Food Safety Chapter 2

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•Spoilage in foods begins as soon as –
1. Vegetables and fruits are harvested or picked.
2. Eggs are laid.
3. Fish is caught.
4. An animal is slaughtered for meat.
5. Milk is drawn from the animal.
6. Continues till the food is consumed.
To prevent food from getting spoiled it is important to know how and why food
gets spoiled, which are the food that are likely to spoil rapidly; what are the
factors that bring about quicker spoilage and how food can be prevented
from getting spoiled.
To protect food from spoilage it is essential that we prevent micro-organisms
from entering into food and prevent those that have already entered into it
from multiplying.
Food spoilage can be defined as decomposition and damage caused to food by
various agents, making it unsuitable for consumption.
The term contaminated is used for those foods which are not fit to be eaten for sanitary
reasons. Although they may look, smell and taste good, they may contain harmful
chemicals, non- food matter and bacteria.
The term spoilt is used for hose foods which look harmful and unfit to eat. Spoilt food has
an unattractive colour, smell taste and appearance.
In both these cases, food is unfit for consumption because of the presence of
undesirable changes which have taken place and the food is labelled as spoilt.
Food can be contaminated or spoilt by any of the following sources and at any stage
from the farm to the table till it is consumed. Sources of contamination of food
Air, water, plant soil, food handler, machinery and equipment, sewage and trucks or
carts during transport.
Food contamination refers to the presence of harmful chemicals and microorganisms
that can cause illness or injury in food when such food is consumed.
Food contamination is a serious health problem that needs to be tackled. The effect of
chemical contaminants on human health may sometimes be seen only after years
of prolonged exposure at low levels, for example, carcinogens in food may build up
in the body causing cancers. Unlike most microbiological agents, chemical
contaminants present in food are not destroyed by thermal processing's.

Canned food :- Although canned foods have excellent keeping quality because of
the sealed cans are practically free from microorganisms, some heat resistant
spores may remain or bacteria may enters cans which are not properly sealed. If
cans are stored at warm temperature these heat resistant, anaerobic spores, or
bacteria may germinate, multiply and spoil the contents of the can. Sometimes
these acid from the food reacts with iron or the containers and spoils and the food
by forming hydrogen gas. The spoilage of canned foods results either from
chemical or microbial spoilage or both.
Signs of possible canned food spoilage are the following :-
1. Cans have a puffy , swollen appearance because of bulging ends .
2. Cans are leaky , corroded or rusty .
3. Contents spurt out when the can is opened .
4. Contents smell putrid or of hydrogen sulphide .
5. brine or syrup looks cloudy , bubbly , slimy or mouldy .
6. Contents are discoloured . Q
Frozen Foods :-
It is hard to detect spoilage in frozen food unless there are changes in colour and smell .
However , if the following precautions are taken food – borne illness can be prevented .
1. Do not use frozen food if off smell , taste or discolouration is there .
2. Do not re-freeze food which has been thawed .
3. Thaw only what you need
4. Do not purchase unsound packages .
5. Do not keep frozen food out of the freezer for long before cooking or serving .
6. Do not accept food which has a large quantity of ice crystals formed inside the packet .
Frozen foods do contain some bacteria as freezing only retards bacteria growth and
does not kill them . Bacteria multiply when food has thawed and is in the danger zone .
Fruits And Vegetables :-
Fruits and vegetable ,may get damaged during transportation . Mechanical damage
increases the susceptibility to decay and growth of microbes may take place . The
microbial spoilage of food and vegetables are due to plants pathogens and
saprophytic organisms . Fruits and fruit products have a lower pH as compared to
vegetables and are spoiled by fungi . Vegetables have a near neutral pH and are
spoiled by both bacteria and fungi . Fruits become more susceptible to spoiled by
fungi after harvesting as they ripen .
These shows the following signs of spoilage :-
1. Presence of moulds , leading to rot
2. Green leaves vegetables are wilted and limp .
3. Di-colouration and mushy texture .
4. Presence of insects and worms .
5. Green potatoes , sprouted potato and over mature vegetables .
6. Skin or peel is damaged or bruised .
Milk :-
Fresh milk has a near neutral pH and is highly susceptible to bacterial spoilage .
When milk is processed to manufacture cream cottage cheese and butter , the pH
cause due to the growth of lactic acid bacteria , flavouring the growth of spoilage
yeast . Yeasts may cause rancidity , gas and off flavours in milk products . The first
sign of spoilage is souring or curdling of milk . The organisms normally present in
milk bring about the changes in milk when it is held at room temperature .

There are four major stages in souring of milk :-

1. Lactose is converted to lactic acid by Streptococcus lactis and Lactobacilli .
2. Lactic acid tolerant bacteria grow .
3. Film yeasts and molds grow on the surface of milk acidity is reduced .
4. Protein decomposing organisms grow .
Cheese :-
Cheese spoils even at refrigeration temperatures as fungi causes spoilage are able to
grow at certain temperature . Common spoilage most belongs to Penicillium
species and yeasts such as Saccharomyces and Candida also spoils cheese .
Meat :-
Aerobic organisms grow on the surface of meat and cause spoilage . Pseudomonas
produce a slime on the surface Leucomostoc changes the red colour of meat to
shades of green and gray as a result of production of oxidising compounds , yeasts
may grow causes sliminess of , odours and discolouration ,. Molds may grow and
causes stickiness , whiskers and colour spots . Under anaerobic conditions , off
flavours , discolouration and putrefaction may takes place by species of
Clostridium , Alcaligenes , Proteus , etc. Bad meat shows the following signs
and spoils more readily when more surface area is exposed , as in minced meat :-
1. Discolouration
2. Putrid smells
3. Slimy appearance and feel
Organs meat such as liver , kidney and brain are more perishable than muscle meat .
Fish :-
Fish flesh is highly perishable and spoilage of fish begins soon after the fish dead
and rigor mortis sets in. Fish spoilage due to autolysis or by the oxidation and
hydrolysis of fat or by microbial spoilage . Microbial spoilage involves putrefaction
and discolouration by various organisms . A yellow to greenish yellow
discolouration is brought about by Pseudomonas Fluorescence , a red to pink
discolouration by Serratia and micrococus and a brownish discolouration by
yeasts . Spoiled fish shows the following signs :-
1. Dull or sunken eyes .
2. Gills are grey or green .
3. Off odour .
4. Flesh separates from the bones and is flabby .
5. Depression remain in flesh when outer skin is pressed .
6. Few scales are left on fish .
7. Shellfish claws and tails lose their springs .
Eggs :-
Stale eggs float in water . The eggshells is the spoilage indicator in whole eggs . Spoilts
eggs shows the following signs :-
1. Cracked shells .
2. Leaking contents .
3. Egg yolk is exposed .
4. Shell has a dirty discoloured appearance .
Cereals And Pulses :-
Grains , nuts and oilseeds are often contaminated before harvest by the fungi .
They do not spoils easily , signs of spoilage are :-
1. Musty odour and off flavour
2. Presence of moths and worms .
3. Clumping of whole grains .
4. Presence of dirt , mud and stones .
Food Preservation
Food is preserved basically to extend its shelf life and ensure that it reaches that the
consumer in a wholesome state . Since the time gap between production and
consumption is large , varying from a few hour to one to two years . These
principles are based on creating conditions to keep microorganisms away from
food and destroying those that are present in food creating unfavourable condition
. There are various method that are used to preserve food . Whatever the method
are used for prevention of food , the following principles are as follows :-
1. Preventing or delaying spoilage cause by microorganisms.
2. Avoiding natural chemical changes in food brought about by oxidation , ripening ,
enzymes , etc .
3. Preventing physical changes or damage to food during transportation , by pests ,
etc .
Methods Of Food Preservation :-
1. Removal of microorganisms from food : Microorganisms present in food
can be removed by washing and trimming solid food Surface. microorganisms
present on fruits and vegetables from the soil can be removed by washing
provided the wash water is clean and moisture content does not increased .
Trimming spoilt portions of food or the outer leaves of cabbage can have remove
large microbial loads.
2. Use of low temperature : low temperatures preserve food by retarding
chemical reactions , enzymatic action , growth and activity of microorganisms .
The lower the temperature the better will be the quality of preserved food . At low
temperatures , microorganisms are not killed , the microorganisms present in the
food will multiply once the temperatures become favourable .
 Refrigeration/Chilling : Temperatures of 1°C to 4°C prevent food from
spoiling for short period -18°C food can be preserved for up to two years .
Meat and seafood are held at chilling temperatures for a limited time without
affecting their condition . They need to be consumed by the ‘best before date’. The
relative humidity (R.H.) in refrigerated storage is another important factor that
needs to be controlled . A low R.H. Results in loss of moisture and wilting and
shrinkage in fruits and vegetables . A high R.H. Favours surface spoilage by
Freezing :-
Food is preserved for long period by reducing its temperature to -18°C or
lower . At this temperature , water present in food is converted to ice and
microbial growth stops. Freezing retains colour , flavour and nutritive value .
If properly stored, frozen food has a shelf life of 3-12 months . Fruits ,
vegetables , meat , fish and poultry can be preserved in this way.
 Use Of High Temperature : High temperature destroy microorganisms
by denaturation of cell proteins and inactivation of enzymes needed by them
for their metabolism . At temperatures above 63°C bacteria stop multiplying
and as the temperatures increases they are gradually destroyed . The thermal
death time (TDT) is the time needed at a given temperature to kill a number
of microbes. Heat used to destroy microbes may be in a form of wet het dry
heat .
 Wet Heat: This is more commonly used in food industry . If carefully
administered , it is a useful method of controlling microorganisms .
 Blanching: Foods that are to be frozen , dried or canned are immersed in
hot boiling water for a few minutes prior to processing. Blanching helps in
removal of peel , inactivation of enzymes that oxidise vitamin C , removal of
gas in tissue spaces and causes wilting of tissues, which helps in proper filling
of the can . The enzymes that bring about discolouration or browning as seen
in apples , pears , potatoes are also inactivated .
Pasteurisation : This method is used to control microorganisms in
milk , fruit juices and wines . Food may be pasteurised/sterilised by
any one of the three methods :
a) Low temperature holding (LTH) method at 62°C for 20 minutes.
b) High temperature short time (HTST) or flash method at 72°C for 15
seconds .
The heat treatment kills pathogenic microorganisms and some spoilage
organisms at temperatures below 100°C for specified time and
food is cooled promptly after heating .
c) Ultra high temperature sterilization (UHTS) at temperatures above
135° for 2 seconds . This method makes foods comercially sterilised
. Some foods are packed under aseptic conditions and can be stored
at room temperature for three to six months .
Cooking (Boiling , steaming , stewing and poaching ) :
In this methods of cooking, wet or moist heat is used . The temperature
attend 100°C . At this temperature most microorganisms are
destroyed but spores survive . Foods cooked by this method can`t
be stored for long period .
Dry Heat :-
Sun drying , smoking and freeze drying . Also make use of heat to preserve food
. In this method dry heat is used to control microorganisms. Dry heat brings about
dehydration of foods or of the surface of food . It destroys molds , yeasts and micro
bacteria and spores.
Cooking (baking , roasting , grilling ) in this method of cooking , food is cooked
by dry heat . The temperature is reached on the surface is approximately 115° C.
Most bacteria are destroy . Internal temperature of food is generally is lower . If
food , has to be kept for some time , it should be cooked thoroughly . Food cooked
by dry heat method do not spoil as fast as foods cooked by moist heat methods as
they have the lower moisture content .
Use Of Preservative :-
A preservative is any substance that retards deterioration of food. There are two groups of
preservatives used in food .

Class 1 Preservative : A class 1 preservative includes sugar , common salt , glucose .

Fractose , alcohol , spices , vinegar or acidic acid , honey , and wood smoke. There is no
instruction by law addition of this substance in food . Sugar and salt reduce the amount
of available moisture. For example :- the lower the capacity (aw) in the food .
Class 2 Preservative : This class include chemical at inhabit microbial growth
and can be added to certain food only in definite permitted limit . They are usually added
at the end of the processing operation and their presence has to be on their label , i.e.,
there is a restrictions on the use of this preservatives in food by law .
They are used to preserve food in the following ways :
1. They may be added to food , for example , sodium benzoate is added to tomato sauce.
2. They may be applied on the surface of foods. Sulphur dioxide is used on dry fruits and
borax is used to wash the vegetables and whole fruits.
3. Wrappers may be impregnated with sorbic acid to prevent surface spoilage of cheese.
4. The ice used to chill foods like fish , an antibiotic that is a permitted preservative.
5. They may be used as a gases around food. Fruits and vegetables are stored in an
atmosphere containing 2-3 percent of carbon dioxide to retard the ripening process.
Preservation By Radiation :-
Radiation of various frequencies ranging from low frequency microwaves to high
frequency gamma rays are being used to preserve various foods. Radiations can be
classified into two categories on either side of the Spectrum.
1. Low frequency , long wavelength and low energy rays – from radio waves to
infrared rays .
2. Higher frequency , shorter wavelength and higher energy rays on the other side of
the light. Spectrum are of two types:
 Shorter wavelength , lower frequency and lower energy rays , e.g., ultra violet
 Higher frequency , shorter wavelength and higher energy rays ,e.g., ionising rays
that are capable of breaking the molecules into ions.
Ultra Violet (UV) radiation :-
This type of radiation is most widely used in the food industry. Ultra violet rays are
invisible form of light. They lie just beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum .
They are present in sunlight . They can be produced artificially by low pressure
mercury vapour lamps .
Ultraviolet rays are effective in killing bacteria and viruses . They have poor
penetrating power and can be use for surface sterilisation of food or for sterilizing
the air in storage and processing rooms . They are used to control mold growth on
the surface of bakery products and to prevent spoilage of meat while it is
tenderised and aged . Treating knives for slicing breads , treating water for
beverages and sanitising of food services utensils are some of the other successful
uses of UV rays .

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