Product Review Storyboard: Ezra Woodley

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Product Review

The Product

 For the topic of my review, I'm going to cover the Xbox 1 and PC
gaming experiences and how they to one another with a personal
preference at the end explaining why.
Scene 1

 The first scene of the video will be me sitting in a chair introducing

myself and the topic of the video. I’ll have a bed behind me with
each of the products on either side of me on the bed with myself in
the middle.
Scene 2

 After my personal introduction the topic is going to be focused on

the adaptability and game diversity of the product. With this idea in
mind I want to describe the PC first so the camera will pan over it
with the case open, while I’m talking over it explaining that there is a
lot of room for personal preference and how adaptable it is.
Scene 3

 After showing off the PC I will show off the inside of the XBOX 1 and
while doing so describe how adaptable it is. The camera will be
slowing panning over it similar to how it was done in the PC while I’m
talking over the footage.
Scene 4

 After each of the scenes where I pan over the product there will be
two graphics posted on the screen with more of a direct
comparison of the topic at hand, further explaining their similarities
and differences.
Scene 5

 After the graphics are explained it will return back to myself in the
same position at the start where I give a personal preference on
each of the products adaptability. After that while still being in the
same position I will introduce the next topic being game diversity
and give a brief overview.
Scene 6

 The camera will then pan to many of the popular PC exclusive

games where I will discuss popularity and many other facts about
Scene 7

 After showing and discussing the PC exclusive games I will then

swap over to the many of the popular XBOX 1 exclusive games
(including ones made for previous generations of XBOX’s) and talk
about their longevity, multiplayer and many other facts as I did in
the previous scene.
Scene 8

 The last scene will be me in the same position as the start giving an
overall preference on what I think is better for the gaming

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