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One-to-one Influence of Counseling on

Knowledge of Pregnant Women About

Anemia In Semarang

Nama Kelompok :
1. Maulida Isnainia (201701134)
2. Dewi Arifah (201701135)
3. Rosita Fenilasari (201701144)
4. Sri Agustin H. (201701165)
5. Deddy Habib R. (201701167)
• Promotive : Promosi atau upaya • Interfering : Mengganggu
peningkatan kesehatan
• Meanwhile : Sementara itu
• Preventive : Pencegahan
• Homogeneity : Kehomogenan
• Post Intervention : Pasca
• Concluded : Disimpulkan
• Expected : Diharapkan
• Occupation : Penduduk
• Providers : Penyedia layanan
• Income : Pendapatan
• Immediately : Segera
• Counfonding Variabel : Variabel perancu
• Increase : Meningkat
• Determine : Menentukan
• Measures : Tindakan
• Difference : Berbeda
• Disorders : Gangguan
One-to-one Influence of Counseling on Knowledge
of Pregnant Women About Anemia In Semarang

A. Research Background
Anemic incidence in Semarang continues to increase from year to year. Promotive and
preventive activities through anemia counseling are very important to increase the
knowledge of pregnant women to reduce the incidence of anemia

B. Research Purpose
To determine the difference between pre-participants and post-intervention knowledge
about anemia and to determine the correlation between age, education, occupation,
income, history of anemia (confounding variables) with knowledge of post-intervention
C. Research
• This study used a quasi experimental design without a control group to determine the
difference between pre pregnant women and post intervention knowledge about
anemia from one-to-one counseling using pamphlets about anemia
• One-to-one research and face-to-face counseling between counselors and participants
• Data Analysis
The Wilcoxon test was used to analyzed the differences between pre-participant and
post-intervention knowlwdge about anemia. Disorders (age, education, occupation,
income, and histoty of anemia) were analyzed in bivariate with post intervention
knowledge to find correlations between these variables. Each participant’s knowledge
interfering variable did not correlate.
D. Result and Discussion
• The Wilcoxon test results showed a value of p = 0,000 (p <0.05) which means that
there was a significant difference between the pre and post-intervention knowledge of
participants about anemia as an effect of one-to-one counseling on anemia using
• The role of the pamphlet is very important because the instrument is used to help
participants absorb information. By using verbal and non verbal communication
• Meanwhile, the results of the bivariate analysis between each participant's knowledge
interfering variables did not correlate
• Interfering variables have very low correlation strength, the results of the biserial
correlation test between work and history of anemia categorized into nominal scale of
knowledge after participant intervention did not correlate as well. This is due to the
homogeneity of the characteristics of the participants
E. Conclusion
• Based on the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that the pre-
intervention knowledge score was 10 (5-21), while the post-intervention score was 24
(9-33) (p <0.05). There is a difference between the pre and post-intervention
knowledge of participants so that the one-to-one effect of pregnant women's
counseling is knowledge about anemia in Semarang
• Meanwhile, there was no significant correlation between confounding variables and
post-intervention knowledge
• Health Care Providers are expected to immediately apply one-to-one counseling
using pamphlets for every single pregnant woman (with or without anemia) who
regularly comes to ANC in every health service throughout Indonesia to increase
knowledge of pregnant women about anemia and apply anemia prevention measures
in pregnant women.
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