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Page 1 Dr.

Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Measurements in Ducts

Necessary for Measurement of Gas Flow

1. barometric pressure at actual altitude

2. static pressure in duct
3. dynamic pressure or gas velocity in duct
4. temperature
5. gas moisture (for calculation of gas density)
6. gas composition (for calculation of gas density)
Page 2 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Barometric Pressure acc. to altitude

0.0065  hU 

pU  1013.25  1  
 288.15 

pU - barometric pressure
hU - bltitude
Page 3 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Static and Dynamic Pressure

Bernoulli Equation (simplified): pt  pst  pd

pt - total pressure; pst - static pressure; pd - dynamic pressure

Measurement of Measurement of Measurement of

total pressure static pressure dynamic pressure

gas flow gas flow

gas flow

Pitot-Tube Static Press. Tube Prandtl-Tube

Page 4 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Measurement of Dynamic Pressure by use of a Prandtl-Tube

pt - total pressure (+); pst - static pressure (-); pd - dynamic pressure

pd  pt  pst
By closing the front opening the static pressure can be measured (Stat. Press. Tube).
By closing the lateral openings the total pressure can be measured (Pitot-Tube).
Page 5 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Recomendations for Measurement Position

- Gas velocity > 5 m/s

- Size and shape of duct should be constant
- Duct length before measurement position > 5 x Diameter d
- Duct length after measurement position > 3 to 5 x Diameter d
Page 6 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Distribution of Measurement Points

D – duct diameter
Page 7 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Distribution of Measurement Points

D – duct diameter
In case of an unfavourable measurement position a higher number of measuring points
should be used to get a reliable average value.
Page 8 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Table of Measurement Points at different Duct Diameters

Page 9 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Other necessary State Values

Gas Temperature: Must be measured close to the measurement position.

Gas Moisture: Can be measured or must be calculated.

 4064, 95 
 19, 0160 
f s  psaturation(TU ) psaturation(TU )  e  TU  236, 25 
Calculation for Air xH 2O , Air 
xH2O,Air – volumetric content of water in air (%); fs – relativ humidity (%);
pSaturation (TU) – saturation pressure at ambient temperature;
TU – ambient temperature; pU – barometric pressure

Gas Composition: Can be measured or must be calculated.

100  xH 2O , Air 100  xH 2O , Air
Calculation for Air xO2 , Air  21%  x N 2 , Air  79% 
100 100
xH2O,Air – volumetric content of water in air (%); xO2,Air – volumetric content of oxygen in air (%);
xN2,Air – volumetric content of nitrogen in air (%)

For determination of gas composition and moisture of hot combustion or exhaust

gases several gas analyser exist.
Page 10 Dr. Dirk Woldt 07 November 2006 PALMAFA

Formulas for Gas Flow Calculation

v – velocity (m/s);
2  pd
Gas Velocity: v pd – dynamic pressure (Pa);
 actual actual – actual gas density (kg/m³)

stand – standard gas density (kg/Nm³);

Standard Gas Density: stand   xi  stand,i xi – volumetric content of each comp. (%);
100 stand,i – standard gas density of each comp. (kg/Nm³)

some standard densities: O2 – 1.429 kg/Nm³ ; N2 – 1.251 kg/Nm³; H2O – 0.804 kg/Nm³;
CO2 - 1.977 kg/Nm³ ; Air – 1.293 kg/Nm³

Actual Gas Density: 273.15 K pU  pst

 actual   stand  
273.15 K  T 1013.25mbar
actual – actual gas density (kg/m³); pU – barometric pressure (mbar);
pst – actual static pressure (mbar); T – actual temperature (°C)

Vactual – actual gas flow (m³/h);

Actual Gas Flow: 
Vactual  d  v  3600
d – duct diameter (m);
4 v – velocity (m/s)
V – standard gas flow (Nm³/h);
273.15 K p  p stand
pU – barometric pressure (mbar);
Standard Gas Flow: Vstand  Vactual   U st
273.15K  T 1013.25mbar pst – actual static pressure (mbar);
T – actual temperature (°C)

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