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Chapter 6
 Richard and Mr. Kilmer exchanged letters throughout the
summer. Richard always attached a poem with each letter he sent.
 Mr. Kilmer send a letter saying that he arrived in France, and was
getting ready to enjoy the battle.
 Richard was worried about the war. The fighting seemed far from
over, and he worried if his brother or even himself would go fight
in a war someday. He thought of his uncle’s dead, and how his
father was deeply affected by it.
 When school started, Mrs. Hansen announced that the class
would put on programme to helps give funds for the war and sell
“Liberty Bonds”
 One girl students will be chosen to play “Lady Liberty” and one
boy student will be chosen to play the “Doughboy”, an American
 Both students will be chosen by writing the best essays about the
topic “How Can We Help The War Efforts Right Here In Turtle
 Richard starts thinking, and had an idea. All the students could
write letters to the soldiers fighting overseas. It would help them
not feel lonely and homesick. He started writing his essay.
 Two mean girls, Peggy and Blenched, discussed who would be
chosen as Lady Liberty. They made fun of their classmate Milly
(for being so mousy) and Hannah (for being a Hun).
 After everyone turned in their essays, Mrs Hansen announce that
Richard will play the role of Doughboy. He read his essay out loud
to the class, and almost everyone clapped after he was done except
Harry and Abner, the bullies.
 Then, Mrs Hansen announced that Hannah will play the role of
Lady Liberty. Everyone gasped. Hannah read her essay out loud to
the class, looking nervous. She focused on the need for everyone
in Turtle Lake to care about each other, no matter the difference
between them.
 After Hannah finish reading, Richard was the only one who
clapped for her.

 Patriotism
 The students have to make an essay entitled ‘How We Can Help
the War Effort Right Here in Turtle Lake’ to get the role as a Lady
Liberty and Doughboy. (page 70)

 Prejudice and discrimination

 Peggy and Blanche simply think that Hannah is not suitable for the
role of Lady Liberty just because her family is a ‘hun’. (page 73)
Main Character

 Richard Knight
 Caring
o He want to make an essay about the exchanges letter between the
students and soldiers to keep a few American men from feeling so
lonely. (page 71)
 Kind
o He was the only one who clapped for Hannah after she finished
reading her essay. (page 78)
Minor Character
 Hannah Schermer
 Outspoken, Brave
o She managed to read her essay in a brave, clear voices even though
she is worried and nervous at the beginning. (page 76)

 Peggy
 Rude, Arrogant
o She made fun of her classmate, Milly for being so mousy and
Hannah for being a Hun (page 72 & 73)
Minor Character

 Mrs Hansen
o Mrs Hansen chose Hannah and Richard to play the role fairly
based on their essay and not being biased. (page75)
 Place
 Classroom
 Mrs Hansen announce that the class would be putting on a
patriotic programme in the classroom (page 69)

 Time
 In September
 Mr Kilmer wrote a letter that he has arrive in France (page 68)
 During Lunch
 The student discussed who should play the role as a Lady Liberty
and Doughboy (page 72)
Moral Values

 We must being patriotic to our country

 Richard and Hannah have a lot of patriotism value for their
country through the essay they wrote. (page 76 & 77)

 We should not being rude with others

 Peggy and Blanche make fun of Millie for being mousy and
Hannah for being a ‘hun’. (page 72 & 73)
Question 1

 What is the title of the

essay that they have to
write ?
Question 2

 Why peggy thinks that

millie will not get the
role as a lady liberty ?
Question 3

 Who is richard’s two

classmates that didn’t
applause after Richard
finished reading his essay?
Question 4


CLASSmates ?
Question 5


classmates didn’t claP

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