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• Dissolution of marital relations.

• The legal termination of a marriage by a court in a legal


• The parents no longer want to be married to each other.

░ Lack of communication
░ Constant arguing
░ Causes of Divorce
• Weight gain
• Lack of intimacy
• Unrealistic expectations
• Lack of equality
• Not being prepared for marriage
• Abuse
░ Divorce
• Is it legal here in Philippines?
✘ No
• Where else?
✔ The Vatican City
• Are there Alternatives?
✔ Annulment
░ Annulment
• An annulment of marriage is a legal decree that a
marriage is null and void.

• A divorce ends a legally valid marriage

• An annulment treats the marriage as if it never existed.

░ How?
• Divorce petition
• The petition is then filed in a state court.
• " If both spouses agree, the other spouse only needs to
sign an acknowledgement of the receipt of service.
• If the other spouse refuses to sign, you can hire a
professional process server to personally deliver the
░ How?
• Once the court enters the judgment, the divorce
is final.
• the spouses cannot remarry until the end of the
state's waiting period.
. If there are disputes that cannot be resolved,
court hearings and maybe even a trial will be
░ Extra Marital Affairs
• “Extramarital” describes relationships that happen
outside of a marriage, between two people who aren't
married to each other.

• An extramarital affair can damage a marriage.

░ Effects
• Divorce profoundly effects children, in-laws, friends,
businesses, churches and even society itself.

░ Effects on Children
░ Effects on Couples
░ Context
• People who experience divorce often draw closer to God by
praying and reading the Bible more frequently.

• However, those who are separated and divorced feel alienated

from their church.

• Churches are focusing on the needs of intact families and ignoring

the divorced.
░ Responses
• “I hate divorce…” (Malachi 2:16) is God’s
response to divorce.

“God hates divorce, but still loves divorced

░ Comments
• We can't afford as a Church to pretend it doesn't
exist – because then we are failing to extend the
mercy of Jesus to those in our communities who
hurt daily.
• Pope Francis has called this action a contradiction
to the Christian sacrament.
░ Comments
• However, remarriage outside of the Church
without an annulment are the kinds of actions
that would bar someone from receiving

• Pope Francis has called this action a contradiction

to the Christian sacrament.
░ Comments
• (Mt 19:3-9, Mk 10:2-12, and Lk 16:18) —This
teaching affirms that God’s plan for marriage
from the very dawn of Creation .

• (Gn 1:28 and 2:18-24)—is a partnership of mutual

and lasting fidelity.
░ Comments
• Marriage is an irrevocable covenant brought
about by the consent of the spouses.

• a ratified and consummated marriage cannot be

dissolved through any human power or for any
reason other than death.’
░ Solutions
• Offer Forgiving Love!

• Offer Understanding Patience!

• Offer Continuing Guidance!

░ Solutions
• Seek for counseling from a good priest or spiritual

• Offer Understanding Patience!

• Offer Continuing Guidance!

Neither man nor woman

is perfect
or complete
without the other.

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