Fisiologi Kehamilan

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First Week of Development

 Embrionic period  from fertilization through the

eighth week.

 Terjadi :
 Fertilisasi,
 Pembelahan zigot,
 blastocyst formation,
 Implantation.

 Penyatuan sel sperma dengan sel telur

 Terjadi di Pars Ampula Tuba Fallopi

 Pembelahan Sel (Zigot–Morula-Blastula)

Fertilisasi (T4)
Proses Fertilisasi

 Pembagian pertama
zigot dimulai sekitar
24 jam setelah
pembuahan dan selesai
sekitar 6 jam
Blastocyst Formation
 Morula  Turun Masuk ke Cavum Uterus (hari ke 4 - 5 
Endometrium sekresi kaya akan glikogen dan nutrien 
Pembentukan morula ke blastokista Blastokista terbentuk
(Cavum blastokista, trophoblas, embrioblas)
Sistem pencegahan
penolakan fetus
 Trofoblas melepaskan ligan fas  berikatan dg Fas
(reseptor di permukaan sel T sitotoksi maternal) 
memicu apoptosis sel imun

 Plasenta melepaskan enzim IDO (Indolamin 2,3-

dioksigenase)  menghancurkan faktor aktivasi sel T
sitotoksik maternal ( Triptofan)
Rangkuman 1st week
Second Week of Development
(Perkembangan blastokista)

 Development of the Trophoblast

 Development of the Bilaminar Embryonic Disc
 Development of the Amnion
 Development of the Yolk Sac
 Development of Sinusoids
 Development of the Extraembryonic Coelom
 Development of the Chorion
Third Week of
 Begins a 6-week period of very rapid development and
 During the third week, the three primary germ layers
 Terjadi :
 Gastrulation
 Neurulation
 Development of Somites
 Development of the Intraembryonic Coelom
 Development of the Cardiovascular System
 Development of the Chorionic Villi and Placenta
 Occurs about 15 days after fertilization.

 Terbentuk Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm.

 Penghubung antara ibu dan janin
 Maternal = decidua
 Endometrial lining
 Falls off at parturition
 Supplied by spiral arteries
 Fetal cells = trophoblasts

 Organ penukar

 Barrier
Terimakasih 

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