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Sanitary Drainage System
That part of Drainage system that extends from end of building drains
and conveys its discharge to the public sewer, private sewer, individual
sewage disposal system.

Basically refers to all the piping within the private and public premises
which conveys:-
• sewage
• Rainwater

Sanitary drainage and vent pipe system are installed by plumber to

remove waste water and water borne wastes from plumbing fixtures,
and to provide circulation of air within the drainage pipe.
General rules in designing the sanitary
• It is preferable laid by side of the building to facilitate easy repair and
better maintenance.
• The sewage or sullage should flow under force of gravity.
• The house sewer should be connected to manhole such that invert level is
sufficiently higher to avoid back flow.
• Rain water from roofs and open courtyard should not be allowed to flow
through house sewers.
• The entire system should be well ventilated from start to the end.
• Wherever their is change in direction of sewer line in the premises, provide
inspection chamber at the junction.
• The pipes should take the smallest possible route to the house sewer or the
terminating point of the sanitary system.
Minimum Slope of sanitary Drainage Lines:

• Minimum slope or pitch of horizontal drainage pipe-2% or

20mm/m(1/4’’ per foot).
• A septic tank is an underground chamber made of concrete, fibreglass or
plastic, through which domestic wastewater (sewage) flows for basic
• Receive the discharge of sewage from a building sever,
• Separates solids from liquid,
• Digest organic matter and store digested solid through a period of
detention and
• allow the clarified liquid to discharge for final disposal.

Other Terms
• Sludge: solid organic matter that are denser than water and settle at the
bottom of the septic tank.
• Scum: lighter organic material that rise to the surface of water.
• Effluent: liquid content of sewage.
Minimum dimensions:-

Length =1500mm, Width=900mm, Depth=1200mm

• Have a minimum of 2 compartments:-
 First compartment-
Not less than 2/3 capacity of the total capacity of tank, not less than 2
cum liquid capacity, shall be at least 0.9m wide and 1.5m long ,liquid depth
not less than 0.6m nor more than 1.8m.
 Second compartment-
Maximum capacity of 1/3 total capacity of tank , minimum of 1Cum liquid
• In septic tanks having over 6cum capacity, the secondary compartments
should be not less than 1.5m in length
• Maintain a slope of 1:10 at the bottom of digestion chamber to collect the
sludge and make it easily accessible from the manhole.
Size of pipe inlet & outlet and their vertical legs:
• Diameter of inlet and outlet pipe should not be less than sewer pipe.

Length and location of inlet and outlet:

• Shall extend 101.6mm above and at least 304.8mm below the water
• Invert of inlet pipe shall be at a level not less than 50.8 mm above the
invert of outlet pipe.

Air space:
• Side walls shall extend 228.6mm above liquid depth.
• Cover of septic tank shall be at least 50.8mm above the back vent

• Shall be capable of supporting an earth load of not less than 14.4kpa
Capacity(from all three whichever is greater)
• It is determined by no. of bedrooms or apartments units in dwelling
• Or by estimated waste/ sewage design flow rate for various building
• Or by the number of fixture units of all plumbing fixture.

• Should not be located underneath the house.
• At least 15 m from the water distribution system.

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