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• Luthfi Faisal H
• Satia Nanda
• Sulthan NH
• Taufik Rahman

• What is ICAO ?
• Aviation organitation
• Chicago Convension
• AC (Advisory Circulars)
Aviation Regulation

• International Aviation Regulation


• Indonesian Aviation Regulation

What is ICAO?
 Specialized agency of UN
 Created in 1944
 Promotes safe and orderly development of international civil
aviation throughout the world
 Sets standards and regulations necessary for
aviation safety security efficiency and regularity
aviation environmental protection
 Serves as forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation
among 191 Member States
The Convention on International Civil Aviation (also known as Chicago
Convention), was signed on 7 December 1944 by 52 States. Pending
ratification of the Convention by 26 States, the Provisional International
Civil Aviation Organization (PICAO) was established. It functioned from
6 June 1945 until 4 April 1947. By 5 March 1947 the 26th ratification
was received. ICAO came into being on 4 April 1947. In October of the
same year, ICAO became a specialized agency of the United Nations
linked to Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
WorldWar Issues
States needed to decide:
 The problem of commercial rights;
 What arrangements needed to be made for the airlines of
one country to fly into and through the territories of
 What could be done to maintain
the air navigation facilities
installed during the war.
Why was ICAO formed?

“To enable developing countries to attain, in the field of civil aviation, a standard
comparable to that of the developed countries and thereby to share in the economic
and social benefits that air transport and related civil aviation industries generate at
the local, regional and national level throughout the world”

 Promote safety of flight in

international air navigation;

enable States to better face the

continuously changing aviation
What is ICAO strategic

– Safety
– Security
– Infrastructure and Environment
Chicago Convention

• Each signatory State "undertakes to collaborate to

secure the highest practicable degree in uniformity
of regulations and standards, procedures and
organization relating to aircraft, personnel and which such uniformity would be likely
to facilitate and improve air navigation"
Purpose of the Convention

• “WHEREAS the future development of international civil aviation can greatly

help to create and preserve friendship and understanding among the nations
and peoples of the world, yet its abuse can become a threat to the general
security; and
• “WHEREAS it is desirable to avoid friction and to promote that cooperation
between nations and peoples upon which the peace of the world depends;
• “THEREFORE, the undersigned governments having agreed on certain
principles and arrangements in order that international civil aviation may be
developed in a safe and orderly manner and that international air transport
services may be established on the basis of equality of opportunity and
operated soundly and economically
• Have accordingly concluded this convention to that end.
Hierarchy of ICAO

Annexes supported
by Policy
PANS and State letters,
SUPPs Assembly
Guidance Materials
• Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing • Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services
• Annex 2 — Rules of the Air • Annex 12 — Search and Rescue
• Annex 3 — Meteorological Service for • Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and
International Air Navigation Incident Investigation
• Annex 4 — Aeronautical Charts • Annex 14 — Aerodromes
• Annex 5 — Units of Measurement to • Annex 15 — Aeronautical Information
be Used in Air and Ground Operations Services
• Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft • Annex 16 — Environmental Protection
• Annex 7 — Aircraft Nationality and • Annex 17 — Security — Safeguarding
Registration Marks International Civil Aviation against Acts
• Annex 8 — Airworthiness of Aircraft of Unlawful Interference
• Annex 9 — Facilitation • Annex 18 — The Safe Transport of
Dangerous Goods by Air
• Annex 10 — Aeronautical
Telecommunications • Annex 19 — Safety Management

• Complementary to SARPs
• Comprise material too detailed for
• Do not have same status as SARPs
• Amendment procedure is similar to
• Approved by Council
• Recommended to Contracting States for
worldwide application
Guidance Material

• ICAO manuals and circulars

provide guidance and information
to facilitate the uniform
application of SARPs and PANS
• Approved by Secretary General
and published under his authority
Strategic Direction of SARPs

Towards performance-based SARPs

Less technical specifications
Use of outside standards-making organizations
Use of electronic means to facilitate process
ICAO Strucrure



Indonesian Aviation Regulatory

 Aviation Act (UU Penerbangan) No. 1-2009

 Government Regulation & President Decree (PP & KepPres)
 Ministry Decree (Keputusan Menteri: Kep.Men.)
 Director General Decree (Keputusan Direktur Jenderal)

 Example:
 Aviation Act No. 1-2009
 RI Regulation No. 3-2001: Aviation Security & Safety.
 Ministry Decree No. 94 / 2015: Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASR) Part 91; General Operating and Flight
 Director General Decree No. KP 287 - 2015 / 24 April 2015;
Advisory Circular Part (AC) 69-01; License, Rating, Training &
Qualification of Air Traffic Control Personnel.
DGCA Vision and Mission

 It is the vision of the DGCA to accomplish the goal of reliable, competitive and value added air
 Reliable means achieving excellence and achieving punctuality, airworthiness, safety and security
in providing air Directorate General of Civil Aviation of The Republic of Indonesia transportation
services. Competitive represents effectiveness, efficiency, quality, environmentally-friendly
operations, sustainability, human resources professionalism, independence and productivity. Value
added reflects giving value to the community directly or indirectly.
 The mission of the DGCA is as follows:
 To meet standards of safety, security and service
 To provide reliable, optimal and integrated air transportation infrastructure and network
 To offer competitive and sustainable aviation business service
 To be an effective and efficient organization supported by professional human resources and
comprehensive regulation and law enforcement
Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority

• the Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority Organization

Structure which consists of Director General,
Secretary General, Directorate of Air Transport,
Directorate of Airport, Directorate of Aviation
Security, Directorate of Air Navigation and
Directorate of Aircraft Airworthiness and Operation.
The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation (Indonesia)

• a Directorate General under the auspicies of

the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of
Indonesia, which oversees the administration of civil
aviation throughout the nation of Indonesia. The
office of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation
oversees all government regulations pertaining to
civil aviation and the Aviation Act (Undang Undang
Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 Tentang Penerbangan).[1][2] Its
head office is in Jakarta.
Advisory Circulars (AC)
• The DGCA issues Advisory Circulars (ACs) to inform the aviation public
in a systematic way of non regulatory material providing guidance,
policy, and information.
• These ACs provide a generally accepted means, but not only means,
of compliance with the CASRs. Operators can deviate from an AC with
the consent of DGCA. A master Index lists all effective ACs.
• There are several Advisory Circulars that have an impact on
Maintenance Programs, as follows:
AC 120-16C, Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Programs,
AC 25-19, Certification Maintenance Requirements,
AC 43-9C, Maintenance Records,
AC43-12A, Preventive Maintenance,
AC 43.13-1B, Acceptable methods, Techniques and Practices-Aircraft Inspection and repair,
AC 120-17A, Maintenance Control by Reliability Methods,
AC 120-42A, Extended Range Operation with Two-Engine Airplanes (ETOPS),
AC 121-1A, Standards Operations Specifications Aircraft Maintenance Handbook,
AC 121-22A, Maintenance Review Board,
AC 129-4, Maintenance Program for Foreign Operators of RI-Registered Aircraft under
CASR Part 129,
Thank You

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