Reported By: Ms. Grace B. Calañada MBA

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Reported by:

Ms. Grace B. Calañada

Human Resources
The division of a company that is
focused on activities relating to
employees. These activities normally
include recruiting and hiring of new
employees, orientation and training of
current employees, employee
benefits, and retention.
Some typical daily tasks for an HR
worker include:
 Consult with employers to identify needs and
preferred qualifications
 Interview applicants about their experience, education
and skills
 Contact references and perform background checks
 Inform applicants about job details such as benefits
and conditions
 Hire or refer qualified candidates
 Conduct new employee orientations
 Process paperwork
Necessary Skills for Any HR
 Strong writing and communication skills.
 Basic knowledge of business skills (but really, the more
the better)
 Knowledge of employment and labor laws.
 Strong interpersonal skills.
 Flexibility.
 High level of analytical and strategic thinking.
 Patience.
 Resilience.
Important of HR to organization
 Strategec Management
 Salaries and Wages
 Analyzing Benefits
 Safety and Risk Management
 Minimizing Liability Issues
 Training and Development
 Employee Satisfaction
 Recruitment and Onboarding
Important of HR to organization
 Training and Development
 Employee Satisfaction
 Recruitment and Onboarding
 Hiring Process
 Maintaining Compliance
Human Resources Management
is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of
the procurement, development, compensation,
integration, maintenance and separation of human
resources to the end that individual, organizational, and
social objectives are accomplished.

- Edwin B. Flippo
Importance of HRM
 Hire the right person for the job
 Low attrition rate
 Ensure people do their best
 Time saved is not conducting useless interview
 Avoid legal action for any discrimination
 Safety law are not ignored
 Equity towards employee in relation to salary etc.
 Effective training
 Avoid unfair labor practices
Role of HRM in Organization
Working Together
Commitment Building
Building Capacity
Addressing Issue
Human Resources Planning
Is the process of forecasting a firm’s future
demand for, and supply of, the right type of
people in the right number .
Importance of HRP
 Future personnel needs
 Helps in Strategic planning
 Creating high talented personnel
 Global strategies
 Foundation of personnel function
 Increase investments in human resources
 Resistance to change
Internal Recruitment
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Cheaper and quicker to recruit 1 . Limit the number of potential
2. People already familiar with the 2. No new ideas can be introduced from
business and how it operates outside the business
3. Organization have better knowledge 3. Candidate’s current works can be
about the internal candidates affected
4. Enhancement of employee morale 4. Politics play greater role
and motivation
5. Good performance is rewarded 5. Morale problem for those not
External Recruitment
Advantages Disadvantage
1. Outside people bring in new ideas 1. Longer process
2. Larger pool of worker s from which 2. More expensive process due to
to find best candidates advertisements and interviews
3. People have a wider range of 3. Selection process may not be effective
experience enough to reveal the best candidates

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