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And society

Presented By
Mechanical Department(6TH Sem)
 It is a term that refers to a body of knowledge
 that is employed to generate tools, create skills, and
choose materials for human use.
 Technology includes the use of materials, tools,
techniques and sources of power to make life easier
or more pleasant and work more productive.
 Education in its general sense is a form of learning
in which the knowledge,skills, and habits of a group
of people are transferred from one generation to the
next through teaching, training, or research.
Smartboard is an interactive
white board that allows the
teacher to project an image
from laptop to the front of
the room and the teacher
can then digitally draw on
that image.
It hook up to the teacher’s laptop
and projects the screen from the
laptop to the white board in the
front of the room.
Positive effect
Enhanced teaching and learning
 Technological developments like digital cameras,projectors,computers,3D
visualization tools;
all these have become great source for teachers to
help students grasp a concept easily.
 Students able to participate more in classroom and
even teachers get a chance to make their classes
more interactive and interesting.
 With the introduction of online degree programs there is
hardly any need of being present physically in the classroom.
Even several foreign universities have started online degree
courses that student can join.
 Distance learning and online education have become very
important part of the education system nowadays.
Declining writing skills
 Due to digital communication students have totally forgot
about improving their writing skills.
 Results in a lack of interest in studying(because everything
is now accessible, students are likely to develop poor
studying habits and a lazy attitude towards education. )
 This can also lead to students forgetting the basics of
It is easier for students to
write formulas and notes
on graphing calculators,
with least chances of being
Advantages Disadvantages
 It makes students more  It is costly to install such
excited to learn. technology.
 Allow us to do things we  There can be health issues
never thought we could too when used over limit.
do.  Interaction between people
 Save time. is less important now.
 Better education.
 Though people tend to think of science, engineering and
technology as three separate things, they are actually closely
connected. For eg . Scientists use the technologies that
engineers create ( such as microscopes, monitors and meters)
to conduct their research.
In Civil Engineering
 Civil engineering is designing and constructing public works.

 A big thing that has changed is transportation. Nowadays to

travel from city to city we hope on a train and we are there in
a short period of time over time trains have gotten much
faster and a lot safer.
In Computer Engineering
 It is electrical engineering and computer science to develop
computer hardware and software.
 It has made all of the new smart phones possible

In Mechanical Engineering
Automotive engineers design and test parts for cars such as
brake systems, engines, safety mechanism, fuel technologies
and transmissions.
 People were combined with the nature
• Loved it
• Treated it well
• Enjoyed it
• Grew up with it
 Then they were an actual part of nature by means.
 They did not need an any special part of the day to
be with it as they were aleays with it.
 Sometimes the same reason made them
• Poets
• Creative thinkers in many probable ways
 With the time. Technology started to emerge
 It involved to,

 Communication
 industries and household,etc
 And people got rhythm, got on

to it,get used to it. Gradually,

they started to change. The
time they spent with the nature
they allocated to this newly
arrived magical visitor.
Negative effect
 addiction

 We are less patience(why

wait around for a conclusion,

when we can find it within a
few taps and a swipe which give
us an unrealistic expectation of success.
Consider this
you are sitting at a restaurant table with friends
and each of you put your face down hold your smartphones
and check mails or update status.
And talking in a
 With the technology, we are able to talk
friends,family who are away.
 We are able to stay updated with the world.
 With,
• control
• limits
 Gadgets are here to help us and serve us.
 World is so far worse than you saw it for last
 Go on
 Because

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