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Horisontal Distance

Session 3
Martha Leni Siregar

• In plane surveying, the distance between two

points means the horizontal distance.
• If the points are at different elevations, then the
distance is the horizontal length between plumb
lines at the points

Pacing -- accuracy 1 / 100

Taping -- accuracy (Standard) 1 / 5,000
Tacheometry (stadia) -- accuracy 1 / 1000
Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) -- accuracy 1 /
• Consists of counting the number of steps, or paces,
in a required distance.
• Length of a pace varies with different persons

Pace factor: Average no. of steps


• · Poles : constructed of wood or metal, length of one rod
(16.5 ft)
• · Gunter's Chain : 66 ft 100 links, 1 link = 0.66 ft = 7.92 in
• · Engineer's Chain : 100 ft 100 links, 1 link = 1 ft
• · Wires : metal coils with tabs for measuring distances
Current taping equipment
• Surveyor's and Engineer's Steel Tapes
Standard lengths 100, 200, 300, and 500 ft 30, 60,
100, and 150 m
• Other Tapes
– Builder's Tapes -- common construction tape
measures, usually marked in feet and inches Cloth
Tapes, Fiberglass Tapes, steel tapes, Invar Tapes
(made of 35% nickel/65% steel and do not expand
as much as steel with heat), Lovar
– Special-Purpose Tapes

Steel tape

Wheel tape
If taping is done on fairly smooth and level ground
- The tape can be held on the ground.
- The taping party consists of the head tapeperson and the rear
- The head tapeperson leaves one taping pin with the rear
tapeperson for counting purposes and perhaps to mark the
starting point.
- The head tapeperson takes the zero end o f the tape and
walks down the line toward the other end.

If taping is done on sloping ground

For sloping ground or uneven ground, taping is handled in a
similar manner to taping over level ground. The tape is he1d
horizontally but one or both chainpersons have to use plumb
Taping Correction: due to
•Incorrect Tape Length
•Pull (Tension)
Due to Incorrect Tape Length

 A systematic error occurs when incorrect length of a

tape is used.
 The true length of a tape can be obtained by comparing it
with a standard tape or distance.
 An error caused by incorrect length of a tape occurs each
time the tape is used.
Corr = TL –NL

CL = ML + C1

TL = actual length of tape

Cl = total correction to be applied to the
measured length or length to be laid out
CL = corrected length of the line to be measured
or laid out
ML = measured length or length to be laid out
NL = nominal length of tape
When measuring,
•If the tape is long, add the correction.
•If the tape is short, subtract the correction.

Measured Distance from A to B is 100m
AB is measured using 2 tape lengths
But, the tape length is actually 50.02m (Tape is too long)
So AB is actually: 2(50.02) = 100.04m
Must add a correction of 2(0.02) = 0.04m

Measured Distance from A to B is 100m

AB is measured using 2 tape lengths
But, the tape length is actually 49.98m (Tape is too short)
So AB is actually: 2(49.98) = 99.96m
Must subtract a correction of 2(0.02) = 0.04m
A measurement of 171.278 m was recorded with a 30-m tape
that was only 29.996 m long under standard conditions. What
is the corrected measurement?

Actual Length = Measured Length + CL

= 171.278 - 0.022836 = 171.255 m

• A rectangular lot was measured using a 50-m steel tape which

was found to be 0.025m too short. If the recorded length and
width of the lot are 180.455m and 127.062m, respectively,
determine the following:
a. Actual dimension of the lot.
b. Error in area introduced due to the erroneous length of tape.
Due to slope
Example problem:

• Slope distance AB and BC measures 300.50m and 650.01m,

respectively. The differences in elevation are 15.00m for point A
and B, and 20.05m for point B and C. using the approximate slope
correction formula for gentle slopes, determine the horizontal
length of line ABC. Assume that line AB has a rising slope and BC a
falling slope.
Due to temperature

Ct=kL(T2-T1) For steel: k = 0.0000116/°C

Standard Temperature = 20 °C
A temperature higher or lower than the standard temperature
causes a change in length
• If T2 > T1, +Ct (too long); Otherwise, - Ct

K = coefficient of linear expansion or the amount of change

on length per unit length per degree change in T
L = length of the tape or length of line measured
T2 = observed temperature of the tape at the time of
T1 = temperature at which the tape was standardized
You must lay out two points that are exactly 100.000 m apart.
Field conditions indicate that standard conditions apply except
the measured temperature is 27oC. Determine the distance to
b e laid out.

CT = 11.6x10-6 /oC (27-20 oC) 100.000 m = +0.008 m

The corrected length if 100.000m was taped would be

100.008 m.
As a result, the correct layout tape distance should be
Example problem:

• A steel tape with a coefficient of linear expansion of

0.0000116/°C is known to be 50m long at 20°C. The tape was
used to measure a line which was found to be 656.29m long
when the temperature was 40°C. Determine the following:
a.Temperature correction per tape length
b.Temperature correction for the measured line
c.Correct length of the line
Due to pull and tension
when the tape is pulled at a tension which differs from
the standard tension used at standardization
Example problem:

• A heavy 50-m tape having a cross-sectional area of 0.05cm2

has been standardized at a tension of 6.0kg. If E=2.10x106
kg/cm2, determine the elongation of the tape if a pull of 15kg
is applied.
Due to sag
• A steel tape not supported along its entire length sags in the
form of a catenary curve
• Because of sag the horizontal distance is less than the
graduated distance between tape ends
• Sag can be reduced by applying great tension, but not
eliminated unless the tape is supported throughout

Example problem:
A 50-m steel tape weighing 0.035kg/m is constantly supported
at mid-length and its end points, and is used to measure a line
AB with a steady pull of 6.5kg. If the measured length of AB is
1200.00m, determine the following:
a.Correction due to sag between supports and for the whole
tape length
b.Total sag correction for the whole length measured
c.Correct length of line AB
• These devices send out a beam of light or high-
frequency microwaves from one end of a line to be
measured, and directs it toward the far end of the
• A reflector or transmitter-receiver at the far end
reflects the light of microwave back to the
instrument where they are analyzed electronically to
give the distance between the two points.
• EDM is designed to make a measurement of
distances of up to tens of kilometers. There are two
categories of inaccuracy with EDM:
a) per measurement (usually ±1 mm to ±5 mm per
measurement) and
b) per distance (usually ±1 to ±5 parts per million).
• Using EDM for short distances is not appropriate,
not accurate, because the error is mostly fixed per
Based on the optical geometry of the instruments
employed; indirect method of measurement
1.Stadia Method
• Refinement with which the instrument was
• Skill of observer
• Length of measurement
• Effects of refraction
D = Ks +C

D = horizontal distance
K = stadia interval factor of the instrument
s = difference between the upper and lower stadia
hair reading
C = stadia constant

u = upper stadia hair

(ba = benang atas)
m = middle stadia hair
(bt = benang tengah)
l = lower stadia hair
(bb = benang bawah)
Maka didapat rumus jarak optis pada teropong mendatar/ garis bidik mendatar :

On sloped ground

DAB = TM cos a
DAB = (A. S’ + B) cos a
S’ = S cos a

DAB =A. S cos2 a + B cos a

B approx = 0

DAB =A. S cos2 a


• Data bacaan
bt = 1000; ba = 1527; bb = 0473; sudut zenith Z = 88°30'25"
• Hitung jarak AB
a = 90° — 88° 3025” = 1°29'35“
D = A.S.Cos2 a = 100(1527-0473)cos2 1° 29'35" = 105.328 m

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