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Circle Packing

• Circular packing or circular TreeMap allows to visualise a hierarchic architecture.

It is an equivalent of a TreeMap or a dendrogram, where each branch of the tree
is represented as a circle and its sub-branches are represented as circles inside of
• The size of each circle can be proportional to a specific value, what gives more
insight to the plot. If only one level of hierarchy is displayed (no encapsulation), it
becomes equivalent to a bar plot.
• Instead of showing the value of each individual as a bar, it uses a circle.
• Circle packing is not recommend if you need to precisely compare values of
group. However, it shows very well how groups are organised in subgroups
Disadvantage  As beautiful as Circle Packing appears, it's
not as space-efficient as a TreeMap, as there's a lot of
empty space within the circles.
Advantage  Circle Packing actually reveals hierarchal
structure better than a TreeMap.

 Circle Packing is a variation of a TreeMap that uses

circles instead of rectangles.
 Containment within each circle represents a level in the
hierarchy: each branch of the tree is represented as a
circle and its sub-branches are represented as circles
inside of it.
 The area of each circle can also be used to represent an
additional arbitrary value, such as quantity or file size.
 Colour may also be used to assign categories or to
represent another variable via different shades.
Elements of the
category A and B

categories c-
1 and c-2 of
category C

Categories A, B and C Elements of sub-

categories c-1 and c-2

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