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In a Tricky World !!
Session By: Usman Ahmad

Confiz Limited

- Putting yourself in their shoes

- Hard yet an Imperative Skill
- Empathetic Practices
- Types – Which to opt?
- In a Tricky World
- Empathy - Don't Leave Home Without It!

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Putting yourself in their shoes

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Putting yourself in their shoes – Not Easy 

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Empathy is Hard !!

- If empathic skills were so easy to develop, more people would have done it already.
- Even we understand the effectiveness, still learning empathy skills can be a difficult process.
Why is that?

- We mostly work by “Guess and Assume” and prefer our own frame of reference.
- We struggle to understand the experience of others; misunderstand and get misunderstood.
- We feel overwhelmed by our stressors.
- We get caught in avalanche of anger and feel impatient.
- We often feel “Emotionally drained”. It’s a two way street.

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Empathy is Hard !!

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Imperative – Personally and Professionally

- Being able to practice empathy is one of the most important skills we can learn. It can play a vital role
in harmonizing relations. At all levels, in all roles.

- In a world that spends so much time picking at flaws and igniting fear and anger in people, empathy
can bring calmness.

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Imperative – Personally and Professionally

- You will be more likely to treat people you care about the way they wish you treat them.

- You will better understand the needs of people around you and respond accordingly.

- You will be able to more accurately predict the actions and reactions of people you interact.

- You will have less trouble dealing with interpersonal conflict both at home and at work.

- You will learn how to motivate the people around you.

- You will be a better leader, a better follower, and most importantly, a better human.

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7 Practices of Highly Empathetic People

1- Actively Listen – With Ears, With Eyes, With Instincts, With Heart

2- Examine your Attitude – Open Mind and Attitude to find Solution

3- Validate other person's perspective – Acknowledgement is not Agreement

4- Withhold Judgement – Though Snap Judgments are our innate trait…

5- Open up – It’s a two way Street, Share your Landscape as well

6- Challenge your own Prejudice – Fight your biases and assumptions

7- Treat People as being Important – Genuinely. Everyone is different.

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Types – Which to Opt?

1- Emotional Empathy – Empathy Overload

- ‘Emotional Contagion’. Closer to the usual understanding of ‘empathy’, but more emotional.
- Because it means that we can readily understand and feel other people’s emotions. This is vital for
those in caring professions, such as doctors and nurses. To be done with Self-Control.

2- Cognitive Empathy – Empathy by Thought

- It enables you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, but without necessarily engaging with their
emotions. In a much more rational and logical way.
- It is a useful skill, particularly in negotiations for example.

2- Compassionate Empathy – Find the Balance on Logic and Emotion

- Feeling someone’s pain, and taking action to help.
- Remain in control of our own emotions, and never forget to apply reason to the situation. 10
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In a Tricky World – Fake People

World we live is Tricky… Empathy can be often exploited. People sometimes

fake Empathy in their own self interest without genuinely caring.

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In a Tricky World – Fake People

Fake People?
- Someone who acts like a pushover in order to get accepted by everyone they
- A person who conceals their hatred or anger but comes across as nice and
- Someone who feels vulnerable and insecure, yet tries to act unshaken and tough.
- Someone dishing out fake compliments in order to feel accepted.
- A person who try to be empathetic but not being honest, truthful and showing

How to Handle?
- Learn to Ignore them !! As they will make you feel more emotionally drained.
- Don’t be afraid to say NO. 12
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In a Tricky World - Knowing the Narcissism

Selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration,
as characterizing a personality type.

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Exercise – Put Yourself in others Shoes 

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Empathy - Don't Leave Home Without It!

When we understand others, they'll probably want to understand us – and this is

how we start to build cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork.

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Thank You for participating! 16

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