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• Declare and initialize a one-dimensional array
• Store data in a one-dimensional array
• Display the contents of a one-dimensional array
• Code a loop using the For Each…Next statement
• Access an element in a one-dimensional array
• Search a one-dimensional array
• Compute the average of a one-dimensional array’s
• Find the highest entry in a one-dimensional array
• Update the contents of a one-dimensional array
• Sort a one-dimensional array
Objectives (cont’d)
• Create and manipulate parallel one-dimensional
• Create a structure
• Declare a structure variable
• Create and manipulate a one-dimensional array
of structures
• Create and initialize a two-dimensional array
• Store data in a two-dimensional array
• Search a two-dimensional array
• A simple or scalar variable is one that is
unrelated to any other variable in memory
• An array is a group of variables that have
the same name and data type and are
related in some way
Arrays (continued)
• The most commonly used arrays are one-
dimensional and two-dimensional
• Programmers use arrays to store related
data in the internal memory of the
One-Dimensional Arrays
• A one-dimensional array is simply a row
(or column) of variables
• Each element in an array is identified by a
subscript, which Visual Basic .NET
assigns to the variable when the array is
One-Dimensional Arrays
• You refer to each variable in an array by its
name and the variable’s subscript

Names of the variables in a one-dimensional array named

One-Dimensional Arrays
• Declaring a one-dimensional array
– Version 1
{Dim | Private} arrayname(highestSubscript)
As datatype
– Version 2
{Dim | Private} arrayname() As datatype =
One-Dimensional Arrays
• Examples of declaring an array
– Dim cities(3) As String
– Private states() As String = {“Hawaii”,
“Alaska”, “Maine”}
Storing Data in a One-
Dimensional Array
• In most cases, you use an assignment
statement to enter data into an existing
• Syntax: arrayname(subscript) = value
• Examples
– cities(0) = “Madrid”
– cities(1) = “Paris”
– cities(2) = “Rome”
Manipulating One-Dimensional
• You will learn how to perform the following
tasks using a one-dimensional array:
– Display the contents of an array
– Access an array element using its subscript
– Search the array
– Calculate the average of the data stored in a
numeric array
Manipulating One-Dimensional
Arrays (continued)
• You will learn how to perform the following
tasks using a one-dimensional array
– Find the highest value stored in an array
– Update the array elements
– Sort the array elements
Displaying the Contents of a
One-Dimensional Array
• uiDisplayButton’s Click event procedure
– Demonstrates how you can display the
contents of an array in a label control
– Uses the For…Next statement to display each
array element
– You also could use the Do…Loop statement
or the For Each…Next statement
Displaying the Contents of a
One-Dimensional Array

uiDisplayButton’s Click event procedure

The For Each…Next Statement

Syntax and an example of the For Each…Next statement

Using the Subscript to Access
an Element in a One-
Dimensional Array
• XYZ Corporation pays its managers based
on six different salary codes, 1 through 6
• Each code corresponds to a different
• uiSalaryButton’s Click event procedure
displays the salary corresponding to the
code entered by the user
Searching a One-Dimensional
• The sales manager at Jacobsen Motors
wants a procedure that allows him to
determine the number of salespeople
selling above a certain amount, which he
will enter
• uiSearchButton’s Click event procedure
searches the array, looking for values that
are greater than the amount entered by
the sales manager
Calculating the Average Amount
Stored in a One-Dimensional
Numeric Array
• uiCalcAvgButton’s Click event procedure
calculates and displays the average test

uiCalcAvgButton’s Click event procedure

Calculating the Average Amount
Stored in a One-Dimensional
Numeric Array (continued)

uiCalcAvgButton’s Click event procedure (continued)

Determining the Highest Value
Stored in a One-Dimensional
• Sharon Johnson wants a procedure that
displays the highest amount she has
earned in a week
• uiHighestButton’s Click event procedure
will search the array, looking for the
highest amount
Updating the Values Stored in a
One-Dimensional Array
• The sales manager at Jillian Company
wants a procedure that:
– Allows her to increase the price of each item
the company sells
– Displays each item’s new price in the
uiNewPricesLabel control

• uiUpdateButton’s Click event procedure

performs these tasks
Sorting the Data Stored in a
One-Dimensional Array
• Arranging data in a specific order is called
• Array.Sort method
– Can be used to sort the elements in a one-
dimensional array in ascending order
– Syntax: Array.Sort(arrayname)
• uiSortButton’s Click event procedure uses
the Array.Sort method to sort the numbers
array in ascending order
Sorting the Data Stored in a
One-Dimensional Array
• To sort a one-dimensional array in
descending order:
– Use Array.Sort to sort the array in ascending
– Use Array.Reverse to reverse the array

• Syntax of the Array.Reverse method:

Using a Module-Level One-
Dimensional Array
• Names application
– Needs to display the names contained in a
sequential access file
– Should give the user the choice of displaying
the names in either ascending or descending

• The names array is declared in the form’s

Declarations section, making it a module-
level array
Parallel One-Dimensional
• Arrays that are related by an element’s
position (subscript)
• Searching one array gives you the
subscript for the other array
• To store a price list, which includes a string
and a number, you can use two one-
dimensional arrays
– A String array to store the product IDs
– An Integer array to store the prices
Parallel One-Dimensional
Arrays (continued)

Illustration of a price list stored in two one-dimensional arrays

• Structure statement: can be used to create
your own data types in Visual Basic .NET
• Data types created using the Structure
statement are referred to as user-defined
data types or structures
• Members included in the structure can be
variables, constants, or procedures
• In most cases, members are variables
Structures (continued)

Syntax and an example of the Structure statement

Using a Structure to Declare a
• Variables declared using a structure are
often referred to as structure variables

Syntax and an example of declaring a structure variable

Using a Structure to Declare a
Variable (continued)

Syntax and examples

of storing data in a
member variable
Creating an Array of Structure
• Assigning initial values to an array is
referred to as populating the array
• Refer to a member variable in an array
element using the syntax:
Two-Dimensional Arrays
• A two-dimensional array resembles a table
in that the variables are in rows and

Illustration of a two-dimensional array

Two-Dimensional Arrays
• Each variable (element) in a two-
dimensional array is identified by a unique
combination of two subscripts
• The subscripts specify the variable’s row
and column position in the array
• Refer to each variable in a two-
dimensional array by the array’s name and
the row and column subscripts
Two-Dimensional Arrays

Syntax versions and examples of declaring a two-dimensional

Storing Data in a Two-
Dimensional Array

Syntax and examples of

entering data into a two-
dimensional array
Searching a Two-Dimensional

uiDisplayPriceButton’s Click event procedure using a two-

dimensional array
Searching a Two-Dimensional
Array (continued)

Click event procedure
using a two-
dimensional array
The Tax Calculator Application
• John Blackfeather, the owner and
manager of the Perrytown Gift Shop,
should be able to use the application to
calculate the weekly federal withholding
tax for his employees
• To calculate the federal withholding tax,
the user would need to enter the taxable
wages in the Taxable wages text box and
then click the Calculate Tax button
The Tax Calculator Application

Interface for the Tax Calculator application

The Tax Calculator Application

TOE chart for the Tax Calculator application

Coding the uiCalculateButton
Click Event Procedure

Pseudocode for the uiCalculateButton’s Click event procedure

Coding the uiCalculateButton
Click Event Procedure

Pseudocode for the uiCalculateButton’s Click event procedure

• Two versions of the syntax used to declare
a one-dimensional array:
– {Dim | Private} arrayname(highestSubscript)
As datatype
– {Dim | Private} arrayname() As datatype =
Summary (continued)
• To refer to a variable in an array, use the
array’s name followed by the variable’s
• To create parallel one-dimensional arrays,
create two one-dimensional arrays
• To create an array of structures, use the
Structure statement to create a record
structure, then use the record structure to
declare the array
Summary (continued)
• Two versions of the syntax used to declare a
two-dimensional array:
– {Dim | Private} arrayname(highestRowSubscript,
highestColumnSubscript) As datatype
– {Dim | Private} arrayname(,) As datatype =
{{initialValues}, {initialValues},…{initialValues}}

• Syntax used to refer to a variable included in a

two-dimensional array:
arrayname(rowSubscript, columnSubscript)

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