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B. Tech. (ME and Auto) VI Sem.
Credit: 02
Marks: 100
Internal: 50 and External:50
It is a project in which a group of students have
to fabricate a physical object within stipulated
time representing their idea.
Physical object refers to a Working model,
Prototype, scale model etc.
It should not be a drawing, block/schematic
diagram, animation etc.
• The objective of hardware project is to
provide a platform where students can show
their ability to carry out transformation of
own idea/concept into a reality ie. Product
using engineering knowledge and other
related skills.
Students will be able to:
1. Analyse the problem
2. Communicate their ideas
3. Work in a team
4. Apply the engineering knowledge to make a
product of their own choice to solve the
problem of society
5. Learn the critiques
Assessment Process
1. Registration
• Formation of group
• Selection of Guide and/or Co-Guide
Submission of Registration Form
Submit it to Mr. Abdul Gani ;
Room No. : B-316
Mobile No. : 8439092347
Last Date: 31 Jan 2019
(Sample Registration Form)
NB: After submission of this form the group number will
be allotted.
2. Confirmation of registration
(Last Date 08Feb:2019) [10 Marks]
Each group have to submit the following:
A. abstract
(confirming the title of the hardware project)
B. Activity Chart
***Sample Activity Chart
C. Progress report duly signed by the guide and/or co-
NB: at this point the project title may be changed
12th -16th March 2019
• PPT presentation of state of art of the project
: (i) Drawing, (ii) Problem Analysis etc.

20 Marks
23rd -27th April 2019
• Presentation of the complete project
(i) presentation (ii) spiral bonded report
Correction will be made
20 Marks
End Semester Evaluation of Hardware
Project by the External Examiner

As Declared by COE
(i) Ready Hardware Project
(ii) Corrected Report
[50 Marks]
All deadlines (including registration, progress
report submission etc. ) must be strictly
No delay will be entertained in this regard.
All report formats must be strictly followed.
Format of report will be given to you.
PPT printout as report will be immediately

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