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Presentation Title:

Long Reports

Group Members:
Adeel Memon(8517)
Sheikh Saad (8457)
Definition of Report

A report is a message or a document that transmits information to solve

problems or to make decisions. When information is sent in the form of
message, it becomes the oral report whereas; when information is sent
in the form of a document it is called written report.
Long Reports

A long report generally covers more complex issues and is considerably

longer than the short reports.

• Prefatory Sections
• Body
• Supplemental Sections
Prefatory Sections

• Covers and External Title

• Title Fly and Internal Title

• Letter or Memorandum of Transmittal

• Table of Contents

• Executive Summary,Abstract,Synopsis

• Introduction

• Findings

• Conclusion
Supplemental Sections

• Bibliography

• Footnotes and Endnotes(Citations)

• Appendix

• Glossary

• Index
Presentation of the Long Report

• Writing the First Draft

• Editing and Revising the Rough Drafts

• Typing the Final Documents

Report Types
Informal Report
• Information Reports

• Progress Reports

• Justification/Recommendation Reports

• Feasibility Reports

• Minutes of Meetings

• Summaries
Report Formats

Letter format

Memo format
Report Formats

Report format

Prepared forms
General Guidelines for Writing Reports
• Define project

• Gather data

• Organize data

• Write first draft

• Edit and revise

Organizing Report Data
Indirect Strategy Direct Strategy
• Problems
• Problems
• Recommendations
• Facts
• Facts
• Discussion
• Discussion
• Recommendations
Making Effective Report Headings

• Use appropriate heading levels

• Capitalize and underline carefully

• Keep heading short but clear

• Don’t enclose headings in quotation marks

Thank You

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