
from the performance of our own personnel.

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 Tending the Side

 Dipping the Ensign

 Ship Launchings / Commissioning’s

 Captains Mast

 Crossing the Line

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