Chapter 1

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Group 1
Background of the study

■ A brief statement of the origin of the

■ Deductive vs Inductive
■ Inductive- moves from specific to general
■ Deductive- moves from general to specific
Significance of the Study

■ Significance of the study and its result

■ Covers an expression to the relevance to
fill certain needs
Objectives of the study

• A research objectives is clear, concise,

declarative statement which provides
direction to investigate the variables.

• Generally research objective focus on

the ways to measure the variables, such
as to identify or describe them.
Objectives of the study

• Sometimes objectives are directed

towards identifying the relationship or
difference between two variable

• Research objective should be closely

related to the statement of the problem

• The objectives to research project

summarize what is to be achieve by the
Characteristic of research objectives

• Research objectives is a concrete

statement describing what the research
is trying to achieve. A well worded
objective will be SMART.

S- specific
M- measurable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – time-bound
Types of research objectives

1. General Objectives
• Are broad goal to achieve
• General objectives are usually less in
• The general objectives of the study state
what the researcher expects to achieve by
the study in general term.
Types of research objectives
2. Specific Objectives
• Short term and narrow in focus

• General objectives can broken into small

logical connected parts to form specific

• The specific objectives are more in numbers

and they systematically address various
aspect of problem as defined under the
statement of the problem and key factor that
is assumed to influence or causes the
Statement of the Problem

■ The main problem that the research aims to

■ The definition of the problem is the main
step in writing the research paper
■ Must done precisely, accurately, and
■ The problem can be expressed in question
or declarative form
■ It follows the formulation of title and
should be coherent to it
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

■ Identifies the reasonable area to be covered

in the study
■ Must indicate the specific subject, number,
and the treatment involved in the study
■ Scope and delimitation
■ Scope and limitation
Definition of terms

■ Operational
-It define an object, event, variable,
concept, or construct in terms of the
specific processes, tests, and measurements
used to determine its presence or
-It form the basis for the research
questions, hypotheses, and the
theories associated with the research.
Definition of terms

■ Theoretical
-Basic dictionary definitions
called constitutive or conceptual definition
-It gives meaning to the concept or
construct under investigation
-It assumes both knowledge and
acceptance of the theories it
depends upon

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