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Shale Gas


(Assistant Professor, CHED , SVNIT SURAT)


ROLL NO.- U15CH092
What is Shale Gas?

 Natural gas
 Unconventional
 Found in certain types of shale
 Low permeability
 2,500-5,000 meter below the earth
 95.5% Methane, 2.5% Ethane, 0.2%
 Reserves higher than Oil
How is shale gas formed?
 Shale containing natural gas is generally sandwiched
between two thick, black fine-grained shale deposits.

 Continued pressure from burial forces most of the

natural gas to migrate from the organic shales into
more porous and permeable rock such as sandstone
and limestone forming conventional reservoirs.

 The natural gas remaining in the shales is termed shale

Availability Of Shale Gas
Shale gas Availability in India

Major regions of availability are Gujarat,

Rajasthan-Cambay, Central India-Gondwana,
Krishna and Godavari Basin and off shore areas in
Bay of Bengal, Indo-Gangetic plains, Cauvery
onshore and Assam- Arakan.

India’s shale gas reserves equals 96 trillion cubic

feet which can supply for 26 years of the country’s
Gas demand.
• Extraction Process Of Shale Gas
 Hydraulic fracturing:

Fracturing is the process of drilling

down into the earth before a high
pressure water mixture is directed at
the rock to release the gas inside.

water, sand and chemical are injected

into the well at high pressure.

This process is first carried out

vertically then horizontally.
Problems In Shale Gas Extraction

 Although shale gas is one of the fastest growing trends in onshore oil and gas
exploration there is still a long way to go!

 Better, more efficient technology needs to be obtained.

 Natural gas historically has only provided 22% of the total energy consumed.

 Each gas shale basins is different and each has a unique set operational challenges.

 Because of these differences, the development of shale gas resources in each of these
areas faces potentially unique opportunities and challenges.
• The People’s View

 Most critics support the production of natural

gas from Shale.
 Analysts expect shale gas will greatly expand
worldwide energy supply
 Unconventional gas production is expected to
rise from 42% in 2007 to 64% in 2020
 There is enough shale gas to support the U.S.
gas needs for 90 years
Lesson From West Countries
 North America is currently the most profitable
shale gas producer

 Worldwide development of shale gas plays are

expected to develop,
especially in Europe and Asia

 U.S. become most of oil producing countries.

Environmental Problems

 Ground water Impacts

 Wildlife Impacts
 Community Impacts
 Surface Disturbances
Ground water Impacts
 Chemicals are added to water to aide in fracturing the rock
this add goes to the amount of ground water.

 Fracturing consumes large amounts of water (average 18 million

Only 1% - 8% of total water use.
 Water is stored in above ground ponds until it can be removed or
injected back into the earth Water is stored in above ground ponds
until it can be removed or injected back into the earth for
Hydraulic fracturing for Hydraulic fracturing
Wildlife Impacts
 Gas development can
adversely affect animal
habitat and wildlife.

- They can drill underneath

areas like wetlands to reduce
wildlife disturbances
Community Impacts
 There are certain Community issues that
can arise
Damage to roads - Traffic congestion
 Ittakes intense planning to ensure that
these factors have the smallest impact
Surface Disturbances
 Vertical wells can require up to 40
acres per well.
 Increased air emissions and seismic

horizontal wells take up much less space

and are more efficient.
Significance Of Shale Gas
Natural Gas is the cleanest of all fossil fuels.
Can reduce the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

The main products of natural gas combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Carbon dioxide is a less potent pollutant .

Natural gas does not contribute much to smog.

Emits low levels of nitrous oxide and almost no particulate matter.

Can be used to fuel vehicles.

Cut down on the emissions from gasoline and diesel.
 Shale Gas exploitation is no longer uneconomic - improved technology. Demand and
preference for clean form of gas has made Shale Gas, a well sought after energy.

 Reserve accretion, production & development world over is rapidly increasing.

 India also has development of prolific matured shale distributed in different sedimentary
basins e.g. Damodar Valley, Cambay, Assam-Arakan, Krishna-Godavari, Cauvery and
 Vast shale deposits with high TOC and maturity value in the above mentioned
sedimentary basins with available improved modern technologies can make India a top
player of Shale Gas.

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