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Criteria for Building our

Company’s Website
Internet in Marketing

Clement Dreuillet
Diana Nechita
Olukayode Adebiyi
Samson Charlonnai

 Introduction to our Company

 The most attractive offer of building a
 The most attractive offer of web hosting
 The most attractive offers of site registration
in search engines
 Tools for a better ranking of our website
What we want from a website builder

 A high quality website to be a reflection of

our business;
 Informative content
 Simple layout
 Easy navigation
 Fast loading graphics
 Professionalism and highly experienced
 References to previous clients
Website builder
Package benefits
 The creation of a tailored website and not the
use of a template
 Availability of unlimited website design
 Include a free .co,.uk or .com domain name of
our choice
 Include 1 year's free high speed, highly
reliable, secure hosting for our site
 Include free email
 Online website visitors statistics
 Include content management as standard
with all sites
 Include any images we may want from their
quality image library for use on our site
 Include free search engine optimisation
 Provide us with free Google advertising
 Provide us with their expertise and guidance
when needed to ensure your site looks as
professional as possible
Web hosting services
Why BlueHost?

1. Price
• Only $6.95/month
2. Disk space
• UNLIMITED disk storage
3. Bandwidth/ Transfer - the amount of data transferred to visitors as
they view your Web pages.
• UNLIMITED GB of Site Transfer
4. UNLIMITED Domain Hosting + FREE Domain Name
5. POP3 email accounts - You can check your email using different
email software packages from anywhere in the world. You can
easily set up your email addresses or change them.
• UNLIMITED POP3/POP3 Secure E-mail Support
6. Email Forwarding - With the email forwarding feature, you can forward
all your incoming email to another email address that you specify.
• 50 Forwarding E-mail Accounts
7. UNLIMITED Parked domains - One or more additional domains can point
to your main domain. For example, you already have a hosting account
and the domain name "" You may register "" and
"" and park them to your main account, so that no matter
which one you typed in, it would still go to the same site.
8. UNLIMITED Subdomains - A subdomain displays the default page located
within any directory in your Web space.
9. UNLIMITED Add-On Domains - They allow you to share your disk space
and bandwidth with more than one domain name. The additional domain
name (pointer) can point to a subdirectory of your main site, so the add-
on domain can have its own home page and content.
10. FTP access included - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to
transfer documents from your hard drive to a remote server. FTP is
the easiest way to upload and download files between you and your
Web host.
11. Server Site Includes (SSI) - This is a group of functions that can be
included directly in your HTML so that a server can include variable
values in the HTML file before it sends it to the requester. SSI
commands allow you to perform functions not available through
12. Site Statistics -You can see how many people are visiting your site,
what pages they are looking at, when they visit, and much more.
13. MySQL, PostgreSQL Databases
14. MySQL 5, PostgreSQL Database Server
15. Javascript, DHTML, Flash, Shockwave Support
16. CGI Library, CGI – BIN - CGI scripts are small programs on the server
that can provide your site with interactivity.
17. UNIX Platform - Linux Operating System
18. Data backup included
19. 99.9% Network Uptime Guarantee - This is important for both the
search engines and your human visitors. If a search engine spider comes
to visit your site when it's inaccessible, it's quite likely that it will drop
your site from its index.
20. Many other additional features…
Tools for a better ranking of our

Title tag

Meta description tag Web site

Search engine Optimisation
 £200 per month
 No contract
 SEO (Search Engine Optimization): boost
your website's presence on Search Engines.
 Weekly traffic report
 Complete site audit

 Easily indexable pages

 Submission of your site on main search
engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing/Msn)
 Sending of your sitemap to Google
 Tools and indications to improve positioning
 €50 free of advertising in Google
 Access to our SEM and SEO professional

 Only $49 per month

 No contract
 A presence in a lot of search engines

 Fast and Simple

 Good reputation
Any questions?
If not…

Thank you for your time and


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