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Major Points:
An alternative venue for knowing ourselves and looking
into the depths and real meaning of what we are doing
for everyday life. ‘-
Form of crafting stories or transforming brief moments
into images and symbols.
Connecting with people, understanding culture, and
embodying tolerance and peace.
Develop the artist in us, awakening the art in us that has
been stagnant or undeveloped for numerous years.
It opens door for multiple intelligences of expression.
Major Points:
An exploration and application of the imagination in an
active way.
In making art, an artist or artisan or even an ordinary
person utilizes imagination to survive and live.
Imagination is an important tool in developing an
Where the substance and meaning of the artwork are
Varies from each individual with diverse experiences
based on what are obtained by the senses.
Major Points:
It takes a special skill to hold an image in thought and
turn that imagination into art.
Imagination is always dependent on ‘- the action and
plays a major role in art production.
Soulmaking can be innate gift or a learned skill, or a
combination of both.
It does not require a professional artist or artisan to be
It has no time reference, it occurs anytime.
It occurs where there is engagement among the person,
time and space.
Categories of Soulmaking
Crafting Images:
Imaging or representing in any form, which may be
through painting, sculpting, drawing, story telling,
poetry, dancing, composing or taking notes.
It is rooted in our own personal experiences, our
personal encounters, and events that triggered our
reflection, recall, and judgment.

Categories of Soulmaking
Crafting Stories:
The moment we write, engrave , and inscribe our own
thoughts, ideas, commentaries, criticisms, and positive
and negative emotions, we are crafting stories.
It becomes our own history that can be handed down to
our children and family for the succeeding generations.

Categories of Soulmaking
Crafting Instruments:
An instrument maker is a bridge toward the unknown
because the instrument produces sounds that transcend
our feelings, emotions, and sensation in ‘-another realm.
The soul is accompanied by a vessel so that the soul
will not vanish.
Transforming any found or used object into a musical
instrument allows one to discover harmony and balance
to produce a sound that is entertaining, enhancing, and

Categories of Soulmaking
Crafting Movements:
Life is full of movements, filled with various beats.
Life is full of flowing images accompanied by flowing
narratives. ‘-
Everything we do in life is a performance, we perform

Categories of Soulmaking
Crafting Techniques:
Anything can be crafted by using different evocative
descriptions of experiences and explorations, like
photograph studies, puppets, and masks,
‘- constructions
and notepad studies.

A Framework for Genius
How To think Like Leonardo Da Vinci (Michael Belb):
Curiosity • Curious Approach to life and continuous learning.

Experiential • Participatory Learning:

‘- See and Do it Yourself
Sensory • Sense It: See, Taste, Touch, Hear, Smell, and Feel It

Transfiguration • Willingness to embrace the unknown and change.

Balancing Art & Science • Whole brain thinking

Balancing Mind & Body • Cultivating grace, fitness and poise

Systems Thinking • Knowingness that all things are interconnected.

Major Points:
Ownership generally pertains to the general right of a
person or an individual to control an object purchased or
in his possession.
Copyright – the person who created the work – exclusive
rights to reproduce, to display publicly, to make and
distribute copies, and to prepare derivative works based
on the original artwork, as well as to authorize those
mentioned above.
Purchase of a created work will merely result in the
transfer of ownership but the copyright will still remain
with the creator. For buyer who paid for the work, the
buyer usually holds the copyright.
Major Points:
Refers to borrowing images that are recognizable from
different sources and using these borrowed images to
make a new art form. ‘-
Means of experimentation by changing the context
around borrowed images and objects.
Artist establish original artwork in new context.
Artworks can be appropriated in two ways:
Appropriate artistic content, elements, motifs, style
and genres.
Adopt items that they consider to be artworks.
Major Points:
Appropriation is different from copying or forgery.
Appropriation allows the viewer to recognize the origin
of the borrowed images and objects,‘- as well as the
origin of the borrowed images and objects, as well as
the original context.
Forgery or copying tries to deceive the viewers into
thinking that they are looking at an original work of art.

Cultural Appropriation
Major Points:
Culture refers to a specific type or form of intellectual
development. It also means the customs, practices,
perspectives, and even creations shared ‘- by a group of
Cultural Appropriation – as appropriation that occurs
across the boundaries of culture.
A person with a certain culture takes objects created
by a person or a group of persons of another culture,
and uses these objects as his or her own.

Types of Cultural Appropriation
Object Appropriation:
Refers to appropriation of concrete and noticeable
works of art.
Happens when a tangible work previously‘- owned by
people from one culture was taken and adopted by a
person or a group of persons from another culture.

Types of Cultural Appropriation
Content Appropriation:
Adoption of works of art that are short stories, poetry,
and musical compositions.
Happens when an intangible work previously expressed
by people from one culture was adopted and used by a
person or a group of persons from another culture.
Style Appropriation – Artist do not replicate works
created by a person or group, however, they use the
elements of those works in creating their own.
Motif Appropriation – happens when artist are inspired by
the art from a different culture, but they do not produce
artworks using exactly the same style.
Types of Cultural Appropriation
Subject Appropriation:
Occurs when a subject matter from another culture is
Example would be a British writer ‘-creating a story
about Pacific Islanders.
This may happen in an offensive way.
It could morally unacceptable.

Issues on Copyright, Appropriation, and
Major Points:
Legal systems remain strict on cases that can be
considered violations on copyright.
An example would be the a photo, featured
‘- rose gold
dripping lips, posted on the Kylie’s Lip Kit Instagram.
Haggerty filed a lawsuit against Kylie cosmetics for an
image showing fingers colored with gold and the red lips.

Major Points:
The art and act of improvising or of composing, uttering,
executing, or arranging anything without previous
preparation or producing something from ‘- whatever is
existing or available.
In performing arts, improvisation is a very spontaneous
performance without specific or scripted preparation.
In music, it engages creativity and imagination.
In theater, a performer may play dramatic scenes
without any written dialogue and with minimal or no
prearranged dramatic activity.
Skills and Techniques in Improvisation
Major Points:
Improvisation skills can apply to many diverse abilities
or forms of communication and expression across all
disciplines. ‘-
Improvisation techniques are widely utilized in training
for the performing arts or activities, particularly in
music, theater, and dance.
Extemporize or ad lib
Playing it by ear, take it as it comes, and make it up as we
go along

Skills and Techniques in Improvisation
Major Points:
Stop-Gap – improvisation intended to solve a problem on
a temporary basis, and the proper solution is
unavailable. It applies in the field of engineering.
Brainstorming – improvisational, group problem-solving
technique in which any and all ideas that a group
member may have are permitted and encouraged to be
expressed. Regardless of actual practicality or
Thinking outside the box

Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Performing Arts:
Improvisation can be:
On the spot (at the moment)
Off the cuff (impromptu) ‘-
It can take place more often if it is practiced as a means of
encouraging artistic or creative behavior.
Can be done when an individual or group is acting, dancing,
singing, playing musical instruments, talking, creating
artworks, problem solving, or reacting at the moment and in
response to the stimulus of one’s immediate environment and
inner feelings.

Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Music Improvisation:
Creative activity of immediate musical composition,
which combines performance with communication of
emotions and while simultaneously playing
‘- instrumental,
as well as spontaneous response to other musicians.
Composing music on the fly.
It can be a solo performance, or interpedently in
ensemble with other players.
Improvised freestyle rap is commonly practiced as part
of a rappers’ creative processes, as a finished product,
spiritual event, and simply, for fun.
Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Improvisational Theater:
Improv or impro, it is the form of theater, often comedy,
in which most or all of what is performed is unplanned
or unscripted. ‘-
Created spontaneously by the performers.
The dialogue, action, story and characters are created
collaboratively by the players as the improvisation
unfolds in present time, without use of a previously
prepared, written script.

Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Dance Improvisation:
Process of spontaneously creating movement.
Facilitated through a variety of creative explorations,
including body mapping through levels,‘- shape, and
dynamic schema.
It is a free, seemingly unstructured, less technically
strict and impulsive form that draws inspiration from
everyday dance practices and influences.
Not only into creating new movement, it is also defined
as freeing the body from habitual movements patterns.

Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Contact Improvisation:
Form of improvised dancing that has been developing
internationally since 1972.
Involves exploration of one’s body in‘- relationship to
others by using the fundamentals of sharing weight,
touch, and movement awareness.
Originated from the movement studies of Steve Paxton
in the 1970s and developed through the continued
exploration of the Judson Dance Theater.

Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Contact Improvisation:
5 Rhythms in Contact Body Improvisation (in order)
Staccato ‘-
When danced in sequence, are known as a wave.
Takes about an hour to dance
Dance explores emotion, the cycle of life, the ego,
relationships, and spiritual vision.
Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Contact Improvisation:
5 Rhythms Map
Exploring Embodiment (deep internal wisdom)
Emotions (how to express emotions) ‘-
Life Cycle (conditioning and relationships)
Psyche (mirrors, ego)
Archetypes (imitation of original)
Offer understanding of people’s innate powers – being,
loving, knowing, seeing, and healing.

Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Contact Improvisation:
Third-World Improv
First school in the Philippines dedicated to teaching
the art and craft of improvisational theater.
Conducts classes and workshops on improvisational
Set to equip people with the skills and mindset to
jump in and do it anyway.

Improvisation in Various Art Forms
Contact Improvisation:
Third-World Improv
5 improv theater principles envisioned:
‘- on it)
Yes, and… (yes to the situation and build
Making your partner look good (no such thing as
‘laglagan’ or leaving people hanging)
Being average (doing your part genuinely and honestly
and letting the scene take off on its own)
Active Listening (pay attention to what your scene
partner is saying)
Everything is a gift (an offer is you choose to accept it
without judgment)

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