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Chapter 10

Market Logistics & Supply Chain


SDM – Ch 15 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 1

Learning Objectives
• Principles of materials management, logistics
and supply chain management
• Logistics interface with other functions
• Inventory management principles and
• Warehousing management fundamentals
• Transportation management practices
• How IT enables the logistics function
• Understand about the performance
measurement of the logistics function
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Materials Management
• Materials forms the largest single cost item in
most manufacturing companies – needs to be
carefully managed
• Materials management function includes
planning and control, purchasing and stores
and inventory control
• Materials management is the precursor to
logistics and supply chain management
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Logistics Defined
• Logistics means having the right thing, at
the right place, at the right time
• The procurement, maintenance, distribution
and replacement of personnel and materials
– Webster’s Dictionary
• The science of planning, organizing and
managing activities that provide goods or
services – Logistics World, 1997

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• Functions: planning, procurement,
transportation, supply and maintenance
• Processes: requirements determination,
acquisition, distribution and conservation
• Business: science of planning, design and
support of business operations of
procurement, purchasing, inventory,
warehousing, distribution, transportation,
customer support, financial and human
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Scope of Logistics
• Choice of markets
• Procurement
• Plant location and layout
• Inventory management
• Location and management of warehouses
• Choices of carriers, mode of transport
• Packaging decisions
• Relevant to all enterprises: manufacturing,
Government, Institutions, service
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Components of LOG
Logistics Activities
Input Output
Customer service
Demand forecasting
•Natural Distribution
Communications Orientation
Resources Inventory control (competitive
(land, facilities Materials handling
Order processing
Parts and service support •Time and
•HR Plants and warehouse selection Place utility
•Finance Procurement •Efficient move
•Information Packaging
Return goods handling to customer
Salvage and scrap disposal
Traffic and transportation
Warehouse and storage

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Links and Flows
General material flow/ service flow

Information flow

Information flow

Customer’s Supplier’s
Customer Lead Firm Supplier
customer supplier

General cash flow

Outbound / Downstream logistics Inbound / Upstream logistics

SDM – Ch 15 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Source: ICFAI 8

Logistics and Marketing
• Interface on:
– Product design and pricing
– Customer service policies
– Sales forecasts and order processing
– Inventory policies and location of warehouses
– Channels of distribution and despatch planning
– Transportation to reach products to customers
• Production wants larger production runs to
minimise time spent on set up changes on
the machines. Marketing wants smaller runs
of a variety of products.

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Source: Michael Porter

The Value Chain

S Company Infrastructure
P Organisation, people, methods
Systems & technology
R Procurement

Inbound Outbound Marketing Service

logistics logistics & sales


SDM – Ch 15 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing

Primary activities 10
Logistics Plan Outline
• Internal analysis (current position)
– Organisation
– Human resources
– Transportation
– Relations with internal customers
– Quality of product
– Quality of Service
• External / situation analysis
– Competitor logistics performance
– Trends
– External environment / economy
– Public, private and contract warehouse
– Public, privateTataand
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contract carriage
McGraw Hill Publishing 11
Principles of Logistics Excellence

Strategic Operational

Link logistics to corporate Focus on financial

strategy performance
Organise comprehensively Target optimum service levels
Use the power of information Manage the details
Emphasise human resources Leveraging logistics volumes
Form strategic alliances Measure and react to

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Alling & Tyndall
Logistics Focus Areas

Customer service related Operations related

Packaging Plant and warehouse site
Order processing location
Spare parts and service support Procurement
After sales Customer service Inventory control
support Materials handling
Demand forecasting Salvage and scrap disposal
Distribution communications Traffic and transportation
Return goods handling Warehousing and storage
Logistics may be confined to the company whereas SCM extends beyond

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Supply Chain Management
• Business context:
– Globalization of the market place
– Advances in technology
– Increasingly demanding, informed customer base
– Purchase decisions on dimensions of quality, price
and time
• Innovative supply chain:
– To meet customer driven challenges
– To reduce costs
– Improve service levels
– Enhance speed to market

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Supply Chain Integration
• Optimising the supply chain requires
supplier and customer involvement to
integrate processes, policies, systems,
database and strategies between
diverse trading partners

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Supply Chain Integration
Customer Analysis
Order Fulfillment

Integrated Inventory Management and

Storage & Supply Chain
Transportation Management

Manufacturing/ Demand & Lead

Re-manufacturing/ Time Management
Inventory management…
SDM – Ch 15 Management
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 16
Why Carry Inventory?
• Support production requirements
• Support operational requirements
• Maximize customer service – ensure
availability when needed – protect
against uncertainty
• Hedge against marketplace uncertainty
• Take advantage of order quantity
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Functions of Inventory
• Inventory serves as a buffer between:
– Supply and demand
– Customer demand and finished goods
– Requirements for an operation and the
output from the previous operation
– Parts and materials to begin an operation
and the suppliers of the materials
The shock absorber of business !
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Factors Which Drive Inventory
• Target service level parameters
• Lot sizing practices
• Safety stock and safety time
• Volume discounts and purchase
• Seasonal build up needs
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Categories of Inventory
• Anticipation – built in anticipation of future
demand – peak season, strike, promotion
• Fluctuation (safety) – to cover random,
unpredictable fluctuations in supply and
demand and lead time – to prevent disruption
in operations, deliveries etc
• Lot-size – to take advantage of quantity
discounts, reduce shipping, set up and
clerical costs – also called cycle stock
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Categories of Inventory
• Transportation – pipeline or movement
inventories – to cover the time needed to
move from one point to another – factory to
distribution point for example
• Hedge – for materials where prices are
• Maintenance, repair and operating supplies
(MRO) – to support M and O – spare parts,
lubricants, consumables etc
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Types of Inventory
• Obvious….
– Raw materials
– Work-in-process
– Finished goods – of primary concern to
– Maintenance, repair and operating (MRO)
– In-transit, pipeline
Performance measures…
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Performance Measures
• Inventory turns = Annual cost of goods
sold /average inventory in value
• Days of sales = inventory on hand /
average daily sales

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Types of Inventory Systems
• Pure Inventory – when and how much to
order. RM procurement. Simple
manufacturing operations
• Production Inventory – finite production
rates. Demand fluctuation. Products compete
for manufacturing capacity
• Production – distribution Inventory –
compete for production capacity. Geographic
placement of inventory for best service of
SDM – Ch 15 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 24
Types of Classification
• ABC category – most common for all
• HML - high, medium, low - similar
• FSND – fast moving, slow moving, non-
moving, dead – spare parts / FG
• SDE – scarce, difficult, easy to obtain –
procurement / Spares
• GOLF – govt, ordinary, local, foreign source –
procurement / Spares
• VED – vital, essential, desirable – spare parts
/ FG
• SOS – seasonal, off-seasonal - commodity
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ABC Inventory Analysis
• Based on Pareto’s law:
– A – 20% items worth 80% of value
– B – 30% items worth 15% of value
– C – about 50% items account for 5% of the usage
• Classify items based on the above criteria
• Apply degree of control in proportion to the
importance of the group

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Inventory Related Costs
• Unit costs – basic value of the item carried
• Ordering costs – generating and sending a
material release, transport, any other
acquisition costs
• Carrying costs – capital, storage,
• Stock-out costs
• Quality costs – non-conforming goods
• Other costs – duties, tooling, exchange rate
differences etc
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Approaches for Controlling
• Continuous review:
– Safety stocks and forecasting methods
– Excess and obsolete inventory
• Part simplification and re-design
• On-site supplier managed inventory
• Use of supply chain inventory management
systems, Materials Requirement Planning,
Distribution Requirement Planning etc
• Automated inventory tracking systems
• Supplier – buyer cycle-time reduction
Warehouse management…
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Stores Management
• Providing efficient service to users
• Reduce cost of carrying goods
• Providing correct, updated stock figures
• Controlling inventory
• Preventing damage to or obsolescence of
• Achieve all of the above with good
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Material Customer Information Storage

handling service transfer function

Receive goods
Identify goods Temporary Permanent
Sort goods
Despatch to storage
Hold inventory
Recall, select goods
Marshal the shipment
Despatch the shipment
Prepare records and
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Purpose of Warehousing
• To provide desired level of customer
service at the lowest possible total cost
• It is that part of the firm’s logistics system that
stores products (RM, Packing Materials, WIP,
FG) at and between point of origin and point
of consumption and provides info to
management on the status, condition and
disposition of items being stored
• Distribution warehousing relates mainly to FG
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Reasons for Warehousing
Service related Cost related
Maintain source of supply Achieve production economies
Support customer service Achieve transportation
policies economies
Meet changing market Take advantage of Quantity
conditions Purchase discounts and forward
Overcome time and space buys
differentials Least Logistics cost for a desired
Support JIT programs of level of customer service
suppliers and customers
Provide customers with the right
mix of products at all times
Temporary storage of materials
to be disposed or re-cycled

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• Support manufacturing
• Mix products from multiple facilities for
shipment to a single customer
• Break-bulk
• Aggregate
• Used more as a ‘flow-thru’ point than as
a ‘hoarding’ point
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Distribution Warehousing
• The objective is to set up a network of
warehouses closest to the customer
locations to service markets better and
minimise cost
• Could be C&FA s, depots or distribution
• Macro location strategies:
– Market positioned
– Production positioned
– Intermediately positioned
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Distribution Center
• Warehouse designed to speed the flow
of goods and avoid unnecessary costs
• Speeds bulk-breaking to avoid inventory
carrying costs
• Helps to centralise control and co-
ordination of logistics activities
• Products can also be cross-docked (one
vehicle to another)
Market positioned..
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Market Positioned
• Warehouses located nearest to the final
• Factors influencing are:
– Order cycle time
– Transportation costs
– Sensitivity of the product
– Order size
– Levels of customer service offered
Production positioned….
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In between…

Production Positioned
• Warehouses located close to the production
facilities or supply sources
• Not the same level of customer service as the
earlier one
• Serve as points of aggregation / collection for
products made in a number of plants
• Factors influencing are:
– Perishability of raw materials
– Number of products in the product mix
– Assortments ordered by customers
– Transport consolidation rates ex; FTL
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Intermediate Positioned
• Mid point locations between the final
customer and the producer
• High customer service levels possible even if
products made in number of units

• Other macro approaches look at cost

minimisation or cost and demand elements to
maximise profitability
Transportation management….

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• Very important in the Logistics function:
– Movement across space or distance adds value to
– Transportation provides time and place utility
• Role of transportation includes:
– Provides opportunity for growth under competitive
– Deeper penetration into markets
– Wider distribution means greater demand
– Can influence product prices favourably
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Transportation Principles
• Continuous flow
• Optimise unit of cargo - stackability
• Maximum vehicle unit – capacity utilization
• Adaptation of vehicle unit to volume and
nature of traffic
• Standardisation
• Compatibility of unit load equipment
• Minimum of dead weight to total weight
• Maximum utilization of capital, equipment and
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The Selection Criteria
• Environmental analysis: shipper, carrier,
government regulations, public influence
• Deciding objectives
• Selecting mode
• Select transport type within the mode
• Define functions of transport
• Evaluation and control – customer perception
/ satisfaction, best practice benchmarking
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Cost Factors
• Can be product related or market related.
• Product related: density, stowability, ease or
difficulty of handling and liability
• Market related: competition, location of
markets, Government regulations, traffic in
and out of the market, seasonality of
movements and impact on customer service
• Five prominent modes:
– Road, rail, air, water and pipeline.
– Sixth one is use of Ropeways
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Customer Service Factors
• Consistency, dependability
• Transit time
• Coverage – door-to-door for example
• Flexibility in handling a range of
• Loss and damage performance
• Additional services provided
Reverse logistics…
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Comparison of modes……

Reverse Logistics
• Movement of goods from the market or
customer back to the company
• The need:
– Increased awareness of the environment
– Stringent legislation
– For some it is part of the business
– Profitability of dealing with scrap, surplus
• Surplus, obsolescence can result due to:
– Over optimistic sales forecasts, change in product
specs, errors in estimating material usage, losses
in processing or overbuying based on incentives
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Advantages of Rail
• Economy – more so for goods over
long distances
• Efficiency of energy
• Reliability – not affected by weather

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• Uneconomical for small shipments and
short distances
• Not suitable for remote stations
• Costly terminal handling facilities
• Inflexible time schedules

Road transport…..

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Road Freight Advantages
• Through movement – direct from consignor to
consignee, no transshipment
• Flexibility – routes and loading routines can
be easily altered, operate day and night
• Less capital costs – for own fleet + immunity
from industrial action
• Fast turn-around – if articulated units like
tractors and trailers are used
• Minimum delays

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• Susceptibility to weather and road conditions
– in spite of the best protection
• Unsuitability for heavy loads – rail transport
more economical for bulk loads
• Unsuitability for long distances – again the
rail telescopic rates are more favourable

Air transport….

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Air Transport Advantages
• Faster mode
• Reduction in cost particularly inventory
• Broad service range
• Increasing capabilities
• Disadvantages:
– High cost
– Weather affects flight conditions
– Limitations on heavy consignments
SDM – Ch 15 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Water transport…… 49
Water Transport
• Advantages:
– Mass movement of bulk
– Lowest freight cost
– Preferred for long haul of low value commodities
• Disadvantages:
– Not for quick transit
– Suitable for certain types on commodities only

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Pipeline Movement
• Advantages:
– Reliable, continuous, all weather transport
– Low energy consumption – hence low cost
– Low maintenance and operating costs
– Underground, no space problem
– Can traverse difficult terrain
– Minimal transit losses
– Operation round the clock, safe
– Economies of scale – double the throughput for
only 30% additional cost
• Disadvantage is in the investment cost
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• Advantages:
– In hilly or inaccessible areas
– Long and circuitous routes with streams / deep
– For commodities capable of movement in ropeway
– Short haulages of less than 50 kms
– Areas where other carriers are uneconomical
• Disadvantages:
– Heavy investments
– Limitations on size and quantity of haul
How to decide on the right carrier?
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Carrier Selection
Traffic Related Shipper related Service related
Length of haul Size of firm Speed (transit time)
Consignment weight Investment priorities Reliability
Dimensions Marketing strategy Cost
Value Network of Customer relationship
Urgency production and Geographical coverage
Regularity of distribution Accessibility
shipment Availability of rail Availability of special
Fragility sidings vehicles / equipment
Toxicity Stockholding policy Monitoring of goods
Perishability Management Unitisation
Type of packing Ancillary services – bulk
System of carrier breaking, storage
Special handling evaluation
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Chart of Relative Merits
Parameter Weight Rail Road Air Water Pipe Rope
age line way
Speed 30 5 6 8 4 3 3
Versatility 10 6 8 5 6 3 2
Reliability 20 6 8 5 5 7 4
Availability 10 7 8 5 6 3 2
Continuity of 10 6 7 5 5 8 3
Distribution cost 20 4 5 6 6 7 8
Total score 10 5.4 6.7 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.0
Overall ranking 10 2 1 4 5 5 6

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Key Learnings
• Support to customer service has evolved from
materials management to logistics and to
supply chain management
• Production and marketing are the two internal
customers of Logistics
• Logistics also has a direct impact on the
financials of a company
• Three important functions of logistics are
inventory management, warehousing and
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Key Learnings
• Inventory directly supports customer service
but also adds to the cost and has to be
managed carefully
• Warehousing provides the place utility and
works as a balance between production and
meeting customer needs
• Transportation supports the place and time
utility and uses different modes to reach the
products to the consumer
• Modern day supply chains integrate the
operations of a firm, its suppliers and
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