Adverbial Clause

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Adverbial clause adalah klausa yang memberi informasi
tentang bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan.
Klausa adverbial adalah subordinate clause yang bertindak sebagai
bagian adverbial dari klausa lain (yakni main clause) dan dapat
menjawab pertanyaan berupa 'When?', 'Why?', 'If what?', dan 'What

eg :
• I read a novel "Lima Lima Menara" yesterday
• I read a novel "Negeri Lima Menara" on Friday.
• I read a novel "Lima Lima Menara" before I went to Bandung.
1. Adverbial clause of time
2. Adverbs of place
3. Adverbs of manner
4. Adverbs of degree comparison
5. Adverbs of condition
6. Adverbs of concession
7. Adverbs of reason
8. Adverbs of result
9. Adverbs of purpose
1. Adverbial clause of time

berfungsi menjelaskan waktu pada waktu kapan sesuatu

terjadi di dalam sebuah kalimat.
Mengunakan adverbs of time seperti before, after, as soon as,
since, until, when, as, as long as, no sooner than, while, dan
lain sebagainya.

• After the homework has been finished, I go to the swimming
• My mother goes to the market when I am watching TV.
• You will know how to live since you trust yourself.

NOTE : subordinate conjunction tersebut juga diikuti subjek dan

2. Adverbs of place

Adverbs of place menjelaskan tempat dimana sesuatu

terjadi di dalam sebuah kalimat. Untuk membuat adverbs
of place kita bisa menggunakan preposisi seperti in,
on, atau subordinating conjunction seperti anywhere,
everywhere, where, atau wherever.

eg :

• The red office is the highest place where I work in.

• Wherever you study, you will find a smart teacher.
• A job seekers should go where they can find a lot of jobs.
3. Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner menunjukkan bagaimana cara sesuatu

dilakukan di dalam sebuah kalimat.
Menggunakan subordinating conjunction seperti as, as if, like,
atau the way.

eg :
• They laugh like it is a joke.
• She talks to me the way a mother talks to naughty children.
• Amelia ran as if a dog was chasing her.
4. Adverbs of degree comparison

Adverbs of degree comparison menunjukkan perbandingan

antara sesuatu dengan sesuatu lainnya di dalam sebuah
kalimat. Untuk membuatnya, kita bisa
menggunakan subordinating conjunction seperti than, as…as,

• He is as smart as he is tall.
• She is older than he looks.
• Your friend is not so clever as you think.
5. Adverbs of condition

Adverbs of condition menunjukkan pengandaian pada

sebuah kalimat.
Menggunakan subordinating
conjunction seperti if dan unless.

• If I have much money, I will buy a new laptop.
• If I have enough time, I will watch TV every day.
• I can not read your notes unless you write clearly.
6. Adverbs of concession

Adverbs of concession menunjukkan sebuah kalimat

kontradiktif; adanya perbedaan antara fakta pada dependent
clause dengan independent clause.
menggunakan subordinating
conjunction seperti thought, although, even though, while,
whereas, dan even if.

• Although I get up early, I am late in arriving at school.
• My friend still did not believe me though I have told the truth.
• She comes out to meet me, even if it rains now.
7. Adverbs of reason

Adverbs of reason menunjukan alasan pada sebuah kalimat

pada ide utamanya.
menggunakan subordinating
conjunction seperti as, because, given, dan since.

• I choose you because I love you.
• As he is a strong student, he can carry this heavy box.
• Since you are smart student, you will able to answer this
8. Adverbs of result

Adverbs of result menunjukkan sebab akibat dalam

sebuah kalimat.
Menggunakan subordinating conjunction seperti so…that,

• The old man is so weak that he can not speak louder.
• Aldiana is such a beautiful girl that many men love her.
• I am so busy that I can not go to your home.
9. Adverbs of purpose

Adverbs of purpose menunjukan tujuan dalam sebuah kalimat.

Menggunakan that..may, so that.

• We eat everyday that we may live.
• My father works harder so that he will become a rich man.
• She has come early so that she can meet me.

1. Explain the Verb

• When you walked, I was reading novel.
• I run because there is a dog
• I found my jacket where I had left it
2. Explain the Adjective
• Joni is taller than any student I know
• She is smart because she drinks a cup of milk everyday
3. Explain the Adverb
• my father drives so fast that he can arrive on time
• He studies hard so that he can get good score.

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