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Part 1/6 AWWT

ECV 4406
Part 1

Introduction to Advanced
Wastewater Treatment

Lectures 1-2/UPM/CE ECV 4402: Advanced Wastewater Engineering 1/50

Part 1/6 AWWT

But first! Introduction on Water

Quality Parameters and Pollution.

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Part 1/6 AWWT



Suspended Taste and

Turbidity Color Temperature
solids odor

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Part 1/6 AWWT


Natural contaminants resulting from the erosive
action of water flowing over surfaces
Result from human use of water – domestic
Contain inorganic (clay, silt) or organic (plant fibers,
bacteria) particles, immiscible liquids (oil and grease)
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Aesthetically displeasing
Provide adsorption site for chemical and
biological agents
May be degraded biologically or may include
diseases-causing organisms
Filtering the water, drying the residue and
filter to a constant weight at 104oC and lastly
determine the mass of the residue retained on
the filter
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• Term used in laboratory analysis to represent
the SS and DS
• Filterable residue closely related to DS while
nonfilterable residue more closely to SS
 Measure the quality of wastewater influent
 Monitor several treatment processes
 Measure the quality of the effluent

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TDS Alkalinity Metals Nutrients

Hardness Organics

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1. TDS
• Materials remaining in water after SS removal
• Organic sources – decayed product of
vegetation, organic chemical
• Inorganic sources – minerals, metals, gases
• Produce undesirable substances in water
(color, taste, odor, toxicity problem)
• Some are essential: distilled water taste flat,
readily dissolved added to pure water to reduce
its tendency to dissolve pipes and plumbing
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Part 1/6 AWWT
Flow BOD Load
State No. of STP Total PE
(m3/day) (kg/day)

Selangor 2,563 5,908,450 1,329,401 332,350.31

Perak 1,343 1,300,430 292,597 73,149.19
Johor 1010 1,198,417 269,644 67,410.96
Negeri Sembilan 928 931,458 209,578 52,394.51
Kedah 755 556,637 125,243 31,310.83
Melaka 725 570,192 128,293 32,073.30
Pulau Pinang 650 2,149,001 483,525 120,881.31
Pahang 486 314,830 70,837 17,709.19
WP Kuala Lumpur 299 2,571,877 578,672 144,668.08
Terengganu 224 75,184 16,916 4,229.10
Perlis 36 16,156 3,635 908.78
WP Labuan 32 39,265 8,835 2,208.66
WP Putrajaya 9 72,833 16,387 4,096.86
Total 9,060 15,704,730 3,533,563 883,391.08
Lectures 1-2/UPM/CE ECV 4402: Advanced Wastewater Engineering
STP = Sewage Treatment Plant; PE = Population Equivalent
Part 1/6 AWWT

Types of Water Pollution

• Water pollution
– Any physical or chemical change in water that
adversely affects the health of humans and other
– Varies in magnitude by location
• Major water pollution issue globally
– Lack of disease-free water
• Eight categories
– Sewage, disease-causing agents, sediment
pollution, inorganic plant and algal nutrients,
organic compounds, inorganic chemicals,
radioactive substances, and thermal pollution
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• The release of wastewater from drains or sewers
– Includes human wastes, soaps, and detergents
• Causes 2 serious environmental problems:
– Enrichment
• Fertilization of a body of water by high levels of plant
and algal nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus)
– Increase in Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
• Amount of oxygen needed by microorganisms to
decompose biological wastes
• As BOD increases Dissolve Oxygen (DO) decreases

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Part 1/6 AWWT


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Part 1/6 AWWT

Sewage- Eutrophication
• Oligotrophic
– Unenriched, clear water that supports small
populations of aquatic organisms

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Part 1/6 AWWT

Sewage- Eutrophication
• Eutrophic-
– Slow-flowing stream, lake or estuary enriched by inorganic
plant and algal nutrients such as phosphorus
– Often due to fertilizer or sewage runoff

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Disease-causing Agents
• Monitored by testing for presence of E. coli
in the water via a fecal coliform test
– Indicates the presence of pathogenic organisms

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Part 1/6 AWWT

Thermal Pollution
• Occurs when heated
water produced during
industrial processes is
released into waterways
• Organisms affected
– Temperature affects
reproductive cycles,
digestion rates, and
respiration rates
– Warm water holds less
DO than cold water
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Water Quality Today

• Two Types of Water Pollution
• -Point Source Pollution
– water pollution that can be traced to a specific
– Discharge via pipes, sewage, and ditches
• -Non-point Source Pollution
– Pollutants that enter bodies of water over large
areas rather than being concentrated at a single
point of entry
– Diffuse, but its cumulative effect is very large
– Ex: runoff from agricultural fields or parking lots
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Water Pollution from Agriculture

• Agriculture is leading source of water
– Animal wastes and plants residues have high
– Chemical pesticides can leach into groundwater
• Almost all streams and rivers are polluted
with agricultural pesticides

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Municipal Water Pollution

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Part 1/6 AWWT

Industrial Wastes in Water

• Different industries generate different
– Food processing plants- high BOD
– Paper mills- High BOD and toxic compounds
• Many industries recover toxins before they
go into the waste stream

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Groundwater Pollution

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Municipal Sewage Treatment

• Primary treatment
– Removing suspended and floating particles by mechanical
• Secondary treatment
– Treating wastewater biologically to decompose suspended
organic material; reduces BOD

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Municipal Sewage Treatment

• Sewage Sludge
– Solids remaining after primary and secondary
sewage treatment has been completed
• Tertiary treatment
– Advanced wastewater treatment methods that
are sometimes employed after primary and
secondary treatments
– Reduce phosphorus and nitrogen

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Municipal Sewage Treatment

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Part 1/6 AWWT

Individual Septic System-

Septic Tank

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The Need for advanced wastewater

• ‘Additional treatment needed to remove suspended
and dissolved substances remaining after
conventional secondary treatment.’
-Metcalf & Eddy

• Substances: - 1) organic matter; 2) suspended solids;

3) inorganic ions
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