Clutter Parameters V3

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Advanced clutter options

Receiver location
• Over clutter
• Over ground spot
Transmitter location
• Above ground level
• Above clutter
Refracted Signal
> Receive Antenna

Attenuated Signal
Free Space Loss
Diffraction Loss


Bldg Entry Loss (CC9) Subpath Loss

(applied in all mods) Entry Loss + Attenuation = Absorption Loss

Flat Attenuation(Other CC)

Flat Linear
(use in dB/Km mode)
Attenuation Attenuation
• Flat attenuation
• Diffraction attenuation
• Absorption attenuation
• Clutter code 9
Clutter modes
• Available modes
– dB/km
– Flat + diffraction
– User
– Tunning
– None
dB/km mode (1/2)
• Outdoor (All clutters except BLG)
– Rx height < clutter height
• FSL + min(Diffraction, Absorption) + sp
– Absorption = flat attenuation + linear attenuations
– Rx height > clutter height
• FSL + min(Diffraction, Absorption) + sp
– Absorption = linear attenuations of crossed obstacles
dB/km mode (2/2)
• Indoor (Clutter code number 9)
– Rx height < clutter height
• No-SUM: FSL + min(Diffraction, Absorption) + sp
– Absorption = linear attenuations of crossed obstacles
• SUM: FSL + Diffraction + Absorption + sp
– Absorption = linear attenuations of crossed obstacles
In the above case, Indoor attenuation is computed from 3GPP 5G formula and building entry loss is computed from ITU R. P2040
Flat + diffraction mode (1/2)
• Outdoor (All clutters except BLG)
– Rx height < clutter height
• FSL + min(Diffraction, Absorption) + sp
– Absorption = Sum of diffraction before last obstacle + flat
attenuation of last obstacle
– Rx height > clutter height
• FSL + Diffraction + sp
• Flat is ignored
Flat + diffraction mode (2/2)
• Indoor (Clutter code number 9)
– Rx height < clutter height
• No diffraction on last obstacle
• FSL + Absorption + sp
• Absorption = Sum of diffraction before last obstacle +
flat attenuation of last obstacle
In the above case, Flat attenuation = 20 dB and building entry loss is computed from ITU R. P2040
clutter attenuation in "dB/km" mode: if "auto" (-1), the
attenuation/km in dB is equal to: [0.49 -

The "Building entry loss" model according to ITU-R P.2109 recommendation

has been added. The Time percentage set in the propagation model is used
for the inverse cumulative normal distribution with P=100-Time percentage.
"Traditional" buildings are identified with clutter codes 15, 16 and 18.
"Thermally-efficient" buildings are identified with clutter codes 9 and 2.
For other clutter codes and if a building layer is present, buildings are
considered as "Traditional".
ITU-R P.2109: Code = -2.
ITU-R P.2040: Code = -1
For any other value >=0, attenuation is considered with the user defined
ITU-R P.2040 and ITU-R P.2109 are used only if "dB/km" or "Flat+Diffraction"
mode is selected.

For Outdoor to Indoor propagation, a receiver is considered "Indoor" if the

building height (in the BLG layer) is greater that the receiver antenna height
and if the associated clutter code is either 9, 15, 16, 17 or 18.

The "Building entry loss" attenuation is applied only for receivers located in
clutter codes 9, 15, 16, 17 or 18.
User mode
• Outdoor (All clutters except BLG)
– FSL + Diffraction + Absorption + sp
– Absorption = flat attenuation at last obstacle

• Indoor (Clutter code 9)

– FSL + Diffraction + Absorption + sp
– Absorption = flat attenuation at last obstacle
Tunning mode
• That’s for outdoor only
• Doesn’t apply to indoor prediction
None mode
• The attenuation is the diffraction due
to the last obstacle.
• No attenuation for clutter penetration
is calculated.
CC9 Only

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