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• Welding and Cutting are common industrial
• The associated hazards are Fire and
Explosion, Electric Shock, Burns, Exposure
to Radiation and Toxic Fumes and Gases.
• Operators are required to be fully
conversant with all Safe Practices.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding/Cutting
Equipment Check
 Ensure that the tip of the torch is free from
dirt metal.
 Move out any leaking cylinder immediately.
 Check leaks around regulators,
hoses/fittings & nozzle with soap
solution. Faulty equipment should be
changed immediately.
Equipment Set-up
 Use trolley for Oxygen & acetylene
cylinder and chain them.
 Arrange hoses to avoid tripping hazards.
 Always use red hose for Acetylene and
other Fuel gases and black for Oxygen, and
ensure that both are in equal length.
 Before attaching regulator to the cylinder, it
is necessary to shift the valve to blow out
foreign particles from the valve seat.
Equipment Set-up
 Never use grease or oil on acetylene lines.
 Attach Flashback Arrestors to each
 Select the proper welding/cutting nozzles.
 Non-return valve should be installed in fuel
gas line.
• Always stand back from the regulator when
opening the cylinder valve. Turn valve
slowly to avoid bursting of the regulator.
• Leave key wrenches on Cylinders in use, so
they can be closed quickly.
 Do not use an Acetylene pressure greater
than 9 PSIG.
• Use only a friction/spark lighter to light to
torch. Never use matches, hot metal or
welding arc.
• When leaving a Confined Space (Even if it
is only for a break or lunch), shut off the gas
 If you run out of gas, extinguish the flame
and connect the hose to the new Cylinder.
Purge the line before re-igniting the torch.
Purge the line before re-igniting the torch.
 Purge regulators after welding work is over
and then turn off.
Electric Arc Welding
Equipment Check
 Make sure that splices are at least 3M away
from the holder.
 Regularly inspect insulation on electrode
holder, cables and accessories. Replace
worn & damaged cables immediately.
 Ensure that cable and power sources are
free from dirt/grease.
Equipment Set-up
• Ground the work piece separately from the
welding return connection. Never attach the
ground cable to pipes containing flammable
liquids or gases.
 Arrange cables so that they do not create
tripping hazards.
 Cover the lug terminals to prevent shorting
out by a metal object.
 Use the current for which the cable is
 Place electrode stubs in containers.
 Burn electrodes to not less than 38 to 50
MM in length. Burning them further
damages the electrode holder.
 When job is finished, disconnect the
welding machine from the Power Source
and remove the electrode from its holder.
Store the electrode holder in a Safe place.
General Safety Precautions
 Remove combustible materials from work
are or cover them with Fire –resistant
blankets (Asbestos Blanket) , before starting
the Welding Operations.
 For Work in Confined Space, fasten
Cylinders/Welding machine securely
outside and provide proper ventilation.
General Safety Precautions
 Use Welder’s screen of Correct
 Use all necessary Personal Protective

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