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The financing of Major, Mini

Major and Small Scale films

3 types of films
Major- this is a film that has a massive budget fro
production which is aimed at a mass audience. Its also
defined by its mass production and marketing efforts.
100+ milli0n is for a blockbuster (major film)
Mini Major- they are a smaller film chain that still gives
films to major theatres around the world. They do not
have a bigger budget than major but still can do just as
well and make just as much money.
Small scale film- A feature film that is produced out away
from big film studio systems. These films are funded and
produced by independent film companies. Some small
scale films and be distinguishable by how the movie is
made and how it runs. This is because in this certain area
of filmmaking producers have there own visions and ways
of producing small scale films.
Major/ blockbuster
Pirates of the Caribbean
The budget for pirates of the Caribbean stranger tides was $250 million which is one of the most
expensive budget for a film ever. The reason why they have done this is because then it makes the
viewers believe the film is more realistic and makes the viewers enjoy the film even more.

Within the film the equipment used was very expensive:

Red Epic- £4,290 per camera. This would have had an effect on the success of the film because the
camera is a extremely good quality camera and makes every shot look even more fine and more
enjoyable to watch.
Zeiss ultra prime lenses- £1,500. these lenses will make a big difference towards the camera, the reason
why they have done this is to make the camera shots better, this will make the viewers even more
happier and enjoy the film even more.
They also used a lot of props for the film such and making some of the scenes in the universal studios.
They have done this to make it even more realistic for the audience. They also had to transfer all this
equipment they are using across seas and to different that they can have perfect shots in
different countries. For example they done some filming in Puerto Rico and then travelled to some
Hawaiian locations to finish filming. Some of the most expensi
ve props they used were actual pirate ships and turning ships into ships for the film for example they
transformed a ship they brought int0 the famous flying Dutchman. Which has been in most pirates of
the Caribbean films.
In this film they needed a lot of facilities to be able film this production. For example within
the filming and production of this film they needed to travel to certain locations and also
they need to use universal studios to be film certain scenes. They reason why they have
done this is to make the audience feel even more involved within the film and feel like the
film has a bit of everyone personality in it.
To make this film correct they also needed people to research about historical facts and
information about pirates and how they worked in the Caribbean, one of the reasons they
did this is to make the film feel more like a pirate film and make the audience feel like that
what it was like to become a pirate. This could mean that some of the production team
have to travel to places to be able to get historically correct facts about pirates and their
ships. They also had to research about story's and myths that pirates believed back in them
times. For example they found out that most pirates believed that it was unlucky to have
women on board a ship at any time.
Mini major- The Texas chainsaw
massacre 2006
The budget for this film was $16 million. This films budget was a large budget for a
film in 2006, in box office they make over $50 million. The reason why it was a $16
million pound budget was because their studios only had a certain amount of
money they can give to the producers, And they wanted to use that money as best
as they could.
Within this film they used a lot of props and costumes to keep it realistic. For this
film they had to rent out different locations for the film to be filmed. A certain part
of a long road in Texas had to be closed off to be filmed on. Also some farm house
in Texas also had to be rented out as well so that the filming can be done without
any problems. The reason why they have done this is to make the film feel even
more scary because and that it is all over Texas. Also some of the scenes that
occurred in the film are actual true crimes done by a murderer called Ed Gein. This
will make the audience feel even more involved and scared from the film.
This film would be shown throughout social media, for example the trailer would go
onto YouTube and TV. Also any type of social media that was available for the release
of the film. Also poster would have been used to be placed at cinemas across the
world and also at bus stops in the UK.

This film is based in many different locations, within the film they go to Hawaiian
islands and beaches, they also filmed in California and London for certain scenes
within the film. For example whitecap bay was filmed within the universal studios
because it was easier to make this scene instead of finding some where to use.

For this film they would have used cars and planes to be able to get to the certain
areas. For example they would have flown to London and then would of flown to
Hawaii to continue filming.
Besides renting out farm houses and closing down roads in Texas they did not do any
filming within studios as all there locations needed for filming are real places.

Also the cast is a lot smaller compared to a major blockbuster film, this is because they
don’t have enough money to give out to actors and add on as well. The reason why they
had to have non famous actors is because they haven't got enough money to pay for
expensive actors.

Within this film the cast used was all up coming actors that needed roles to get into
bigger films, this means that the studios will have to pay less money for these actors and
this means they can save money and put it towards the film.

Also in this film they have used no computer editing at all, everything in this film is either
props or made in real life. This is because they do not have enough money to spend on
computer editing to make it look it even more realistic.
Their budget for this film was £3.5 million. In this film this budget will be
going towards props and actors. This is because it’s a small scale film and is
set in just one place in London. Also the money was used to get a good
main actor and towards props. The reason why they done this was to make
sure that the audience will like the film for the budget they were one.

Aaton 35-III- £25,000. The reason they spent this money on a camera was
because they needed to get the best quality of scenes they can. This will
make the audience like the film even more and this means there profit
from the film would increase.
Zeiss Standard Speed Lenses- £3,500, the reason why they spent this
money on lenses was to make sure that the camera shots they got was the
best possible shots they could've got. This will increase the change of the
audience will like the film.

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