Women Centric Campaigns

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1. Times Of India
2. Ariel
Table Of Contents 3. Titan Raga
4. Whisper
5. Reliance Fresh
Times Of India :

The Times of India launched #NoConditionsApply and challenged

a 400 year-old tradition. On the last day of Durga Puja, women
celebrate Sindoor Khela by playfully smearing vermillion on each
other. But this is traditionally only celebrated by married women,
while other women watch. Suddenly, Sindoor the patriarchal
symbol of marriage became a symbol of sisterhood through two
powerful dots. For the first time, women of all walks of life were
invited to celebrate sisterhood and partake in Sindoor Khela


The campaign ‘Share the Load’- why is laundry only a mother’s

job?, was launched by Ariel in 2016. The first part of the
campaign ‘Share the Load’ questioned the stereotype of
household chores being a feminine responsibility alone and
urged men to participate equally. Taking the same theme
forward, the brand this time in their new communication, acts
like a clarion call for all dads to remind them to share the load
and participate in household chores. Through the question- ‘Is
laundry only a mother’s job, the ad aims to ensure that every
man sets a right example in front of his children by participating
equally in household chores.
Titan Raga:


Titan Raga, which in the past has come out with campaigns
supporting women empowerment, has come out with a
campaign titled ‘BreakTheBias’, which highlights the issue of
gender bias at work. The film leaves the audience with a very
powerful message.


Taboos and prejudices are a part of Indian culture. But when it

becomes internalised within one section of society, so much that
it becomes the unsaid rule, someone has to speak up, has to play
a bigger role. And, in the case of menstruation related taboos in
India, P&G's Whisper took a stand.
Reliance Fresh:


Reliance Fresh’s #JeeLeZara narrates an episode from the life of a middle aged
couple, where the wife decides to go on a trip with her ‘girls’ gang’ to Goa
while her husband is hesitant to let her go. Concerned about her safety and
health, worried about taking care of himself in her absence, throughout the
film he is shown cribbing about her plan. But adamant to go on her trip and
confident, the content of the film looks into a couple of aspects around a
To break it down, this film through its content mainly encourages women to
live a life for themselves and be self-determined in their decisions, also
somewhere subtly points out how their presence in our life and home matters.
Set up in a regular Indian household scenario, the brand follows a content
strategy which is believable, relatable and not preachy in nature, which is a
great break from all the cluster of strong women-centric campaigns flowing
over the internet.

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