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Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous

245-208 Ma 208-144 Ma 144-65 Ma

 Friedrich Alberti 1834 mengelompokkan
sebagai sistem tersendiri dan membagi atas
3 bagian berdasar endapan yang dijumpai
di Jerman:
 Buntsandstein (endapan darat berupa batu
pasir, batu lempung, konglomerat dengan
sisipan endapan lagoon) (Trias Bawah)
 Muschelkalk (endapan laut berupa endapan
gamping berfosil, anhidrit)(Trias Tengah)
 Keuper (endapan darat dan laut dangkal terdiri
dari kelompok dolomit, gipsum dan batu pasir)
(Trias Atas)

The name Jurassic comes from the Jura Mountains on the

border of France and Switzerland (actually an extension of
the Alps into eastern France), where rocks of this age were
first studied.
In 1795 Alexander von Humbolt described massive limestone
formations of the Jura Mountains in Switzerland as the
Calcaire de Jura, or Jura-Kalkstein ("Jura Limestone"), which
he wrongly believed were older than the (Triassic)
Between 1796 and 1815 William Smith published
geological maps featuring strata that were referred to
by William Buckland in 1818 as the Oolite Formation or
Oolitic Series. These were divided into Lower, Middle and
Upper Oolites.
In 1822 Conybeare and Phillips named the underlying
strata as the Lias. From this Alexander Brongniart used
the term Terrains Jurassiques, although only for the
"Lower Oolite" The names Lias and Oolites continued to
be used in Britain until quite recently.
In 1839 Leopold von Buch formally named the rocks
described by von Humbolt as the Jurassic System,
Yura dikelompokkannya atas 3 bagian
berdasarkan pada endapan sedimen yang
dijumpai di Inggris:
 Lias / Yura Hitam (Yura bawah)
 Dogger / Yura Coklat (Yura tengah)
 Malm / Yura Putih (Yura atas)
KAPUR (142 – 65 juta Tyll)
 Penamaan pertama kali diberikan
oleh J.B. Omlius d’Halloy thn 1822,
penamaan berdasarkan pada
endapan gamping berbutir halus yang
bisa digunakan sebagai kapur tulis,
yang terbentuk sebagai endapan laut
terutama pada zaman kapur atas
Pembagian Zaman Kapur
Kapur Bawah
Albian, fosil :
Mortinoceras hugardianum, Douvilleiceras
mammillatum, Hoplites dentatus
Aptian, fosil :
Opelia nisus, Ancyloceras matheroni, Toucasia
Barremian, fosil :
Pulchellia pulchella, Requiena ammonocea,
Desmoceras difficela
Hauterivian, fosil:
Crioceras duvali, Duvalia dilatata, Hoplites radiatus
Valendisian, fosil :
Hoplites neocominensis, Roudiera rouboudi,
Divalia lata
 Kapur Atas
Danian, fosil : Nautilus danicus
Maastrichtian, fosil : Belemnitella mucronata
Champagnian, fosil : Belemnitella quadrata
Santonian, fosil : Gonitheutis granulata, Mortinoceras
Cognacian, fosil : Micraster coranguium, Micraster
Turonian, fosil : Inoceramus labiatus, Belemnitella plena
Cenomanian, fosil : Orbitolina concava, Acanthoceras
rothomagense, Mornitoceras inflatum
Pembagian Kapur Bawah
berdasarkan fosil Toxaster dan

 Jenjang Aptian : Toxaster collegnoi

 Jenjang Barremian : Toxaster ricorddeaui
dan Toxaster amplus
 Jenjang Hauterivian : Toxaster retusus
 Jenjang Valendisian : Toxaster retusus
Early Mesozoic:
Triassic and Jurassic
Global setting
 All continents have assembled into Pangaea (in the Permian).
Much land far from sea and as a result became arid
(evaporites). Pangaea began to rift apart in the late Triassic.
 Tethys Seaway existed as an embayment between Africa and
Located in equatorial Gondwanaland (between India & Asia).
 As N. America rifted from Africa, the Tethys Seaway
expanded westward
(Gondwanaland continents remained attached until the
 Evaporite deposits, accumulated as dry
areas, became intermittently flooded by
the sea during rifting.
 Sea Level:
Gradual sea level rise from early Triassic
to late Jurassic. Some fluctuations.
Late Jurassic: epicontinental seas flooded
large areas of N. America and Europe.
1. Marine
Two biogeographic provinces in Europe.
 Tethyan realm - warm, tropical, coral reefs, limestones
 Boreal realm - cooler, more northern. No reefs. (Siliciclastic seds).

 Recovery from the extinctions at the end of the Permian was slow
for many groups. Molluscs re-expanded to become more diverse
than in Paleozoic.
 Adaptive radiation of ammonoids from 2 to 100 genera.
 Bivalves and gastropods also increase in diversity; sea urchins
2. Pelagic Marine Life
 acritarchs - meager record.
 dinoflagellates - mid-Jurassic diversification.
 coccolithophores - appeared in early Jurassic.
 conodonts - extinct at end of Triassic.
 swimming predators:
 Ammonoids & Belemnoids - many types evolved.
 Fishes (ray finned, bony fishes)

 scales with little or no overlap.

 skeletons partly cartilagineous.
 simple primitive jaws.
 asymmetrical tails.
 many changes in Mesozoic; swim bladder appeared (evolved
from lungs) and sac of gas (buoyancy regulation).
3. Marine Reptiles (amphibious or aquatic reptiles)
 Placodonts (Triassic only)
- broad armored bodies.
- blunt teeth crushed shells.
 Nothosaurs (Triassic only)
- first reptiles to invade the sea.
- paddle-like limbs (sea-like).
 Plesiosaurs
- evolved from Nothosaurs.
- fed on fish.
- up to 40 feet long (12 m).
- paddle-like limbs.
 Ichthyosaurs ("fish-lizards")
- fish-like reptiles (resemble dolphins)
- top predators.
- large eyes to pursue prey.
- had live young, not eggs.
 Crocodiles
- evolved in Triassic as terrestrial animals.
- some adapted to marine environment by
earliest Jurassic.
- rapid swimmers.
- evolved from Thecodonts
3. Terrestrial Organisms:
 - mass extinction of many mammal-like reptiles.
recall the pelycosaurs (Dimetrodon) and therapsids of
the Permian.
Therapsids probably arose from the pelycosaurs.
 Therapsids
 Therapsids were small to moderate in size, with several mammalian
skeletal traits.
Differentiated teeth
Legs beneath body
 Therapsids continued into the Triassic but became extinct
in the Early Jurassic, after giving rise to the mammals
Insects of the Mesozoic:

Continued insect diversification throughout the Mesozoic,

 The first flies ( Diptera) in the Triassic
 The first moths & butterflies ( Lepidoptera)
questionably in the Jurassic, and definitely in the
 The first wasps ( Hymenoptera) in the Jurassic,
evolving into bees & ants in the Cretaceous
 Diversification of beetles ( Coleoptera), roaches,
mantids & termites ( Blattaria), and others during the
Cynognathus crateronotus, a therapsid from the Early Triassic (230-
225 mya), Cape Province, South Africa. Note the differentiated teeth.
Kayentatherium, a reptilian ancestor of the mammals from the
Late Triassic of Arizona (210-200 mya). The prominent front teeth
and multicuspid cheek teeth suggest that this was a plant eater. It
is an advanced mammal-like reptile.
Basal Archosaurs or Thecodonts
 Thecodonts were small, agile reptiles with long tails and
short fore-limbs.
Many were bipedal (walked on 2 legs).
Freed fore-limbs for other tasks -
 catching prey
 modified for flight

 The thecodonts gave rise to:

 dinosaurs
 flying reptiles or pterosaurs
Pteranodon, Rhamphorhynchus
 armored carnivores
 crocodile-like aquatic reptiles (phytosaurs)
Phytosaur skull, Late Triassic of Arizona. Label shows external nostrils.
Phytosaur skull, Late Triassic of Texas. Label shows external nostrils.
Rutiodon, a Triassic phytosaur
 Mammamls evolved from mammal-like reptiles in

Late Triassic. Endotherms (warm-blooded)

 have hair or fur

 suckle their young.

 remained small throughout Mesozoic (smaller than

Early mammals were small furry animals. Rodent-like.
Other animals - frogs appeared in Triassic
- turtles apppeared in Triassic (reptiles).
- Pterosaurs (winged reptiles) in Triassic .
 vertebrates invaded the air for the first time.
 long wings and tails.

 birds appeared near the end of the Jurassic.

Archaeopteryx ("first" bird?).
Land plants.
 Ferns dominated Triassic floras.
 Decline of lycopods, sphenopsids and cordaites trees
began before end of Permian. Some lycopods and
sphenopsids survived into the Mesozoic. Most were
 Gymnosperms (most trees) exposed seeds; pollination
by wind.
 Cycads (dominant esp. in Jurassic).
 Conifers
 Ginkgos
 No flowering plants, grasses or hardwood trees until
Paleogeography and Geology of the Triassic:

 The Sonoman Orogeny is still underway (collision of Sonomia and

western North America).
 Abundant redbeds in many parts of the world.(New Red Sandstone in
Britain; Karoo Supergroup (actually a Permo-Jurassic unit) in southern
Africa; Moenkopi through Chinle Formation in southwestern U.S.,
 Collision of North and South China blocks with Siberian coast completes
 Appalachians and other mid-Pangaean mountains worn down until low
 During latest Triassic: rifting in mid-Pangaea (between North America
+ Europe and Africa).
 Produces large-scale volcanism
 Fault basins up and down rift: the Newark Supergroup of eastern North America
 Birth of the Atlantic Ocean
Paleogeography and Geology of the Jurassic:

 Continued rifting and volcanism along mid-Atlantic margin

(including the Palisades of New York, New Jersey, and
southern New England); the Newark Supergroup
development continues. Extensive evaporite deposits.
 Continued evidence of arid conditions in many parts of
the world during the Early Jurassic (Glen Canyon Group
of American Southwest, etc.).
 During Middle Jurassic, major global transgressions and
return to calcite sea conditions. Europe flooded,
development of European Archipelago.
 As Atlantic grows:
 Pangaea splits into Gondwana and Laurasia
(Laurentia + Baltica + Siberia + Kazakhstania + North
China + South China)
 In latest Jurassic: beginning of rifting of Africa from
South America (beginnings of South Atlantic) and
from Indomadagascar (beginnings of Indian Ocean)
 By latest Jurassic, wide enough separation to allow
beginnings of trans-equatorial circulation
 Beginning of the Coastal Plain sedimentation
along eastern North America and Gulf Coast
In Middle-Late Jurassic, development of ongoing
“Andean”-style subduction along Pacific coastline of
North America. Foreland periodically flooded and
During Late Jurassic, Nevadan Orogeny:
 A large accretionary wedge, the Franciscan Ophiolite
& Mélange, is thrust up onto western North America
 Fold and thrust belt pushes up the plutons of the
ancestral Sierra Nevada
 Molasse from this event forms huge clastic wedge from
Montana to Arizona and as far east as South Dakota
and Oklahoma: the Morrison Formation
Paleogeography and Geology of the Cretaceous:

 Continued breakup of Gondwana (which has been

intact since the breakup of Pannotia!). Isolated into
Africa and a South America + Indomadagascar +
Antarctica/Australia unit connected by now-submerged
 As South Atlantic widens, beginning of Andean
Orogeny in western South America (a long ongoing
mountain building process, still active today).
 Equatorial current allows continued warming of tropical
The mid-Cretaceous saw some major worldwide events:
 Increased rate of sea-floor spreading along mid-ocean ridges
 Decreased rate of magnetic reversals (mid-Cretaceous is marked
by the Long Cretaceous Normal, 40 Myr without reversals)
 Highest transgressions of the post-Pangaean world, rivaling the
highest Cambrian highstands
 Many continents divided up by epeiric seas: North America divided
in three by Western Interior Seaway; European Archipelago
isolated from Asian mainland; Africa is divided into three; etc.)
 Black shales and anoxic waters periodically flood continental
shelves and epeiric seas
 Globally warm and mild climates

During Late Cretaceous, beginnings of regression, but main

regression event not until the Maastrichtian (last Age).
In warm Cretaceous seas, important new types of deposits:
 CHALK!!! – coccolithophorids appear in Jurassic, but take
off in producing chalk during mid-to Late Cretaceous. The
Chalk of Europe, Niobrara Chalk of the Western Interior
Seaway, etc..
 Diatomites: diatoms first appear and become common in
 Foraminiferal ooze: planktonic foraminiferans arise in
 Rudist reefs (particularly in Tethys and along equatorial
regions): rudists are reef-forming bivalves.
In Early Cretaceous, continuation of Nevadan Orogeny.
During the mid-Cretaceous:
 Increased speed of sea-floor spreading means
subduction along Pacific margin of North America at a
lower angle
 Various small microplates swept up by western margin
of North America
 Subducting Farallon Plate reaches melting point are regions
further eastward
 Eastward migration of mountain range from Washington/Oregon
to Idaho
 This new style is called Sevier Orogeny: lasts until near the
end of the Late Cretaceous
 Within forearc basin, many regional transgression-regression
During Maastrichtian :
 Slowdown of seafloor spreading rate
 Huge Maastrichtian Regression: Western Interior Seaway drains
to near modern Gulf Coast
 Beginning of Laramide Orogeny in Cordilleran system: foundering
Farallon Plate brings uplift of region, some volcanism as far east as
Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico: continues well into Tertiary
 Deccan Traps: massive flood basalt episode in western India,
second largest in Phanerozoic (begins during last magnetic normal
interval of Cretaceous, so no closer than 400 kyr from 65.51 Ma)
 Cooling, more continental climates

Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary: impact of a huge (10 km diameter)

asteroid at Chicxulub in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico: more on
this later!
Marine Life of the Triassic:

 Recovery from the Permo-Triassic Extinction. Some groups survive at greatly reduced diversity
(possibly only two genus of ammonoid survived extinction).
 In earliest Triassic seas: return of stromatolites to shallow subtidal environments (perhaps grazers
were so reduced that for a time they flourished).
 Major adaptive radiation of groups begins: ammonoids up to 100 genera by end of the Early
Triassic. Ammonoids are amazingly abundant throughout the Mesozoic.
 Early Triassic seas dominated by bivalves, gastropods, ammonoids, some articulate brachiopods,
and sea urchins (echinoids): the Modern Evolutionary fauna displaces the Paleozoic
Evolutionary Fauna.
 During Middle Triassic: return of reefs, built by a new group: scleractinian corals (or hexacorals).
 Sharks diversify, including shellfish-eaters. Ray-finned fish radiate: most in Triassic have heavy
armored scales.
 Marine reptiles arise: most of the Triassic forms (thallatosaurs, placodonts, nothosaurs,
pachypleurosaurs, etc.) are near-shore animals, but two pelagic clades also appear:
 Ichthyosaurs : highly derived for life in the open ocean, including internal gestation of embryos
 Plesiosaurs: paddle-flippered, may have come onto shore to lay eggs
 Terminal Triassic extinction event : wipes out last of the conodonts, many marine reptiles
(other than ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs), many species of bivalve and ammonoid.
The K-T Extinction
Probably the most intensively studied of all mass extinctions in the rock record
Victims include:
 Many species of coccolithophorid: never recover diversity
 Many species of foram
 All ammonoids
 All but a few belemnoids (a couple species survive to earliest Cenozoic)
 All inoceramids
 All rudists
 All plesiosaurs
 All mosasaurs
 All pterosaurs
 All non-flying dinosaurs
 Several clades of birds
 Laurasian marsupials

Although many untestable hypotheses suggested (hunting by aliens, supernova radiation,

etc.), three contributing factors have strong independent physical evidence:
The Maastrichtian Regression:

Draining of epeiric seas would alter terrestrial climate by:

 Changing Earth's albedo, and thus its solar budget, and
thus its weather
 Producing more continental climates in interiors,
changing regional ecosystems
 Change oceanographic conditions, by removing the
once-vast epeiric sea systems and by removing a major
source of productivity
 Would operate over a 4 million year scale
Increased Maastrichtian volcanism,
the Deccan Traps:
 Decrease insolation (incoming sunlight) by
presence of fine particles in high
 Also change Earth's albedo, although not
as dramatically
 Would operate on the scale of a few tens
of thousands to hundreds of thousands of
The Cretaceous-Tertiary Impact:

Evidence for the impact from several sources:

 Iridium spike: vast increase in level of iridium (rare in crust, common
in metallic meteorites), first found in K-T boundary clay at Gubbio,
Italy and since found at over 100 sites worldwide
 Shocked quartz: generated by intense pressures, found at K-T sites
 Tektites (melt glass blobs): found at various sites, especially near
 Tsunami deposits: found in North American Gulf Coast and northern
South America
 Crater: at Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico, about 100-150 km diameter.
Not observable at surface, but recognizable in cores, in magnetic and
gravitic surveys, and by karst-generated lakes at surface
Effects of impact would be similar to those of volcanism, only more
severe and very rapid.
Suggestions that all these systems were in effect:

 Some general declines in diversity among various groups

(coccolithophorids, ammonoids, inoceramids, rudists, non-avian
dinosaurs) during last two stages of Late Cretaceous
 Change in flora of western North American Interior, consistent
with climate/ecosystem changes due to Regression
 Many extinctions, however, seemingly instantaneous
 In marine realm, planktonic forms and creatures that eat them
(and those that ate them, and so on) suffered greater than
benthic detritivores, consistent with shut down of
 In terrestrial realm, less obvious patterns: larger and/or fully
terrestrial creatures survive better than smaller and/or
subaquatic forms
Arti Ekonomi
 Minyak Bumi di Cina
 Mineral berharga seperti emas, perak
di Himalaya
 Intan di Afrika Selatan
 Endapan Garam di Eropa dan Cina

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