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Propositional Logic

CS 1050
(Rosen Section 1.1, 1.2)
Lecture 2

Definition 5. Implication pq
Let p and q be propositions.
Table 5. The Truth Table for
The implication pq is the the Implication of pq.
proposition that is false when
p is true and q is false, and
p q pq
true otherwise. In this
implication p is called the T T T
hypothesis (or antecedent or T F F
premise) and q is called the F T T
conclusion (or F F T
Conditional sentence
• "If you earn an A in Math, then I'll buy you a
This statement is made up of two simpler statements:
p: "You earn an A in Math," and
q: "I will buy you a computer."
if p is true, then q is true, or, more simply, if p, then q.


Determine the truth value of each of the following

conditional statements:
1. “If 1 = 1, then 3 = 3.” TRUE
2. “If 1 = 1, then 2 = 3.” FALSE
3. “If 1 = 0, then 3 = 3.” TRUE
4. “If 1 = 2, then 2 = 3.” TRUE
5. “If 1 = 1, then 1 = 2 and 2 = 3.” FALSE
6. “If 1 = 3 or 1 = 2 then 3 = 3.” TRUE


The implication p  q could be expressed in many

alternative ways as:
•“if p then q” •“not p unless q”
•“p implies q” •“q follows from p”
•“q is necessary for p” •“q if p”
•“p only if q” •“q whenever p”
•“p is sufficient for q” •“if p, q”
•“A sufficient condition for q is p” •“q when p”
•“a necessary condition for p is q”

Q: Write each of these statements in the form "if p, then q“ in English.
[Hint: Refer to the list of common ways to express conditional
statements provided in this section.]
a) Winds from the south imply a spring thaw. (“p implies q”)
If winds come from the south, then a spring thaw
c) A sufficient condition for the warranty to be good is that you bought the
computer less than a year ago. (“a sufficient condition for q is p”)
If you bought the computer less than a year ago, then the warrant is good.
d) Willy gets caught whenever he cheats. (“q whenever p”)
If willy cheats, then he gets caught.
e) You can access the website only if you pay a subscription fee. (“p only
if q”)
If you pay the subscription, then you can access the website.
t) Getting elected follows from knowing the right people.(“q follows from p”)
If you know the right people, then you get elected.
g) Carol gets seasick whenever she is on a boat.(q whenever p)
If Carol is on a boat, then she gets seasick.

Let p, q, and r be the propositions:
p = “you have the flu”
q = “you miss the final exam”
r = “you pass the course”
Express the following propositions as an English sentence.
1. p  q
If you have flu, then you will miss the final exam.
2.~q  r
If you don’t miss the final exam, you will pass the course.
3.~p  ~q r
If you neither have flu nor miss the final exam, then you will pass
the course.

Related Implications
of p  q
is the proposition
q  p


If today is Friday, then 2 + 3 = 5.

If today is not Friday, then 2 + 3  5.
2. If it snows today, I will ski tomorrow.
If it does not snow today I will not ski tomorrow.
3. If P is a square, then P is a rectangle.
If P is not a square then P is not a rectangle.
4. If my car is in the repair shop, then I cannot get to class.
If my car is not in the repair shop, then I shall get to the class


1.If today is Friday, then 2 + 3 = 5.

If 2 + 3 = 5, then today is Friday.
2.If it snows today, I will ski tomorrow.
I will ski tomorrow only if it snows today.
3. If P is a square, then P is a rectangle.
If P is a rectangle then P is a square.
4. If my car is in the repair shop, then I cannot get to class.
If I cannot get to the class, then my car is in the repair shop.


1. If today is Friday, then 2 + 3 = 5.

If 2 + 3  5, then today is not Friday.
2. If it snows today, I will ski tomorrow.
I will not ski tomorrow only if it does not snow today.
3. If P is a square, then P is a rectangle.
If P is not a rectangle then P is not a square.
4. If my car is in the repair shop, then I cannot get to class.
If I get to the class, then my car is not in the repair shop.

Construct a truth table for the statement
form p  ~ q  ~ p

Construct a truth table for the statement form
(p q)(~ p  r)

Thus the negation of “if p then q” is logically equivalent to “p and
not q”.
Write negations of each of the following statements:
1. If Ali lives in Pakistan then he lives in Lahore.
Ali lives in Pakistan and he does not live in Lahore
2. If my car is in the repair shop, then I cannot get to class.
My car is in the repair shop and I can get to class.
3. If x is prime then x is odd or x is 2.
x is prime but x is not odd and x is not 2.
4. If n is divisible by 6, then n is divisible by 2 and n is divisible by
n is divisible by 6 but n is not divisible by 2 or by 3.

Definition 6. Biconditional
Let p and q be
Table 6. The Truth Table for propositions. The
the biconditional pq.
biconditional pq is the
proposition that is same
p q pq
truth values and is false
T T T otherwise. “p if and only
T F F if q, p is necessary true
F T F when p and q have the
F F T and sufficient for q”
True or false?
1. “1+1 = 3 if and only if earth is flat”
2. “Sky is blue iff 1 = 0”
3. “Milk is white iff birds lay eggs”
4. “33 is divisible by 4 if and only if horse has four legs”
5. “x > 5 iff x2 > 25”

pq  (pq)(qp)

Q.Rephrase the following propositions in the form “p if and
only if q” in English.
1. If it is hot outside you buy an ice cream cone, and if you buy an ice
cream cone it is hot outside.
Sol You buy an ice cream cone if and only if it is hot outside.
2. For you to win the contest it is necessary and sufficient that you
have the only winning ticket.
Sol You win the contest if and only if you hold the only winning ticket.
3. If you read the news paper every day, you will be informed and
Sol You will be informed if and only if you read the news paper every day.
4.It rains if it is a weekend day, and it is a weekend day if it rains.
Sol It rains if and only if it is a weekend day.
5. The train runs late on exactly those days when I take it.
Sol The train runs late if and only if it is a day I take the train.
6. This number is divisible by 6 precisely when it is divisible by both
2 and 3.
Sol This number is divisible by 6 if and only if it is divisible by both 2 and 3

p: You learn the simple things well.
q: The difficult things become easy.
• You do not learn the • The difficult things
simple things well. p become easy but you
• If you learn the simple did not learn the simple
things well then the things well. q  p
difficult things become • You learn the simple
easy. pq things well but the
• If you do not learn the difficult things did not
simple things well, then become easy.
the difficult things will p  q
not become easy.
p  q

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