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Day 3
1. Contextualization Practice (5 min)
2. Rotations (12 min/ea=48 min)
1. HUB Date Game
2. Synthesis Game
3. MC Practice
4. Key Concept Map

3. LEQ Quickfire X3 prompts (15 min)

4. HUB Date Game Review (5 min)
5. HUB Date quiz (5 min)
Contextualization Practice
 4 min to write, 1 min to discuss
 Evaluate the most significant difference between
Enlightenment Thinkers’ views of reason and Romantic
Thinkers’ views of reason.
 Potential evidence: Scientific Revolution et al, humanism,
secular thought, use of religion in art (baroque),
 Potential thesis: Scientific Method’s role on political thought,
physiocrats, enlightenment philosophes, v. paintings and
stories of Romantic nature (emotion, feeling, nature,
misunderstood characters etc)
1. HUB Date Game (periods 1 & 2)
2. Synthesis Game
3. MC Practice
4. Key Concept Map (keep HUB Dates in mind!!)
LEQ Quickfire #1
1. Analyze the reasons for the rise and decline of the
Dutch Golden Age.

Potential Evidence: Migration of skilled workers to

Netherlands (to escape religious persecution), Protestant
work ethic, large amount of capital, large fleet—caused by
cheap energy (windpowered sawmills), Dutch East India
Company, Bank of Amsterdam. Lost colonies in North
America (New York), other countries caught up to the
Dutch, wealthy began investing in foreign companies etc.
LEQ Quickfire #2
 Compare and contrast France under the reign of Louis XVI
(pre-1789) and France under the control of Maximillian
Robespierre (1793-1794).

 Possible Evidence:
 LouisXVI: social inequalities (3 estates), famine, war, Marie
Antoinette, enlightenment philosophes, etc

 Robespierre: War, National Convention (radical phase),

failure of Legislative assembly, use of force, intimidation,
committee of public safety, social contract, general will etc.
LEQ Quickfire #3
 Compare and contrast the relationships between the
great powers and Poland in the periods 1772-1815 and

 Possible Evidence:
 Enlightened absolutists split up Poland, each gaining
some valuable land.
 1918-1939: Poland is created after WWI taking Soviet
land (given up with Treaty of Brest-litovsk), and German
land to create it. Hitler would eventually invade Poland
after the Soviet-Nonagression pact to return it to
German/Soviet control.
 Haitian Revolution, Toussaint L’Ourverture
 Ottoman Empire
 Mercantilist Policies, British in India, 7 years war
 Middle Passage/Triangle Trade, Plantation economies,
Role of venture capital on colonies, Noble Savage,
Dutch Golden Age
SAQ Practice
 Refer to document slip Edsall is passing out:
1. a) Explain how one piece of evidence supports Broers’
argument regarding the effects of Napoleon’s rule on the
common people of Europe.
b) Explain how one piece of evidence undermines Broers’
argument regarding the effects of Napoleon’s rule on the
common people of Europe
c) Explain one example of a foreign occupation in the
twentieth century, that provoked reactions similar to those
described by Broers.
SAQ New Format (20%)
 REQUIRED: Question 1: 1600-2001
 REQUIRED: Question 2: 1600-2001
 Periods 1-2
 Periods 3-4

Let’s take a look at what it will actually look like.

Self Assessment
 “WT…????” And “Eh...”

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