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Sitecore Developer Training

-Alok Ganguly
Sitecore Overview

What Is Sitecore?

1. Sitecore from an Author Perspective

2. Sitecore from a Developer Perspective
Defining Data

1. Creating Data Templates

2. Data Template Inheritance
3. Standard Values
4. Insert Options
5. Summary and Optional Lab
Help Guide -
Defining Data

1. Creating Data Templates

2. Data Template Inheritance
3. Standard Values
4. Insert Options
5. Summary and Optional Lab

Create a template for a product using following field types :

• Text (a single line of text)

• Memo (a text area for plain text)
• Rich Text (presents the user with a WYSIWYG editor)
• Date (provides a “calendar-picker” interface)
• Image (allows users to choose an image from the Media Library)
• Lookup (presents users with a drop-down list)
Lab- Template Inheritance
Sitecore API

1. Basic API Concepts and Retrieving Items

2. Item Links
3. Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Items
4. Working with Complex Fields
Recommended Practices

1. Working with Media

2. Caching and Performance
3. Publishing
4. etc...

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