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Brachial Plexus
ROLL NO : 18BPT1014
SUBMITTED ON: 9/3/2019
Index :

 Defination
 Parts of brachial plesux
 Blood supply of brachial plesux
Defination :

 TheBrachical plexus is a network of nerve

fibers that run from the spine , passing
thourgh the cervico-axillary canal to
reach axilla. It is formed by the verntral
rami of the lower four cervical and first
thoracic nerve roots [C5-C8,T1}. The right
brachial plexus with it short branches ,
viewed from in front

 The brachial plexus is divided into 5 parts :

Roots – Trunks – Divisions – cards – branches

{ a good mnemonic for this is }

Read That Damn Cadaver Book

Parts of Brachial Pleuxs

 Roots : the ventral rami of spinal nerves C5 to C11 are

referred to as the “roots” of the plexus . The roots
emerge from the transverse processes of the cervical
vertebrate immediately posterior to the vertebral artery

 Trunks :
Superior trunk : A combination of C5 and C6 roots.
Middle trunk : A continuation of C7
Inferior trunk : A combination of C8 and T1 roots
Parts of brachial plexus

 Division : Each trunk spits into an anterior division and a


 Cards : The cards are formed by recombination of the six

division to three nerve fibers . They are named by their postion
relative to the axillary artery
Blood Supply of the Brachial Plexus

 The blood supply of the brachial plexus is based

largely on the subclavian { which become the
axillary } artery

 Generally the vessels involed are the

vertebral , the ascending and deep
cervical and the superior intercostal
 Thank you

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