Dasar Ilmu Tanah Proses Pedogenesis

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Banyak proses yang terlibat dalam PROSES PERUBAHAN

bahan induk menjadi horison tanah. Kombinasi yang
tepat dari proses-proses ini dan reaksi-reaksinya masih
belum sepenuhnya diketahui.

Jika kombinasi proses perubahan ini didominasi oleh

proses tertentu, biasanya diberikan nama; misalnya
Laterization, Podzolization dna lainnya.

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The pedogenic processes can be grouped into four.

These are:

– Penambahan atau Gains

– Kehilangan atau Pengambilan
– Translokasi atau Transfer atau Pengangkutan
– TransformaSI – Perubahan bentuk.

Each major pedogenic process is made up of a number

of processes acting singly or in combination

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Proses Penambahan atau Gain
• Enrichment – Peng-kaya-an
– General term for addition of material to a soil body. e.g., adjoining
pedons as in depressions.
• Cummulization - Akumulasi
– Aeolian and hydrologic additions of mineral particles to the surface of
a soil. The effects are more pronounced in depressions.
• Littering – Penumpukan seresah
– The accumulation of vegetable and associated faunal debris (litter)
including humus on the mineral soil surface to a depth of less than
• Melanization - Melanisasi
– The darkening of light-colored mineral materials which are initially
unconsolidated by admixture of organic matter. Melanization involves
some translocation.

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• Erosion - EROSI
– surficial removal of material from the surface layer
of a soil This is effected by raindrop splash, runoff
waters, wind, creep, and other mass wasting
– General term for washing out or eluviating soluble
material from the solum.

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Translokasi atau Transfer

• Eluviation – Eluviasi - Ke luar

– Movement of material out of a portion of a soil profile as in an albic
• Illuviation – Iluviasi - Masuk
– Movement of material into a portion of soil profile as in argillic or spodic
• Lessivage
– Washing in suspension of fine clay and lesser amounts of coarse clay and
fine silt down cracks and other voids in a soil body; leading to the
depletion of clay in the A horizon and enrichment of clay in the B horizon.
• Pedoturbation - Pedoturbasi
– Biologic, physical (freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles) churning and cycling of
soil materials thereby homogenizing the solum in varying degrees

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• Calcification
– Processes including the accumulation of calcium carbonate in a Ck and
possibly other horizons of a soil.
• Deca1cification
– Reactions that remove calcium carbonate from one or more soil
• Salinization
– The accumulation of soluble salts such as sulfates and chlorides of
calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in salty (salic) 'horizons.
• Desalinization
– The removal of soluble salts from salic horizons.
• Alkalization (solonization)
– The accumulation of sodium ions on the exchange sites in a soil.
• Dealkalization (solodization)
– The leaching of sodium ions and salts from sodium-rich (natric)

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• Leucinization
– The paling of soil horizons by disappearance of dark organic materials either
through transformation to light- colored ones or through removal from the
• Braunification, Rubification and Ferrugination-
– Release of iron from primary minerals and the dispersion of particles of iron oxide
in increasing amounts; the progressive oxidation or hydration, giving the soil mass
brownish, reddish-brown and red colors, respectively. (Also transformation).
• Gleization
– The reduction of iron under anaerobic water-logged soil conditions, with the
production of bluish to greenish-gray matrix colors, with or without yellowish-
brown, brown and black mottles and ferric and manganiferous concretions. (Also
• Podzolization (silication)
– The chemical migration of aluminum and iron and/or organic matter, resulting in
the concentration of silica (i.e. silication) in the layer eluviated. (Also
• Laterization (desilication, ferrugination, ferritization, allitization)
– The chemical migration of silica out of the soil solum and thus the concentration of
sesquioxides in the solum (goethite, gibbsite, etc.)

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• Dekomposisi
– The breakdown of mineral and organic materials
• Mineralisasi
– The release of oxide solids during decomposition of organic. It
concerns the biochemical breakdown of dead plant tissues by
soil micro-organisms to produce simple-structured soluble
organic substances, purely mineral compounds like nitrates, and
metal cations and gases (mostly carbon dioxide)
• Humifikasi
– Transformation of raw organic material into humus. In this the
simple structured soluble organic substances are grouped into
lager molecules by polymerization They then become poorly
soluble and are stabilized to form a major component of humus
• Sintesis
– The formation of new particles of mineral and organic species.

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• Paludization
– The accumulation of deep (> 30cm) layers of
organic matter- as in mucks and peats.
• Ripening
– This refers to the chemical, biological, and
physical changes in organic soil after air
penetrates the organic deposits, making it
possible for microbial activity to flourish.

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Berlangsungnya Proses-proses
• Each of the major pedogenic processes may affect many
compounds and components which make up the soil.
• For example, there may be additions, losses, transfers and
transformations of organic matter, soluble salts, carbonates,
• Organic matter may be added to the soil by littering; it may be
transformed by decomposition; it may be translocated by
podzolization and it may be lost by erosion.
• These processes can all be going on singly or in combination with
other processes to give rise to the soil profile.
• However, not all of the processes will necessarily promote horizon
• Some of the processes may actually retard or offset
differentiation e.g. pedoturbation.

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