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Online book store

Department of Information Technology

Minor Project

Project By:
Project Guide:
Prof. Kapil Dev Raghuwanshi
Vinayak Kanherkar (0114IT161057)
Mudit Dwivedi (0114IT161057)
Manu Raghuwanshi (0114IT161022)
Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Functional requirement
4. Use Case Diagram
5. Architecture
6. Technologies
7. System Requirement
8. Snapshots
9. Conclusion
• Online Book store is an online web application where the customer
can purchase books online. Through a web browser the customers can
search for a book by its title or author, later can add to the shopping
cart and finally purchase the books.

• The Online Book Store (OBS) application enables vendor to setup

online book store, customers to browse through the books, and a
system administrator to approve and reject requests for new books and
maintain lists of book categories.
• The main objective of “Online Book Store” is to provide an essence of
online book store via a simple and yet powerful medium.
• The project has been designed to simulate the working of an actual
online book store.
• The site is designed principally keeping a wide range of users in mind
and hence the interface as well as the various procedures have been so
designed that they can be used comfortably by all sort of users.
Functional requirement
• Browse Books
An user logging into the site can browse through the books both by
category or in a random manner.
• View Details
An user can also view the details of the book( eg : price , author) as well
as a short excerpt from the book.
• Add to Cart
The user can add the books of his choice to the shopping cart.
• Make Payments
The user ultimately visits his cart and makes the payment.
Use case diagram
ER diagram
Client side requirements
. 512 MB Of RAM
. P-IV processor or higher

. Web Browser like Internet Explorer , Google chrome
or others.

.Windows XP .
Home Page
Buy Page
Order Confirm
Order Confirmed
• Online Book store is an online web application where the
customer can purchase books online. Through a web browser
the customers can search for a book by its title or author, later
can add to the shopping cart and finally purchase the books
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