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• Ahmad Arif Eka P. (02)
Definition of Hortatory Exposition:

Hortatory Exposition is a type of English text that belongs to the

class of Argumentation.Hortatory Exposition is a type of English text
that influences the reader to do something or act in a certain way. In
Hortatory Exposition, there are some opinions about certain things to
reinforce the main ideas of the text.
The Purpose of Hortatory

The Purpose Hortatory

exposition is to presenting and
influencing the readers that should
be so, and should not be.
Generic Structure of Hortatory
1. Thesis
The contain of thesis is introduction to the main idea of a
effect or event that will be raised or discussed.
2. Arguments
The contain of argument is the opinions of the writer that
support the main idea. The more opinions the authors write, the
more attractive a Hortatory Exposition Text, because readers tend
to believe in an event if there are many opinions that support in
3. Recommendation
Recommendation contains a recommendation or solicitation
writer to the reader.
Language Structure of Hortatory Exposition

Ø The use Simple present

Tense ( is, am, are, and Verb 1 )

Ø The use temporal connectives

Ex: firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc

Ø The use evaluative words

Ex : importantly, valuably, trustworthly, etc
Sample Hortatory Exposition
Do you know what the meaning of Argument 1
corruption is? What is the relation The survey has made me sad,
between money and corruption? Well, actually, because I stay and earn a living
corruption is common everywhere in the here in the capital. As most people know,
world, even in the United States. It’s just Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a
a matter of intensity. However, it is quite new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want
shocking when one reliable survey claims to minimize their tax payments tend to
Jakarta as the most corrupt place in do such a thing more often. They even
Indonesia. bribe the officials.

I believe we should start at the
earliest stages in school and I think
everyone should be involved in the effort
to eradicate corruption. We must not
make any distinction.
O.K. it’s all of our explanation and I hope it
can persuade you that something should or
should not be the case

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