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Program ERASMUS+ 2014-2020

Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action: strategic partnership for higher education
Project title: Innovative solution for enhancing social responsibility education
and civic skills in creating sustainable businesses - "edu4society"
Grant agreement 2016-1-RO01-KA203-024476

Lessons learnt from CSR

Summer School
Student’s view
Developed by: Aura- Maria IACOB
Elena-Alexandra ȚARȚAVULEA
Project partners:

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this communication/publication is the sole responsibility of the authors, and National
Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
1. Key insights gained on Social Responsibility in doing

2. Key insights on GRI reporting standards

3. Modelled processes for SR management and civic


4. How do we intend to use knowldge about CSR in

the future

Vodafone Group Plc

a multinational British telecommunication

company based in London, UK.
present in 93 countries
450 million customers
the third largest mobile telecommunication
company in the world
1. Key insights gained on Social Responsibility
in doing business
2015-2025 Global transformation goals
• Women’s empowerment
• Energy innovation
• Youth skills and jobs
Transparency focus areas
• Taxation and total economic contribution
• Supply chain integrity and safety
• Mobiles, masts and health
• Digital rights and freedoms
Principles and practice

2. Key insights on GRI reporting standards

Vodafone’s report includes information

regarding :
• the Organizational Profile
• the materials used
• diversity and equal opportunity management
• human rights assessment performed by the
• customer health and safety
Vodafone’s report do noi includes information
regarding :
• bio-diversity
• anti-competitive behavior
• wages
• proportion of hires from the local community
• incidents of child labor
• young workers exposed to hazardous work
3. Modelled processes for SR management and
civic knowledge

4. How do we intend to use knowldge about
CSR in the future


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