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The chief surrounds himself with family members or other
people he feels he can trust or keep in line through both fear and
a promise to take care of them. Recruitment boils down to co-
option, and there are often ritualized joining practices where the
newcomer chooses allegiance to the boss, who offers protection
in return
I n Amber Organizations the recruitment is done by higher official's especially in
ARMY Seniors officers like Colonel do the recruitment of the junior officers
Orange Organizations
In Orange Organizations the recruitment is done by Human Resources Team .The Candidates are
recruited on the basis of technical skills and basis of requirements for the job.
Green Organizations
Candidates for management positions are rigorously screened on their
mindset, behavior and values: are they ready to empower their subordinates,
to be a coach rather than a top-down decision maker?
For Teal Organizations the candidates are recruited on three principles
1. What makes for a good fit
2. Fit for role
3. Fit with the organization
Morning Star
Food Processing - United States - 400 employees - For profit
Recruitment in Morning Star is a very demanding process, generally
including a multitude of interviews and a battery of diagnostics
Metal Manufacturing – France – 400 employees – For profit
Uses an extended trial period, to ensure a mutual match.

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