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• Identify the disease

• management
• Identify the disease
• What tests you will do
• management
• Diagnosis
• management
• Diagnosis
• management
• Give any two
differential diagnosis
• What tests you would
like to do
• Treatment
• Identify the disease
• How will you confirm
your diagnosis
• Topical treatment
• This patient gave
the history of
unprotected sex 3
weeks back.
• what is your
• Treatment
• Clinical features
• Cause
• Diagnosis
• treatment
• Identify the disease
• Cause
• treatment
• A school-going child
came with this swelling
and alopecia
• Diagnosis
• Investigation
• treatment
• A young man came to
opd with these rashes
• How will you approach
to the diagnosis
• Describe the facial
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• A man presented with
these bulla, erosions
and crusted lesion
• What is your diagnosis
• How will you confirm
your diagnosis
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
Group 7
• Describe the clinical
• Diagnosis
• What are the bedside
• Identify the disease
• Investigation you will do ?
• Diagnosis
• What advices will you
give to the patient
• treatment
• What is your diagnosis
• Treatment
• complications
• A lady came to opd with
itching and swelling over
scalp and face following
hair dye application
• Diagnosis
• management
• Give any two
differential diagnosis
• What tests you would
like to do
• Treatment
Group 8
• Identify the disease
• aetiology
• treatment
• The patient gave H/O
unprotected sexual
contact 5 days back
• What is the diagnosis
• Investigation you will do
• treatment
• Describe the clinical
• Diagnosis
• A 42 years old male
presented with scaly
plaque over groin
• What is your diagnosis?
• What is your treatment.
• What is your diagnosis
• Advices you will give
• treatment
• Diagnosis
• Cause
• Treatment
Group 1
• 1 1.Describe thelesion
• 2.Diagnosis
• 3.Treatment
• 1.Describe thelesion
• 2.Diagnosis
• 3.Treatment
• The patient gave H/O
unprotected sexual
contact 5 days back
• What is the diagnosis
• Investigation you will do
• treatment
• Patient gave a history of
intake of anti-
convulsant drug 10 days
• What is your Diagnosis
• What sign will you
• How will you confirm
your diagnosis ?
• Give any two
differential diagnosis
• What tests you would
like to do
• Treatment
• 1.Describe thelesion
• 2.Diagnosis
• 3.Treatment
• Describe the clinical
• Diagnosis
• What are the bedside
• Describe

• Diagnosis

• Treatment
• A 60 years old male
presented to opd with
these tense bulla
• What is diagnosis?
• How will you confirm it
• How will you manage ?
• A 2 years old child
presented with these
crusted lesions.
• What is your
• What investigation u
will do ?
• Treatment
Group 2
• 1.Describe thelesion
• 2.Diagnosis
• 3.Treatment
• A 42 years old male
presented with scaly
plaque over groin
• What is your diagnosis?
• What is your treatment.
1.Describe thelesion
• Describe the findings
• What is the diagnosis
• How will you treat
• 1.Describe the
• 2.Diagnosis
• 3.Treatment
• 1.Describe thelesion
• Diagnosis
• Cause
• Treatment
1.Describe the lesion
• What is your diagnosis
• Treatment
• complications
• Identify the disease
• management
• Identify the disease
• Cause
• treatment
• A school-going child
came with this swelling
and alopecia
• Diagnosis
• Investigation
• treatment
• Describe the facial
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Diagnosis
• What advices will you
give to the patient
• treatment
• What is your diagnosis
• Treatment
• complications
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Identify the disease
• What tests will you do
• Treatment
• Clinical features
• Diagnosis
• Investigation you would
like to do
• treatment
• Describe the nail
• Name any two diseases
with these changes
• A man presented with
these bulla, erosions
and crusted lesion
• What is your diagnosis
• How will you confirm
your diagnosis
• Which sign is being
• Diagnosis
• treatment
• Clinical features
• Cause
• Diagnosis
• treatment
• This patient gave
the history of
unprotected sex 3
weeks back.
• what is your
• Treatment
• Identify the disease
• management
Spotting group 1
• Diagnosis

• Treatment
• Describe the clinical
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• A 42 years old male
presented with scaly
plaque over groin
• What is your diagnosis?
• What is your treatment.
• Patient gave a history of
intake of anti-
convulsant drug 10 days
• What is your Diagnosis
• What sign will you
• How will you confirm
your diagnosis ?
• Diagnosis
• Cause
• Complications in male
and female
• What is this
phenomenon called
• Name few disease with
this phenomenon.
• Describe the findings
• What is the diagnosis
• How will you treat
• This patient gave
the history of
unprotected sex 3
weeks back.
• what is your
• Treatment
• Give any two diagnosis
• How will you confirm
your diagnosis.
• Describe the clinical
• Diagnosis
• How will you confirm it?
• A 2 years old child
presented with these
crusted lesions.
• What is your
• What investigation u
will do ?
• Treatment
• A 60 years old male
presented to opd with
these tense bulla
• What is ur diagnosis
• How will u confirm it
• How will u manage
• A child presented
with these itchy
white papules
• What is your
• How will you treat ?
• Hypopigmented
asymptomatic macules
and patches on trunk
• Diagnosis
• What investigation will
you do?
• What is the treatment.
• Diagnosis from the nail
• Investigation to confirm
your diagnosis
• What Advice you would
give to the patient?
• Diagnosis

• Management
Spotting group 1
• A 42 years old male
presented with scaly
plaque over groin
• What is your diagnosis?
• What is your treatment.
• A 60 years old male
presented to opd with
these tense bulla
• What is your diagnosis
• How will you confirm it
• Write down the
• A 2 years old child
presented with these
crusted lesions.
• What is your
• What investigation
will you do ?
• Treatment
• This patient gave
the history of
unprotected sex 3
weeks back.
• what is your
• Treatment
• Patient gave a history of
intake of anticonvulsant
drug 10 days back.
• What is your Diagnosis
• What sign will you
• How will you confirm
your diagnosis ?
• Give any two
differential diagnosis
• How will you proceed to
your diagnosis.
Spotting group 2
• What is the Diagnosis
• What Preventive
measures would you
• management
• A school going child
came with scaly patch
on scalp and alopecia
• What is your diagnosis
• Investigation you would
like to do
• Treatment
• Describe the clinical
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• What are the facial
• Diagnosis
• Investigation you would
like to do
• Diagnosis
• Cause
• What advice you will
give to such patient
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
Spotting group 3
• Clinical features
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Diagnosis
• Cause
• Treatment
• Which sign is being
• Diagnosis
• treatment
• What is your diagnosis
• What are the bedside
tests you will perform
• Diagnosis

• Causative agent

• Treatment
• Describe the changes in
the nails
• What is your diagnosis
• Treatment
Group 4
• A child came to opd
with hypopigmented
patches on face
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Diagnosis
• What examination
would you like to do?
• treatment
• Diagnosis
• Precautions and advices
• Treatment
• What sign is being
elicited ?
• In which disease this
sign is positive
• Diagnosis
• Aetiology
• Clinical features
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• A child came to opd
with hypopigmented
patches on face
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Diagnosis
• What examination
would you like to do?
• treatment
• Diagnosis
• Precautions and advices
• Treatment
• What sign is being
elicited ?
• In which disease this
sign is positive
• Diagnosis
• Aetiology
• Clinical features
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• A 2 years old child
presented with these
crusted lesions.
• What is your
• What investigation
will you do ?
• Treatment
• Identify the disease
• management
• Clinical features
• Cause
• Diagnosis
• treatment
• Which sign is being
• Diagnosis
• treatment
• Describe the clinical
• Diagnosis
• What are the bedside
• Diagnosis

• Causative agent

• Treatment
• What is your diagnosis
• Advices you will give
• treatment
• Identify the disease
• aetiology
• treatment
• What are the facial
• Diagnosis
• Investigation you would
like to do
• Diagnosis
• Cause
• What advice you will
give to such patient
Group 5
• A 60 years old male
presented to opd with
these tense bulla
• What is your diagnosis
• How will you confirm it
• Write down the
• Diagnosis

• Treatment
• Diagnosis
• Cause
• Complications in male
and female
• Identify the disease.
• What treatment you will
• What is this
phenomenon called ?
• In which diseases will
you see this pattern
• Identify the disease
• What tests will you do
• Treatment

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