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Go on Vacation VS. Stay at Home

Biology VS. Chemistry
Childhood VS. Adulthood
Reality TV VS. Sitcoms
Books VS. Movies
Physical beauty VS. Inner beauty
Online VS. Traditional Classes
English VS. Mathematics
Basketball VS. Volleyball
Comparison Contrast
Like, likewise, alike But, yet, however
Also, both, too Conversely, in contrast
Similarly, similar to Unlike, less than
The same as Different from
So is, are, was, were On the other hand, on the
Analogous to While, whereas
And, much as Although, opposite
Cause Resulting in Effect Effect Resulting from cause
as a consequence, Due to
As a result, leads to Because, because of
One of the effect is Owing to
If……. Then, that is why Since
For this reason One cause
Hence, therefore For
So, thus Resulted from
Read the ff. sentences carefully, Encircle the signal words that show cause-effect
relationships. Underline the part that expresses the cause and box the part that
expresses the effect.
1. As a result of listening to Mozart sonata, my test
scores, IQ level, and creativity improved.
2. Classical music puts students in a heightened
emotional state and makes them more receptive to
3. Lower blood pressure is one of the effects of
listening to classical music.
4. Because of classical music, some health problems
can be cured.
5. Forty five minutes of listening to classical music
before sleeping leads to better sleep.
Read the paragraph below showing the effect of classical music on students. Encircle all the
signal words and underline the causes once and twice the effects.

Music with Benefits

Did you know that listening to classical music has
positive benefits? Research shows that it affects cognitive
development, concentration, and learning in students.
Because of classical music, students can concentrate
better. As a result, their test scores improve. Because music
activates the brain and gives energy, the link between music
and learning is strengthened. In fact, Dr. Rausher and her
colleague H. Li discovered that human beings perform better
in memory tests after listening to a Mozart Sonata.
Moreover, classical music pieces relieves stress and
make communication effective and efficient.

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